update ash resource doc

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Andrew Callahan 2019-12-05 15:53:20 -05:00
parent 248a5d667d
commit bb48b7aa85

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@ -44,22 +44,26 @@ defmodule Ash.Resource do
@moduledoc """
The entry point for creating an `Ash.Resource`.
A resource is a public, standardized API on top of your data layer(s). A resource defines which CRUD operations are allowed to be performed, which data attributes are exposed, as well as relationships to other resources.
This brings in the top level DSL macros, defines module attributes for aggregating state as
DSL functions are called, and defines a set of functions internal to the resource that can be
used to inspect them.
Resource definitions should be placed in the `lib/resources` directory. The file name should be the single underscored name of the data that backs the resource with a `.ex` extension (ie: `lib/resoruces/post.ex`).
Simply add `use Ash.Resource, ...` at the top of your resource module, and refer to the DSL
Resources are declaritive and can be configured using the DSL described below. Once declared, resources can be consumed anywhere in an application and are designed to be fully compliant with JSON:API and GraphQL web layers by using the AshJsonApi and AshGraphQL packages respectively.
To create a resource simply add `use Ash.Resource, ...` at the top of your resource module, and refer to the DSL
documentation for the rest. The options for `use Ash.Resource` are described below.
defmodule MyApp.Challenge do
use Ash.Resource, type: "challenge", name: "challenges", primary_key: false
use AshPostgres, repo: AshKetchum.Repo
Resource DSL documentation: `Ash.Resource.DSL`
*Do not* call the functions on a resource, as in `MyResource.type()` as this is a *private*
API and can change at any time. Instead, use the `Ash` module, for example: `Ash.type(MyResource)`