# Validations Validations are similar to [changes](/documentation/topics/resources/changes.md), except they cannot modify the changeset. They can only continue, or add an error. ## Builtin Validations There are a number of builtin validations that can be used, and are automatically imported into your resources. See `Ash.Resource.Validation.Builtins` for more. Some examples of usage of builtin validations ```elixir validate match(:email, ~r/@/) validate compare(:age, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18) do message "must be over 18 to sign up" end validate present(:last_name) do where [present(:first_name), present(:middle_name)] message "must also be supplied if setting first name and middle_name" end ``` ## Custom Validations ```elixir defmodule MyApp.Validations.IsPrime do # transform and validate opts use Ash.Resource.Validation @impl true def init(opts) do if is_atom(opts[:attribute]) do {:ok, opts} else {:error, "attribute must be an atom!"} end end @impl true def validate(changeset, opts, _context) do value = Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, opts[:attribute]) # this is a function I made up for example if is_nil(value) || Math.is_prime?(value) do :ok else # The returned error will be passed into `Ash.Error.to_ash_error/3` {:error, field: opts[:attribute], message: "must be prime"} end end end ``` This could then be used in a resource via: ```elixir validate {MyApp.Validations.IsPrime, attribute: :foo} ``` ## Anonymous Function Validations You can also use anonymous functions for validations. Keep in mind, these cannot be made atomic. This is great for prototyping, but we generally recommend using a module, both for organizational purposes, and to allow adding atomic behavior. ```elixir validate fn changeset, _context -> # put your code here end ``` ## Where The `where` can be used to perform validations conditionally. This functions by running the validation, and if the validation returns an error, we discard the error and skip the operation. This means that even custom validations can be used in conditions. For example: ```elixir validate present(:other_number) do where [{MyApp.Validations.IsPrime, attribute: :foo}] end ``` ## Action vs Global Validations You can place a validation in any create, update, or destroy action. For example: ```elixir actions do create :create do validate compare(:age, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18) end end ``` Or you can use the global validations block to validate on all actions of a given type. Where statements can be used in either. Note the warning about running on destroy actions below. ```elixir validations do validate present([:foo, :bar], at_least: 1) do on [:create, :update] where present(:baz) end end ``` The validations section allows you to add validations across multiple actions of a changeset > ### Running on destroy actions {: .warning} > > By default, validations in the global `validations` block will run on create and update only. Many validations don't make sense in the context of destroys. To make them run on destroy, use `on: [:create, :update, :destroy]` ### Examples ```elixir validations do validate present([:foo, :bar]), on: :update validate present([:foo, :bar, :baz], at_least: 2), on: :create validate present([:foo, :bar, :baz], at_least: 2), where: [action_is(:action1, :action2)] validate absent([:foo, :bar, :baz], exactly: 1), on: [:update, :destroy] validate {MyCustomValidation, [foo: :bar]}, on: :create end ``` ## Atomic Validations To make a validation atomic, you have to implement the `c:Ash.Resource.Validation.atomic/3` callback. This callback returns an atomic instruction, or a list of atomic instructions, or an error/indication that the validation cannot be done atomically. For our `IsPrime` example above, this would look something like: ```elixir defmodule MyApp.Validations.IsPrime do # transform and validate opts use Ash.Resource.Validation ... def atomic(changeset, opts, context) do # lets ignore that there is no easy/built-in way to check prime numbers in postgres {:atomic, # the list of attributes that are involved in the validation [opts[:attribute]], # the condition that should cause the error # here we refer to the new value or the current value expr(not(fragment("is_prime(?)", ^atomic_ref(opts[:attribute)))), # the error expression expr( error(^InvalidAttribute, %{ field: ^opts[:attribute], # the value that caused the error value: ^atomic_ref(opts[:attribute]), # the message to display message: ^(context.message || "%{field} must be prime"), vars: %{field: ^opts[:attribute]} }) ) )} end end ``` In some cases, validations operate on arguments only and therefore have no need of atomic behavior. for this, you can call `validate/3` directly from `atomic/3`. The builtin `Ash.Resource.Validation.Builtins.argument_equals/2` validation does this, for example. ```elixir @impl true def atomic(changeset, opts, context) do validate(changeset, opts, context) end ```