defmodule Ash.Test.Reactor.NotificationsTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true use Mimic import ExUnit.CaptureLog alias Ash.Reactor.Notifications describe "init/1" do test "it starts an agent" do {:ok, context} = Notifications.init(%{}) assert [] == agent_get(context.__ash_notification_agent__) end test "when there are already notifications in the context it stores them in the agent" do notifications = build_notifications() {:ok, context} = Notifications.init(%{__unpublished_ash_notifications__: notifications}) enqueued = agent_get(context.__ash_notification_agent__) assert enqueued == notifications end test "when there are already notifications in the context it removes them" do notifications = build_notifications() {:ok, context} = Notifications.init(%{__unpublished_ash_notifications__: notifications}) refute is_map_key(context, :__unpublished_ash_notifications__) end end describe "halt/1" do setup do {:ok, context} = Notifications.init(%{}) {:ok, context: context} end test "it stops the agent", %{context: context} do agent = context.__ash_notification_agent__ {:ok, context} = Notifications.halt(context) refute is_map_key(context, :__ash_notification_agent__) refute Process.alive?(agent) end test "it moves any queued notifications into the context", %{context: context} do notifications = build_notifications() :ok = Notifications.enqueue_notifications(context, notifications) {:ok, context} = Notifications.halt(context) assert context.__unpublished_ash_notifications__ == notifications end end describe "complete/2" do setup do {:ok, context} = Notifications.init(%{}) {:ok, context: context} end test "it publishes any queued notifications", %{context: context} do notifications = build_notifications() :ok = Notifications.enqueue_notifications(context, notifications) expect(Notifications, :publish, fn actual -> assert actual == notifications [] end) assert {:ok, :result} = Notifications.complete(:result, context) end test "it logs a warning when there are unpublished notifications", %{context: context} do notifications = build_notifications() :ok = Notifications.enqueue_notifications(context, notifications) expect(Notifications, :publish, & &1) assert capture_log(fn -> assert {:ok, :result} = Notifications.complete(:result, context) end) =~ "Missed 3 notifications" end test "it stops the agent", %{context: context} do agent = context.__ash_notification_agent__ {:ok, :result} = Notifications.complete(:result, context) refute Process.alive?(agent) end end describe "error/2" do setup do {:ok, context} = Notifications.init(%{}) {:ok, context: context} end test "it stops the agent", %{context: context} do agent = context.__ash_notification_agent__ :ok = Notifications.error([:errors], context) refute Process.alive?(agent) end end defp build_notifications(how_many \\ 3) do for i <- 1..how_many do, data: %{count: i}) end end defp agent_get(agent), do: Agent.get(agent, & &1) end