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# Expressions
Ash expressions are used in various places like calculations, filters, and policies, and are meant to be portable representations of elixir expressions. You can create an expression using the `Ash.Query.expr/1` macro, like so:
Ash.Query.expr(1 + 2)
Ash.Query.expr(x + y)
Ash.Query.expr(post.title <> " | " <> post.subtitle)
Ash expressions have some interesting properties in their evaluation, primarily because they are made to be portable, i.e executable in some data layer (like SQL) or executable in Elixir. In general, these expressions will behave the same way they do in Elixir. The primary difference is how `nil` values work. They behave the way that `NULL` values behave in SQL. This is primarily because this pattern is easier to replicate to various popular data layers, and is generally safer when using expressions for things like authentication. The practical implications of this are that `nil` values will "poison" many expressions, and cause them to return `nil`. For example, `x + nil` would always evaluate to `nil`.
## Operators
The following operators are available and they behave the same as they do in Elixir, except for the `nil` addendum above.
- `==`
- `!=`
- `>`
- `>=`
- `<`
- `<=`
- `in`
- `*`
- `-`
- `/`
- `<>`
- `||`
- `&&`
- `is_nil` | Custom, accepts a boolean on the right side i.e `x is_nil true` or `x is_nil false`.
## Functions
The following functions are built in. Data Layers can add their own functions to expressions. For example, `AshPostgres` adds a `fragment` function that allows you to provide SQL directly.
The following functions are built in:
- `if` | Works like elixir's `if`.
- `is_nil/1` | Works like elixir's `is_nil`
- `get_path/2` | i.e `get_path(value, ["foo", "bar"])`. This is what expressions like `value[:foo]["bar"]` are turned into under the hood.
- `ago/2` | i.e `deleted_at > ago(7, :day)`. The available time intervals are documented in {{link:ash:module:Ash.Type.DurationName}}
- `contains/2` | if one string contains another string, i.e `contains("fred", "red")`
- `length/1` | the length of a list, i.e. `length([:foo, :bar])`
- `exists/2` | `exists(, name == "fred")` takes an expression scoped to the destination resource, and checks if any related entry matches. See the section on `exists` below.
- `path.exists/2` | Same as `exists` but the source of the relationship is itself a nested relationship. See the section on `exists` below.
- `type/2` | Cast a given value to a specific type, i.e `type(^arg(:id), :uuid)` or `type(integer_field, :string)`
- `now/0` | Evaluates to the current time when the expression is evaluated
## Primitives
- `cond` - `cond` is transformed to a series of `if` expressions under the hood
- `item[:key] or item["key"]` - accesses keys in a map. In both cases, it prefers a matching atom key, falling back to a matching string key. This is to aid with data stores that store embeds as JSON with string keys (like AshPostgres), so that this expression behaves the same in the data layer as it does in Elixir.
## Templates
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Most of the time, when you are using an expression, you will actually be creating a `template`. In this template, you have a few references that can be used, which will be replaced when before the expression is evaluated. The following references are available. The ones that start with `^` must be imported from `Ash.Filter.TemplateHelpers`.
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^actor(:key) # equivalent to `get_in(actor || %{}, [:key])`
^actor([:key1, :key2]) # equivalent to `get_in(actor || %{}, [:key, :key2])`
^arg(:arg_name) # equivalent to `Map.get(arguments, :arg_name)`
^context(:key) # equivalent to `get_in(context, :key)`
^context([:key1, :key2]) # equivalent to `get_in(context, [:key1, :key2])`
ref(:key) # equivalent to referring to `key`. Allows for dynamic references
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ref(:key, [:path]) # equivalent to referring to `path.key`. Allows for dynamic references with dynamic (or static) paths.
## Use cases for expressions
### Filters
The most obvious place we use expressions is when filtering data. For example:
Ash.Query.filter(Ticket, status == :open and opened_at >= ago(10, :day))
These filters will be run in the data layer, i.e in the SQL query.
#### Filter semantics & joins
The semantics of Ash filters are probably slightly different than what you are used to, and they are important to understand. Every filter expression is always talking about a single row, potentially "joined" to single related rows. By referencing relationships, you are implicitly doing a join. For those familiar with SQL terminology, it is equivalent to a left join, although AshPostgres can detect when it is safe to do an inner join (for performance reason). Lets use an example of `posts` and `comments`.
Given a filter like the following:
Ash.Query.filter(Post, comments.points > 10 and == "elixir")
The filter refers to a *single post/comment/tag combination*. So in english, this is "posts where they have a comment with more than 10 points and *that same comment* has a tag with the name `elixir`". What this also means is that filters like the above do not compose nicely when new filters are added. For example:
def has_comment_with_more_points_than(query, score) do
Ash.Query.filter(Post, comments.points > 10)
def has_comment_tagged(query, tag) do
Ash.Query.filter(Post, == ^tag)
|> has_comment_with_more_points_than(query, 10)
|> has_comment_tagged("elixir")
That code *seems* like it ought to produce a filter over `Post` that would give us any post with a comment having more than 10 points, *and* with a comment tagged `elixir`. That is not the same thing as having a *single* comment that meets both those criteria. So how do we make this better?
##### Exists
Lets rewrite the above using exists:
def has_comment_with_more_points_than(query, score) do
Ash.Query.filter(Post, exists(comments, points > 10))
def has_comment_tagged(query, tag) do
Ash.Query.filter(Post, exists( == ^tag)
|> has_comment_with_more_points_than(query, 10)
|> has_comment_tagged("elixir")
Now, they will compose properly! Generally speaking, you should use exists when you are filtering across any relationships that are `to_many` relationships *even if you don't expect your filter to be composed. Currently, the filter syntax does not minimize(combine) these `exists/2` statements, but doing so is not complex and can be added. While unlikely, please lodge an issue if you see any performance issues with `exists`.
##### Exists at path
Sometimes, you want the ability to say that some given row must have an existing related entry matching a filter. For example:
Ash.Query.filter(Post, author.exists(roles, name == :admin) and
While the above is not common, it can be useful in some specific circumstances, and is used under the hood by the policy authorizer when combining the filters of various resources to create a single filter.
## Portability
Ash expressions being portable is more important than it sounds. For example, if you were using AshPostgres and had the following calculation, which is an expression capable of being run in elixir or translated to SQL:
calculate :full_name, :string, expr(first_name <> " " <> last_name)
And you did something like the following:
|> Ash.Query.load(:full_name)
|> Ash.Query.sort(:full_name)
You would see that it ran a SQL query with the `full_name` calculation as SQL. This allows for sorting on that value. However, if you had something like this:
# data can be loaded in the query like above, or on demand later
Accounts.load!(user, :full_name)
you would see that no SQL queries are run. The calculation is run directly in Elixir and the value is set.
### Referencing related values
Related values can be references using dot delimiters, i.e `Ash.Query.filter(user.first_name == "fred")`.
When referencing related values in filters, if the reference is a `has_one` or `belongs_to`, the filter does exactly what it looks like (matches if the related value matches). If it is a `has_many` or a `many_to_many`, it matches if any of the related records match.
### Referencing aggregates and calculations
Aggregates are simple, as all aggregates can be referenced in filter expressions (if you are using a data layer that supports it).
For calculations, only those that define an expression can be referenced in other expressions.
Here are some examples:
# given a `full_name` calculation
Ash.Query.filter(User, full_name == "Hob Goblin")
# given a `full_name` calculation that accepts an argument called `delimiter`
Ash.Query.filter(User, full_name(delimiter: "~") == "Hob~Goblin")