defmodule Ash.Test.Support.PolicySimple.Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [ Ash.Policy.Authorizer ] policies do policy action_type(:read) do description "You can read a post if you created it or if you own the organization" authorize_if(expr( == ^actor(:id))) authorize_if(expr(organization.owner_id == ^actor(:id))) end policy action_type(:create) do description "Admins and managers can create posts" authorize_if(actor_attribute_equals(:admin, true)) authorize_if(actor_attribute_equals(:manager, true)) end end ets do private?(true) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute :text, :string do allow_nil?(false) end end actions do defaults [:read, :update, :destroy] create :create do primary? true argument(:author, :uuid) change(manage_relationship(:author, type: :replace)) argument(:organization, :uuid) change(manage_relationship(:organization, type: :replace)) end end relationships do belongs_to(:organization, Ash.Test.Support.PolicySimple.Organization) belongs_to(:author, Ash.Test.Support.PolicySimple.User) end end