defmodule Ash.Test.CalculationTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true require Ash.Query alias Ash.Test.Domain, as: Domain defmodule FriendLink do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do default_accept :* defaults([:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*]) end relationships do belongs_to :source, Ash.Test.CalculationTest.User do public?(true) allow_nil?(false) primary_key?(true) end belongs_to :target, Ash.Test.CalculationTest.User do public?(true) allow_nil?(false) primary_key?(true) end end end defmodule FullNameWithSelect do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_, _, _) do [:first_name, :last_name] end def calculate(records, _, _) do, fn record -> "#{record.first_name} #{record.last_name}" end) end end defmodule Metadata do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def calculate(records, _opts, _context) do, &Ash.Resource.get_metadata(&1, :example_metadata)) end end defmodule Concat do # An example concatenation calculation, that accepts the delimiter as an argument use Ash.Resource.Calculation def init(opts) do if opts[:keys] && is_list(opts[:keys]) && Enum.all?(opts[:keys], &is_atom/1) do {:ok, opts} else {:error, "Expected a `keys` option for which keys to concat"} end end def calculate(records, opts, %{arguments: %{separator: separator}}) do, fn record -> Enum.map_join(opts[:keys], separator, fn key -> to_string(Map.get(record, key)) end) end) end def expression(opts, context) do expr(string_join(^[:keys], &ref/1), ^context.arguments.separator)) end end defmodule NameWithUsersName do # Don't do this kind of thing in real life use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_, _, _) do [:full_name] end def calculate(records, _opts, %{actor: actor}) do, fn record -> record.full_name <> " " <> actor.first_name <> " " <> actor.last_name end) end end defmodule ConcatWithLoad do # An example concatenation calculation, that accepts the delimiter as an argument use Ash.Resource.Calculation def init(opts) do if opts[:keys] && is_list(opts[:keys]) && Enum.all?(opts[:keys], &is_atom/1) do {:ok, opts} else {:error, "Expected a `keys` option for which keys to concat"} end end def load(_query, opts, _) do opts[:keys] end def calculate(records, opts, _) do, fn record -> Enum.map_join(opts[:keys], " ", fn key -> to_string(Map.get(record, key)) end) end) end end defmodule BestFriendsName do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_query, _opts, _) do [best_friend: :full_name] end def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn record -> record.best_friend && record.best_friend.full_name end) end end defmodule BestFriendsFirstNameThatFails do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_query, _opts, _) do [:best_friend] end def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn record -> record.best_friend && record.best_friend.first_name end) end end defmodule NamesOfBestFriendsOfMe do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_query, _opts, %{arguments: args}) do if args[:only_special] do query = Ash.Test.CalculationTest.User |> Ash.Query.filter(special == true) |> Ash.Query.load(:full_name) [best_friends_of_me: query] else [best_friends_of_me: :full_name] end end def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn record -> record.best_friends_of_me |> &1.full_name) |> Enum.sort() |> Enum.join(" - ") end) end end defmodule BestFriendsFirstNamePlusStuff do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_query, _opts, _) do [:best_friends_first_name] end def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn record -> record.best_friends_first_name && record.best_friends_first_name <> " stuff" end) end end defmodule BestFriendsBestFriendsFirstName do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_query, _opts, _) do [best_friend: :best_friends_first_name] end def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn record -> "bf: #{record.best_friend && record.best_friend.best_friends_first_name}" end) end end defmodule FullNamePlusFirstName do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_, _, _) do [:first_name, :full_name_with_select] end def calculate(records, _, _) do, fn record -> record.full_name_with_select <> " #{record.first_name}" end) end end defmodule FriendsNames do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_query, _opts, _) do [ friends: Ash.Test.CalculationTest.User |> Ash.Query.load([:full_name, :prefix]) |> Ash.Query.limit(5) ] end def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn record -> record.friends |> Enum.map_join(" | ", fn friend -> if friend.prefix do friend.prefix <> " " <> friend.full_name else friend.full_name end end) end) end end defmodule RoleHasUser do @moduledoc "never do this, this is done for testing only" use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_, _, _) do [:user] end def calculate(list, _opts, _context) do, &(not is_nil(&1.user))) end end defmodule RolesHaveUser do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_, _, _) do [roles: [:has_user]] end def calculate(list, _, _) do, fn user -> Enum.all?(user.roles, & &1.has_user) end) end end defmodule Role do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets actions do default_accept :* defaults([:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*]) read :by_user_name do argument :user_name, :string, allow_nil?: false filter expr(user_name == ^arg(:user_name)) end end ets do private?(true) end aggregates do first :user_is_active, :user, :is_active do public? true default(false) end list :names, :user, :first_name do public? true end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute :is_active, :boolean do public?(true) allow_nil?(false) default(false) end end calculations do calculate :active, :boolean do public?(true) calculation(expr(is_active && user_is_active)) load([:user_is_active]) end calculate :active_elixir, :boolean do calculation fn record, _ -> record.is_active && record.user_is_active end load [:is_active, :user_is_active] end calculate :has_user, :boolean, RoleHasUser calculate :user_is_active_with_calc, :boolean, expr(user.is_active || false) calculate :user_name, :string, expr( if is_nil(^actor(:id)) do "no actor" else at(names, 0) end ) end relationships do belongs_to(:user, Ash.Test.CalculationTest.User) do public?(true) end end end defmodule Bio do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: :embedded attributes do attribute :greeting, :string do public?(true) end end calculations do calculate :say_hello, :string, expr(greeting <> " " <> ^arg(:to)) do public?(true) argument :to, :string, allow_nil?: false end end end defmodule User do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do default_accept :* defaults([:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*]) read :paginated do pagination do keyset?(true) default_limit(10) end end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:first_name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:last_name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:prefix, :string, public?: true) attribute(:special, :boolean, public?: true) attribute(:is_active, :boolean, public?: true) attribute(:bio, Bio, public?: true) end changes do change fn changeset, _ -> if changeset.action_type == :create do Ash.Changeset.after_action(changeset, fn changeset, result -> {:ok, Ash.Resource.put_metadata(result, :example_metadata, "example metadata")} end) else changeset end end end calculations do calculate :say_hello_to_fred, :string do public?(true) calculation fn records, _ ->, fn record -> end) end load bio: [say_hello: %{to: "Fred"}] end calculate :bio_greeting, :string, expr(bio[:greeting]) calculate :say_hello_to_fred_expr, :string, expr( "Fred")) calculate :say_hello_to_george_expr, :string, expr( "George")) calculate :say_hello_to_george, :string do public?(true) calculation fn records, _ ->, fn record -> end) end load bio: [say_hello: %{to: "George"}] end calculate :example_metadata, :string, Metadata do public?(true) end calculate :metadata_plus_metadata, :string, concat([:example_metadata, :example_metadata]) do public?(true) end calculate :active, :boolean, expr(is_active) do public?(true) end calculate :full_name, :string, {Concat, keys: [:first_name, :last_name]} do public?(true) load([:first_name, :last_name]) # We currently need to use the [allow_empty?: true, trim?: false] constraints here. # As it's an empty string, the separator would otherwise be trimmed and set to `nil`. argument(:separator, :string, default: " ", allow_expr?: true, constraints: [allow_empty?: true, trim?: false] ) end calculate :full_name_with_select, :string, FullNameWithSelect do public?(true) # We currently need to use the [allow_empty?: true, trim?: false] constraints here. # As it's an empty string, the separator would otherwise be trimmed and set to `nil`. argument(:separator, :string, default: " ", constraints: [allow_empty?: true, trim?: false] ) end calculate :full_name_with_select_plus_something, :string, expr(full_name_with_select <> "_something") do public?(true) end calculate :best_friends_best_friends_first_name, :string, BestFriendsBestFriendsFirstName do public?(true) end calculate :best_friends_first_name_plus_stuff, :string, BestFriendsFirstNamePlusStuff do public?(true) end calculate :best_friends_first_name_that_fails, :string, BestFriendsFirstNameThatFails do public?(true) end calculate :full_name_plus_first_name, :string, FullNamePlusFirstName do public?(true) end calculate :full_name_plus_full_name, :string, {ConcatWithLoad, keys: [:full_name, :full_name]} do public?(true) end calculate :full_name_plus_full_name_plus_full_name, :string, {ConcatWithLoad, keys: [:full_name, :full_name_plus_full_name]} do public?(true) end calculate :slug, :string, expr(full_name <> "123") do public?(true) end calculate :friends_names, :string, FriendsNames do public?(true) end calculate :expr_full_name, :string, expr(first_name <> " " <> last_name) do public?(true) end calculate :string_join_full_name, :string, expr(string_join([first_name, last_name], " ")) do public?(true) end calculate :string_join_full_name_ci, :ci_string, expr(string_join([first_name, last_name], ~i" ")) do public?(true) end calculate :best_friends_name, :string, BestFriendsName do public?(true) end calculate :names_of_best_friends_of_me, :string, NamesOfBestFriendsOfMe do public?(true) argument(:only_special, :boolean, default: false) end calculate :name_with_users_name, :string, NameWithUsersName do public?(true) end calculate :full_name_with_salutation, :string, expr(^arg(:salutation) <> " " <> conditional_full_name) do argument(:salutation, :string, allow_nil?: false) load([:conditional_full_name]) public?(true) end calculate :conditional_full_name, :string, expr( if( not is_nil(first_name) and not is_nil(last_name), first_name <> " " <> last_name, "(none)" ) ) do public?(true) end calculate :conditional_full_name_block, :string, expr( if not is_nil(first_name) and not is_nil(last_name) do first_name <> " " <> last_name else "(none)" end ) do public?(true) end calculate :conditional_full_name_cond, :string, expr( cond do not is_nil(first_name) and not is_nil(last_name) -> first_name <> " " <> last_name not is_nil(first_name) -> first_name true -> "(none)" end ) do public?(true) end calculate :role_user_name_from_agg, :string, expr(role_user_name) do public?(true) end calculate :roles_have_user, :boolean, RolesHaveUser do public?(true) end end aggregates do first :best_friends_first_name, :best_friend, :first_name do public? true end first :role_user_name, :roles, :user_name do public? true end end relationships do belongs_to :best_friend, __MODULE__ do public?(true) end has_many :best_friends_of_me, __MODULE__ do public?(true) destination_attribute(:best_friend_id) end has_many :roles, Ash.Test.CalculationTest.Role do public?(true) end many_to_many :friends, __MODULE__ do public?(true) through(FriendLink) destination_attribute_on_join_resource(:target_id) source_attribute_on_join_resource(:source_id) end end end defmodule ActorActive do use Ash.Resource.Calculation def load(_, _, _) do [user: [:active], role: [:active]] end def calculate(records, _, _) do, fn actor -> if actor.role do else end end) end end defmodule Actor do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets actions do default_accept :* defaults([:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*]) end ets do private?(true) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end calculations do calculate :active, :boolean, ActorActive do public?(true) end end relationships do belongs_to :user, User do public?(true) end belongs_to :role, Role do public?(true) end end end defmodule UserFirstNameForWarranty do use Ash.Resource.Calculation @impl true def load(_, _, _) do [product: [user: [:first_name]]] end @impl true def calculate(records, _, %{arguments: arguments}) do if arguments.assert_strict? do Enum.each(records, &assert(%Ash.NotLoaded{} = &1.product.user.last_name)) end, & &1.product.user.first_name) end end defmodule Product do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets actions do default_accept :* defaults([:read, :destroy, update: :*]) create :create do primary? true accept [:name, :user_id] end end ets do private?(true) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute :name, :string end relationships do belongs_to :user, User end end defmodule Warranty do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets actions do default_accept :* defaults([:read, :destroy, update: :*]) create :create do primary? true accept [:expiry, :product_id] end end ets do private?(true) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute :expiry, :datetime end calculations do calculate :user_first_name, :string, UserFirstNameForWarranty do argument :assert_strict?, :boolean, default: false public?(true) end end relationships do belongs_to :product, Product end end setup do user1 = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{ first_name: "zach", last_name: "daniel", bio: %{greeting: "Yo! "} }) |> Ash.create!() admin_role = Role |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "admin"}) |> Ash.create!() normie_role = Role |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "normie"}) |> Ash.create!() actor1 = Actor |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{user_id:, role_id:}) |> Ash.create!() user2 = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "brian", last_name: "cranston"}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:best_friend, user1, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:friends, user1, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() actor2 = Actor |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{user_id:, role_id:}) |> Ash.create!() %{ user1: user1, user2: user2, admin_role: admin_role, normie_role: normie_role, actor1: actor1, actor2: actor2 } end test "calculations can refer to `to_one` relationships in filters" do Role |> Ash.Query.filter(user_is_active_with_calc == true) |>!() end test "it uses default arguments" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:full_name) |>!() |> &1.full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian cranston", "zach daniel"] end test "loads dependencies", %{user1: user} do assert %{slug: "zach daniel123"} = Ash.load!(user, [:slug]) end test "calculations can depend on relationships directly" do Role |> Ash.Query.load(:has_user) |>!() end test "read actions can load calculations that use the actor", %{actor1: actor} do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "zach"}) |> Ash.create!() Role |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{user_id:}) |> Ash.create!() assert [%{user_name: "zach"}] = Role |> Ash.Query.for_read(:by_user_name, %{user_name: "zach"}, actor: actor) |> Ash.Query.load(:user_name) |>!() end test "calculations that depend on relationships directly can be loaded from elsewhere", %{ user1: user1, admin_role: role } do role |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:update) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:user, user1, type: :append) |> Ash.update!() User |> Ash.Query.load(roles: :has_user) |>!() end test "calculations can depend on calculations that depend on relationships directly", %{ user1: user1, admin_role: role } do role |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:update, %{}) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:user, user1, type: :append) |> Ash.update!() User |> Ash.Query.load(:roles_have_user) |>!() end test "calculations can access the actor", %{user1: user1, user2: user2} do assert %{ name_with_users_name: "zach daniel brian cranston" } = user1 |> Ash.load!(:name_with_users_name, actor: user2) end test "it loads anything specified by the load callback" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:full_name_plus_full_name) |>!() |> &1.full_name_plus_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian cranston brian cranston", "zach daniel zach daniel"] end test "it loads anything specified by the load callback, even when nested" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:full_name_plus_full_name_plus_full_name) |>!() |> &1.full_name_plus_full_name_plus_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == [ "brian cranston brian cranston brian cranston", "zach daniel zach daniel zach daniel" ] end test "it reloads anything specified by the load callback if its already been loaded when using `lazy?: false`" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load([:full_name, :full_name_plus_full_name]) |>!() |>{&1 | full_name: &1.full_name <> " more"}) |> Ash.load!(:full_name_plus_full_name) |> &1.full_name_plus_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == [ "brian cranston brian cranston", "zach daniel zach daniel" ] end test "nested calculations are loaded if necessary" do best_friends_names = User |> Ash.Query.load([:best_friends_name]) |>!() |> &1.best_friends_name) |> Enum.sort() assert best_friends_names == [nil, "zach daniel"] end test "calculations must specify required fields by default" do assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r/Invalid return from calculation, expected a value, got \`%Ash.NotLoaded{}\`/, fn -> User |> Ash.Query.load([:best_friends_first_name_that_fails]) |>!() end end test "nested aggregates are loaded if necessary" do best_friends_first_names_plus_stuff = User |> Ash.Query.load([:best_friends_first_name_plus_stuff]) |>!() |> &1.best_friends_first_name_plus_stuff) |> Enum.sort() assert best_friends_first_names_plus_stuff == [nil, "zach stuff"] end test "arguments can be supplied" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(full_name: %{separator: " - "}) |>!() |> &1.full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian - cranston", "zach - daniel"] end test "fields are selected if necessary for the calculation" do full_names = User |> |> Ash.Query.load(full_name: %{separator: " - "}) |>!() |> &1.full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian - cranston", "zach - daniel"] end test "custom calculations can be added to a query" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.calculate(:full_name, :string, {Concat, keys: [:first_name, :last_name]}, %{ separator: " \o.o/ " }) |>!() |> &1.calculations.full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian \o.o/ cranston", "zach \o.o/ daniel"] end test "expression based calculations are resolved via evaluating the expression" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:expr_full_name) |>!() |> &1.expr_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian cranston", "zach daniel"] end test "expression based calculations can be sorted on" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:expr_full_name) |> Ash.Query.sort(:expr_full_name) |>!() |> &1.expr_full_name) assert full_names == ["brian cranston", "zach daniel"] full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:expr_full_name) |> Ash.Query.sort(expr_full_name: :desc) |>!() |> &1.expr_full_name) assert full_names == ["zach daniel", "brian cranston"] end test "can sort on calculation in paginated read" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.for_read(:paginated) |> Ash.Query.load(full_name_with_salutation: [salutation: "Mr"]) |> Ash.Query.sort(full_name_with_salutation: {%{salutation: "Mr"}, :asc}) |>!() |> Map.get(:results) |> &1.full_name_with_salutation) assert full_names == ["Mr brian cranston", "Mr zach daniel"] end test "the `if` calculation resolves the first expr when true, and the second when false" do User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "bob"}) |> Ash.create!() full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:conditional_full_name) |>!() |> &1.conditional_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["(none)", "brian cranston", "zach daniel"] end test "the `if` calculation can use the `do` style syntax" do User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "bob"}) |> Ash.create!() full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:conditional_full_name_block) |>!() |> &1.conditional_full_name_block) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["(none)", "brian cranston", "zach daniel"] end test "the `if` calculation can use the `cond` style syntax" do User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "bob"}) |> Ash.create!() full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:conditional_full_name_cond) |>!() |> &1.conditional_full_name_cond) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["bob", "brian cranston", "zach daniel"] end test "expression based calculations can handle lists of fields" do User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "bob"}) |> Ash.create!() full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:string_join_full_name) |>!() |> &1.string_join_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["bob", "brian cranston", "zach daniel"] ci_full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:string_join_full_name_ci) |>!() |> |> Enum.sort() assert ci_full_names == ["bob", "brian cranston", "zach daniel"] end test "simple expression calculations will be run in memory" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "bob", last_name: "sagat"}) |> Ash.create!() assert "george sagat" == user |> Map.put(:first_name, "george") |> Ash.load!(:string_join_full_name, reuse_values?: true) |> Map.get(:string_join_full_name) end test "loading calculations with different relationship dependencies won't collide", %{ user1: %{id: user1_id} = user1 } do User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{ first_name: "chidi", last_name: "anagonye", special: true }) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:best_friend, user1, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() assert %{ calculations: %{ names_of_best_friends_of_me: "brian cranston - chidi anagonye", names_of_special_best_friends_of_me: "chidi anagonye" } } = User |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^user1_id) |> Ash.Query.load_calculation_as( :names_of_best_friends_of_me, :names_of_special_best_friends_of_me, %{ only_special: true } ) |> Ash.Query.load_calculation_as( :names_of_best_friends_of_me, :names_of_best_friends_of_me ) |> Ash.read_one!() end test "loading calculations with different relationship dependencies won't collide, when manually loading one of the deps", %{ user1: %{id: user1_id} = user1 } do User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{ first_name: "chidi", last_name: "anagonye", special: true }) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:best_friend, user1, type: :append_and_remove) |> Ash.create!() assert %{ calculations: %{ names_of_best_friends_of_me: "brian cranston - chidi anagonye", names_of_special_best_friends_of_me: "chidi anagonye" } } = User |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^user1_id) |> Ash.Query.load(:best_friends_of_me) |> Ash.Query.load_calculation_as( :names_of_best_friends_of_me, :names_of_special_best_friends_of_me, %{ only_special: true } ) |> Ash.Query.load_calculation_as( :names_of_best_friends_of_me, :names_of_best_friends_of_me ) |> Ash.read_one!() end test "calculations that depend on many to many relationships will load", %{user2: user2} do assert %{ friends_names: "zach daniel" } = User |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Ash.Query.load(:friends_names) |> Ash.read_one!() end test "when already loading a calculation's dependency it is used" do full_names = User |> Ash.Query.load([:full_name, :full_name_plus_full_name]) |>!() |> &1.full_name_plus_full_name) |> Enum.sort() assert full_names == ["brian cranston brian cranston", "zach daniel zach daniel"] end test "when already loading a nested calculation dependency, it is used" do best_friends_names = User |> Ash.Query.load([:best_friends_name, best_friend: [:full_name]]) |>!() |> &1.best_friends_name) |> Enum.sort() assert best_friends_names == [nil, "zach daniel"] end test "loading a nested aggregate works" do best_friends_best_friends_first_names = User |> Ash.Query.load(:best_friends_best_friends_first_name) |>!() |> &1.best_friends_best_friends_first_name) |> Enum.sort() assert best_friends_best_friends_first_names == ["bf: ", "bf: "] end test "loading a nested aggregate works even when its already being loaded" do best_friends_best_friends_first_names = User |> Ash.Query.load([ :best_friends_best_friends_first_name, best_friend: [best_friend: [:first_name]] ]) |>!() |> &1.best_friends_best_friends_first_name) |> Enum.sort() assert best_friends_best_friends_first_names == ["bf: ", "bf: "] end test "loading a calculation with selects that loads a calculation with selects works" do assert ["brian cranston brian", "zach daniel zach"] == User |>[]) |> Ash.Query.load([ :full_name_plus_first_name ]) |>!() |> &1.full_name_plus_first_name) |> Enum.sort() end test "nested calculations that depend on aggregates work" do assert [false, false] = Actor |> Ash.Query.load(:active) |>!(authorize?: true) |> & end test "aggregates using calculations pass actor to calculations", %{ user1: user, actor1: actor, admin_role: role } do user1 = user role |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:update, %{}, actor: actor) |> Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship(:user, user1, type: :append) |> Ash.update!(actor: actor) roles = Role |> Ash.Query.load(:user_name) |>!(actor: actor) zach_role = Enum.find(roles, fn role -> role.user_name == "zach" end) assert zach_role.user_name == "zach" users = User |>[]) |> Ash.Query.load([:role_user_name, :role_user_name_from_agg]) |>!(actor: actor) zach_user = Enum.find(users, fn user -> == zach_role.user_id end) assert zach_user.role_user_name == "zach" assert zach_user.role_user_name_from_agg == "zach" end test "invalid calculation arguments show errors in the query" do assert %{valid?: false} = User |> Ash.Query.load(full_name: %{separator: %{foo: :bar}}) end test "calculation dependencies with conflicting load throughs still receive the appropriate values", %{user1: user1} do user1 |> Ash.load!([:say_hello_to_fred, :say_hello_to_george]) end test "calculation dependencies can detect non-loaded nested values", %{user1: user1} do greeting = user1 |> Map.update!(:bio, fn bio -> %{bio | greeting: "A new value it definitely wasn't before!"} end) |> Ash.load!([:bio_greeting], reuse_values?: true) |> Map.get(:bio_greeting) assert greeting == "A new value it definitely wasn't before!" greeting = user1 |> Map.update!(:bio, fn bio -> %{bio | greeting: %Ash.NotLoaded{}} end) |> Ash.load!([:bio_greeting], reuse_values?: true) |> Map.get(:bio_greeting) assert greeting == "Yo!" end test "calculation dependencies are reused if `reuse_values?` is `true`", %{user1: user1} do greeting = user1 |> Map.update!(:bio, fn bio -> %{bio | greeting: "A new value it definitely wasn't before!"} end) |> Ash.load!([:bio_greeting], reuse_values?: true) |> Map.get(:bio_greeting) assert greeting == "A new value it definitely wasn't before!" end test "expression calculations that depend on runtime calculations work", %{user1: user1} do assert [%{full_name_with_select_plus_something: "zach daniel_something"}] = User |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Ash.Query.load(:full_name_with_select_plus_something) |>!() end test "calculations that extract metadata will be loaded as a dependency of the concat calculation", %{user1: user1} do assert "example metadataexample metadata" == user1 |> Ash.load!(:metadata_plus_metadata) |> Map.get(:metadata_plus_metadata) end test "metadata is persisted after an update", %{user1: user1} do assert %{example_metadata: "example metadata"} = user1.__metadata__ assert %{example_metadata: "example metadata"} = user1 |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:update, %{first_name: "something new"}) |> Ash.update!() |> Map.get(:__metadata__) end test "arguments can be referenced in calculations", %{user1: user1} do user1_id = assert [%{id: ^user1_id}] = User |> Ash.Query.filter(full_name(separator: first_name) == "zachzachdaniel") |>!() end test "loads private relationships", %{user1: user1} do product = Product |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "SuperFoo3000", user_id:}) |> Ash.create!() warranty = Warranty |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{product_id:}) |> Ash.create!() assert %{user_first_name: "zach"} = Ash.load!(warranty, :user_first_name) end test "applies strict_loads? also to nested relationships", %{user1: user1} do product = Product |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "SuperFoo3000", user_id:}) |> Ash.create!() warranty = Warranty |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{product_id:}) |> Ash.create!() Ash.load!(warranty, user_first_name: [assert_strict?: true]) end end