defmodule Ash.Test.Resource.Relationships.BelongsToTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true defmacrop defposts(do: body) do quote do defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource attributes do attribute :id, :uuid, primary_key?: true, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0 end unquote(body) end end end describe "representation" do test "it creates an attribute" do defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, FooBar end end assert [ %Ash.Resource.Attribute{ name: :foobar_id, primary_key?: false, type: :uuid }, _ ] = Ash.attributes(Post) end test "it creates a relationship" do defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, FooBar end end assert [ %Ash.Resource.Relationships.BelongsTo{ cardinality: :one, define_field?: true, destination: FooBar, destination_field: :id, field_type: :uuid, name: :foobar, primary_key?: false, source_field: :foobar_id, type: :belongs_to } ] = Ash.relationships(Post) end end describe "validations" do test "fails if destination_field is not an atom" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n expected :destination_field to be an atom, got: \"foo\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, FooBar, destination_field: "foo" end end end ) end test "fails if source_field is not an atom" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n expected :source_field to be an atom, got: \"foo\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, FooBar, source_field: "foo" end end end ) end test "fails if the destination is not an atom" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n expected :destination to be an atom, got: \"foobar\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, "foobar" end end end ) end test "fails if the relationship name is not an atom" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n expected :name to be an atom, got: \"foobar\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to "foobar", Foobar end end end ) end test "fails if `primary_key?` is not a boolean" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n expected :primary_key? to be an boolean, got: \"blah\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, Foobar, primary_key?: "blah" end end end ) end end test "fails if `define_field?` is not a boolean" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n expected :define_field? to be an boolean, got: \"blah\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, Foobar, define_field?: "blah" end end end ) end test "fails if `field_type` is not an atom" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "relationships -> belongs_to -> foobar:\n Attribute type must be a built in type or a type module, got: \"foo\"", fn -> defposts do relationships do belongs_to :foobar, Foobar, field_type: "foo" end end end ) end end