This commit is contained in:
Zach Daniel 2019-12-04 10:25:21 -05:00
parent 09e60439a9
commit f6edcbca9a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: A57053A671EE649E
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ defmodule Ash.MixProject do
defp deps do
{:ecto, "~> 3.0"},
{:ets, github: "zachdaniel/ets", ref: "b96da05e75926e340e8a0fdfea9c095d97ed8d50"},
{:ets, "~> 0.7.3"},
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.21", only: :dev, runtime: false}

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"decimal": {:hex, :decimal, "1.8.0", "ca462e0d885f09a1c5a342dbd7c1dcf27ea63548c65a65e67334f4b61803822e", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"earmark": {:hex, :earmark, "1.4.3", "364ca2e9710f6bff494117dbbd53880d84bebb692dafc3a78eb50aa3183f2bfd", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"ecto": {:hex, :ecto, "3.2.5", "76c864b77948a479e18e69cc1d0f0f4ee7cced1148ffe6a093ff91eba644f0b5", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.6", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"ets": {:git, "", "b96da05e75926e340e8a0fdfea9c095d97ed8d50", [ref: "b96da05e75926e340e8a0fdfea9c095d97ed8d50"]},
"ets": {:hex, :ets, "0.7.3", "60862855af5ae89bb631c787ab9ba946509d59fa632442ef33947b18ac288101", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"ex_doc": {:hex, :ex_doc, "0.21.2", "caca5bc28ed7b3bdc0b662f8afe2bee1eedb5c3cf7b322feeeb7c6ebbde089d6", [:mix], [{:earmark, "~> 1.3.3 or ~> 1.4", [hex: :earmark, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_elixir, "~> 0.14", [hex: :makeup_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"jason": {:hex, :jason, "1.1.2", "b03dedea67a99223a2eaf9f1264ce37154564de899fd3d8b9a21b1a6fd64afe7", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"makeup": {:hex, :makeup, "1.0.0", "671df94cf5a594b739ce03b0d0316aa64312cee2574b6a44becb83cd90fb05dc", [:mix], [{:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.5.0", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},