defmodule Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: false import ExUnit.CaptureLog import Ash.Changeset require Ash.Query defmodule Author do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia, authorizers: [ Ash.Test.Authorizer ] actions do defaults [:create, :read] end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string end relationships do has_many :posts, Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.Post, destination_attribute: :author_id has_many :authorized_actor_posts, Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.Post, destination_attribute: :author_id, read_action: :authorized_actor has_many :authorized_context_posts, Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.Post, destination_attribute: :author_id, read_action: :authorized_context has_one :latest_post, Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.Post, destination_attribute: :author_id, sort: [inserted_at: :desc] end end defmodule PostsInSameCategory do use Ash.Resource.ManualRelationship def load(posts, _, %{query: destination_query, api: api}) do categories =, & &1.category) other_posts = destination_query |> Ash.Query.filter(category in ^categories) |>!() |> Enum.group_by(& &1.category) {:ok,, fn post -> related_posts = other_posts |> Map.get(post.category, []) |> Enum.reject(&(& == {Map.take(post, [:id]), related_posts} end)} end end defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia, authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer] actions do defaults [:create, :read] read :authorized_actor read :authorized_context end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :title, :string attribute :contents, :string attribute :category, :string attribute :actor_id, :string timestamps() end relationships do belongs_to :author, Author has_many :posts_in_same_category, __MODULE__ do manual PostsInSameCategory end many_to_many :categories, Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.Category, through: Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.PostCategory, destination_attribute_on_join_resource: :category_id, source_attribute_on_join_resource: :post_id end policies do policy action(:authorized_actor) do authorize_if expr(actor_id == ^actor(:id)) end policy action(:authorized_context) do authorize_if context_equals(:authorized?, true) end policy always() do authorize_if always() end end end defmodule PostCategory do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia actions do defaults [:create, :read] end relationships do belongs_to :post, Post, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false belongs_to :category, Ash.Test.Actions.AsyncLoadTest.Category, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false end end defmodule Category do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia actions do defaults [:create, :read] end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string end relationships do many_to_many :posts, Post, through: PostCategory, destination_attribute_on_join_resource: :post_id, source_attribute_on_join_resource: :category_id end end defmodule Registry do @moduledoc false use Ash.Registry entries do entry(Author) entry(Post) entry(Category) entry(PostCategory) end end defmodule Api do @moduledoc false use Ash.Api resources do registry Registry end end describe "context" do setup do capture_log(fn -> Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia.start(Api) end) on_exit(fn -> capture_log(fn -> :mnesia.stop() :mnesia.delete_schema([node()]) end) end) start_supervised( {Ash.Test.Authorizer, strict_check: :authorized, check: {:error, Ash.Error.Forbidden.exception([])}, strict_check_context: [:query]} ) :ok end test "context provides the actor" do author = Author |> new(%{name: "zerg"}) |> Api.create!() Ash.set_actor(author) post1 = Post |> new(%{title: "post1", actor_id:}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() Post |> new(%{title: "post2"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() authorized_posts = author |> Api.load!(:authorized_actor_posts) |> Map.get(:authorized_actor_posts) post1_id = assert [%{id: ^post1_id}] = authorized_posts end test "context provides the context" do author = Author |> new(%{name: "zerg"}) |> Api.create!() Ash.set_actor(nil) Ash.set_context(%{authorized?: false}) Post |> new(%{title: "post1", actor_id:}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() Post |> new(%{title: "post2"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() assert {:error, %Ash.Error.Forbidden{}} = author |> Api.load(:authorized_context_posts) end end describe "loads" do setup do capture_log(fn -> Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia.start(Api) end) on_exit(fn -> capture_log(fn -> :mnesia.stop() :mnesia.delete_schema([node()]) end) end) start_supervised( {Ash.Test.Authorizer, strict_check: :authorized, check: {:error, Ash.Error.Forbidden.exception([])}, strict_check_context: [:query]} ) :ok end test "it allows loading manual relationships" do post1 = Post |> new(%{title: "post1", category: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() Post |> new(%{title: "post2", category: "bar"}) |> Api.create!() post3 = Post |> new(%{title: "post2", category: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() post3_id = assert [%{id: ^post3_id}] = post1 |> Api.load!(:posts_in_same_category) |> Map.get(:posts_in_same_category) end test "it allows loading related data" do author = Author |> new(%{name: "zerg"}) |> Api.create!() post1 = Post |> new(%{title: "post1"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> new(%{title: "post2"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() [author] = Author |> Ash.Query.load(posts: [:author]) |> Ash.Query.filter( == ^ |>!(authorize?: true) assert Enum.sort(, &Map.get(&1, :id))) == Enum.sort([,]) for post <- author.posts do assert == end end test "it allows loading many to many relationships" do category1 = Category |> new(%{name: "lame"}) |> Api.create!() category2 = Category |> new(%{name: "cool"}) |> Api.create!() post = Post |> new(%{title: "post1"}) |> replace_relationship(:categories, [category1, category2]) |> Api.create!() [post] = Post |> Ash.Query.load(:categories) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |>!(authorize?: true) assert [%{id: id1}, %{id: id2}] = post.categories assert Enum.sort([,]) == Enum.sort([id1, id2]) end test "it allows loading nested many to many relationships" do category1 = Category |> new(%{name: "lame"}) |> Api.create!() category2 = Category |> new(%{name: "cool"}) |> Api.create!() post = Post |> new(%{title: "post1"}) |> replace_relationship(:categories, [category1, category2]) |> Api.create!() [post] = Post |> Ash.Query.load(categories: :posts) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |>!(authorize?: true) post_id = assert [%{posts: [%{id: ^post_id}]}, %{posts: [%{id: ^post_id}]}] = post.categories end test "it loads sorted relationships in the proper order" do author = Author |> new(%{name: "zerg"}) |> Api.create!() _post1 = Post |> new(%{title: "post1"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() :timer.sleep(2) post2 = Post |> new(%{title: "post2"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() [author] = Author |> Ash.Query.load(:latest_post) |>!() assert == end end end