defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.ReplaceDocLinks do @moduledoc """ Replaces any documentation links with text appropriate for hex docs. """ use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Replaces any ash specific doc links with text appropriate for hex docs." def run(_argv) do mix_project = Mix.Project.get!() module_prefix = mix_project |> Module.split() |> "doc/**/*.html" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.each(fn file -> new_contents = file |>!() |> String.replace(~r/\>d\:.*\d:" <> contents -> contents = contents |> String.trim_trailing("<") |> String.replace("|", ".") module_name = contents |> String.split(".") |> Enum.take_while(&capitalized?/1) |> Enum.join(".") if String.starts_with?(module_name, module_prefix) do case Code.ensure_compiled(Module.concat([module_name])) do {:module, _} -> :ok {:error, error} -> raise "Expected #{module_name} to be compiled, but it was not: #{inspect(error)}" end end ">#{contents}<" end) |> String.replace(~r, fn "/documentation/" <> type_and_name -> [_, filename] = String.split(type_and_name, "/") filename |> String.trim_trailing(".md") |> Kernel.<>(".html") end) File.write!(file, new_contents) end) end defp capitalized?(string) do first = string |> String.graphemes() |> String.downcase(first) != first end end