defmodule Ash.Test.Actions.BulkDestroyTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: false import ExUnit.CaptureLog require Ash.Query alias Ash.Test.Domain, as: Domain defmodule Notifier do use Ash.Notifier def notify(notification) do send(self(), {:notification, notification}) end end defmodule AddAfterToTitle do use Ash.Resource.Change def change(changeset, _, _) do changeset end def atomic(_, _, _), do: :ok def batch_change(changesets, _, _) do changesets end def after_batch(results, _, _) do, fn {_changeset, result} -> {:ok, %{result | title: result.title <> "_after"}} end) end end defmodule Author do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:read, :create, :update, :destroy] end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string do public?(true) end end relationships do has_many :posts, Ash.Test.Actions.BulkDestroyTest.Post, destination_attribute: :author_id, public?: true end end defmodule PostLink do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end attributes do attribute :type, :string do public?(true) end end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*] end relationships do belongs_to :source_post, Ash.Test.Actions.BulkDestroyTest.Post, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false, public?: true belongs_to :destination_post, Ash.Test.Actions.BulkDestroyTest.Post, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false, public?: true end end defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, notifiers: [Notifier], data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer] ets do private? true end code_interface do define :destroy_with_policy end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:destroy, create: :*, update: :*] read :read do primary? true pagination keyset?: true, required?: false end destroy :destroy_with_change do require_atomic? false change fn changeset, _ -> title = Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, :title) Ash.Changeset.force_change_attribute(changeset, :title, title <> "_stuff") end end destroy :destroy_with_validation do validate attribute_does_not_equal(:title, "can't delete") end destroy :destroy_with_argument do require_atomic? false argument :a_title, :string do allow_nil? false end end destroy :destroy_with_after_action do require_atomic? false change after_action(fn _changeset, result, _context -> {:ok, %{result | title: result.title <> "_stuff"}} end) end destroy :destroy_with_after_batch do require_atomic? false change AddAfterToTitle end destroy :destroy_with_after_transaction do require_atomic? false argument :a_title, :string change after_transaction(fn _changeset, {:ok, result}, _context -> {:ok, %{result | title: result.title <> "_stuff"}} _changeset, {:error, error}, _context -> send(self(), {:error, error}) end) end destroy :destroy_with_policy do require_atomic? false argument :authorize?, :boolean, allow_nil?: false change set_context(%{authorize?: arg(:authorize?)}) end destroy :destroy_with_filter do change filter(expr(title == "foo")) end destroy :soft do require_atomic? false soft? true change set_attribute(:title2, "archived") end destroy :forbidden_destroy do end end identities do identity :unique_title, :title do pre_check_with Ash.Test.Actions.BulkUpdateTest.Domain end end policies do policy action(:forbidden_destroy) do authorize_if never() end policy action(:destroy_with_policy) do authorize_if context_equals(:authorize?, true) end policy action(:read) do authorize_if always() end policy always() do authorize_if always() end end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :title, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true attribute :title2, :string, public?: true attribute :title3, :string, public?: true timestamps() end relationships do belongs_to :author, Author, public?: true many_to_many :related_posts, __MODULE__, through: PostLink, source_attribute_on_join_resource: :source_post_id, destination_attribute_on_join_resource: :destination_post_id, public?: true end end defmodule MnesiaPost do @doc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia, notifiers: [Notifier] mnesia do table :mnesia_post_destroys end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :title, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true timestamps() end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:read, :destroy, :create, :update] end end setup do capture_log(fn -> Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia.start(Domain, [MnesiaPost]) end) on_exit(fn -> capture_log(fn -> :mnesia.stop() :mnesia.delete_schema([node()]) end) end) end test "returns destroyed records" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{}, %{}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) assert [] =!(Post) end test "sends notifications" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{}, %{}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, notify?: true, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) assert_received {:notification, %{data: %{title: "title1"}}} assert_received {:notification, %{data: %{title: "title2"}}} end test "sends notifications with stream strategy in transactions" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{}, %{}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], MnesiaPost, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true, authorize?: false ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: MnesiaPost, strategy: :stream, allow_stream_with: :full_read, return_records?: true, notify?: true, return_errors?: true ) assert_received {:notification, %{ data: %{title: "title1"} }} assert_received {:notification, %{ data: %{title: "title2"} }} end test "doesn't send notifications if not asked to" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{}, %{}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) refute_received {:notification, _} end test "notifications can be returned" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{}, %{}], notifications: [%{}, %{}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_notifications?: true, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) end test "runs changes" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1_stuff"}, %{title: "title2_stuff"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_change, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: [:stream], return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Map.update!(:records, fn records -> Enum.sort_by(records, & &1.title) end) assert [] =!(Post) end test "accepts arguments" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: nil}, %{title: "title2", title2: nil} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_argument, %{a_title: "a value"}, resource: Post, strategy: [:stream], return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Map.update!(:records, fn records -> Enum.sort_by(records, & &1.title) end) assert [] =!(Post) end test "runs validations" do assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/must not equal "can't delete"/, fn -> assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: nil}, %{title: "title2", title2: nil} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "can't delete"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_validation, %{}, resource: Post, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) end end test "runs after batch hooks" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1_after"}, %{title: "title2_after"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_after_batch, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: [:atomic], return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Map.update!(:records, fn records -> Enum.sort_by(records, & &1.title) end) assert [] =!(Post) end test "will return errors on request" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ error_count: 1, errors: [%Ash.Error.Invalid{}] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy(:destroy_with_argument, %{a_title: %{invalid: :value}}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_errors?: true ) assert [_] =!(Post) end test "runs after action hooks" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1_stuff"}, %{title: "title2_stuff"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_after_action, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Map.update!(:records, fn records -> Enum.sort_by(records, & &1.title) end) assert [] =!(Post) end test "runs after transaction hooks on success" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1_stuff"}, %{title: "title2_stuff"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_after_transaction, %{}, strategy: :stream, resource: Post, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Map.update!(:records, fn records -> Enum.sort_by(records, & &1.title) end) assert [] =!(Post) end test "runs after transaction hooks on failure" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ error_count: 1, errors: [%Ash.Error.Invalid{}] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy(:destroy_with_after_transaction, %{a_title: %{invalid: :value}}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_errors?: true ) assert_receive {:error, _error} end test "soft destroys" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title2: "archived"}, %{title2: "archived"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:soft, %{}, strategy: [:stream], resource: Post, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Map.update!(:records, fn records -> Enum.sort_by(records, & &1.title) end) end test "works with empty list without the need to define a domain" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: []} = Ash.bulk_destroy!([], :destroy, %{}, return_records?: true) end describe "authorization" do test "policy success results in successes" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [_, _], errors: []} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy( :destroy_with_policy, %{authorize?: true}, strategy: [:atomic_batches], authorize?: true, resource: Post, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) end test "policy success results in successes with query" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_records?: true ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{errors: []} = Post |> Ash.Query.filter(title: [in: ["title1", "title2"]]) |> Ash.bulk_destroy( :destroy_with_policy, %{authorize?: true}, strategy: :stream, authorize?: true, return_errors?: true ) end test "policy failure results in failures" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{errors: [%Ash.Error.Forbidden{}], records: []} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy( :destroy_with_policy, %{authorize?: false}, authorize?: true, strategy: :atomic, resource: Post, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ errors: [%Ash.Error.Forbidden{}, %Ash.Error.Forbidden{}], records: [] } = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy( :destroy_with_policy, %{authorize?: false}, authorize?: true, strategy: :stream, resource: Post, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) end test "policy failure results in failures when using code interface" do Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> Enum.each(fn {:ok, post} -> assert_raise Ash.Error.Forbidden, fn -> Post.destroy_with_policy!(, %{authorize?: false}) end end) end end test "respects filter with atomics" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "foo"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "foo"}, %{title: "bar"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_filter, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :atomic_batches, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) assert [%{title: "bar"}] =!(Post) end test "respects filter with stream" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "foo"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "foo"}, %{title: "bar"}], Post, :create, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> {:ok, result} -> result end) |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy_with_filter, %{}, resource: Post, strategy: :stream, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) assert [%{title: "bar"}] =!(Post) end test "validates the passed-in action" do bulk_result = [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}] |> Ash.bulk_create!(Post, :create, return_records?: true) |> Map.get(:records) |> Ash.bulk_destroy(:this_is_not_an_actual_destroy_action, %{}, return_errors?: true) assert bulk_result.status == :error assert [] != bulk_result.errors assert [_, _] =!(Post) end test "skipping authorization checks is honoured" do posts = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "delete me"}], Post, :create, return_records?: true) |> Map.get(:records) result = %Ash.BulkResult{} = Ash.bulk_destroy(posts, :forbidden_destroy, %{}, authorize?: false) assert result.status == :success assert result.error_count == 0 assert [] =!(Post) end describe "load" do test "allows loading has_many relationship" do post1 = Ash.create!(Post, %{title: "Post 1"}) post2 = Ash.create!(Post, %{title: "Post 2"}) load_query = Post |> Ash.Query.sort(title: :asc) |>[:title]) assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [author]} = Author |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Author"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:posts, [post2, post1], type: :append_and_remove ) |> Ash.create!() |> List.wrap() |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: Author, return_records?: true, load: [posts: load_query] ) assert [%Post{title: "Post 1"}, %Post{title: "Post 2"}] = author.posts end test "allows loading many_to_many relationship" do related_post1 = Ash.create!(Post, %{title: "Related 1"}) related_post2 = Ash.create!(Post, %{title: "Related 2"}) load_query = Post |> Ash.Query.sort(title: :asc) |>[:title]) assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [post]} = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{title: "Title"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship( :related_posts, [related_post2, related_post1], type: :append_and_remove ) |> Ash.create!() |> List.wrap() |> Ash.bulk_destroy!(:destroy, %{}, resource: Post, return_records?: true, load: [related_posts: load_query] ) assert [%Post{title: "Related 1"}, %Post{title: "Related 2"}] = post.related_posts end end end