defmodule Ash.SatSolver do @moduledoc """ Tools for working with the satsolver that drives filter subset checking (for authorization) """ alias Ash.Filter alias Ash.Query.{BooleanExpression, Not, Ref} @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, overlap?: 2} @doc """ Creates tuples of a boolean statement. i.e `b(1 and 2) #=> {:and, 1, 2}` """ defmacro b(statement) do value = Macro.prewalk( statement, fn {:and, _, [left, right]} -> quote do {:and, unquote(left), unquote(right)} end {:or, _, [left, right]} -> quote do {:or, unquote(left), unquote(right)} end {:not, _, [value]} -> quote do {:not, unquote(value)} end other -> other end ) quote do unquote(value) |> Ash.SatSolver.balance() end end @doc false def balance({op, left, right}) do left = balance(left) right = balance(right) [left, right] = Enum.sort([left, right]) {op, left, right} end def balance({:not, {:not, right}}) do balance(right) end def balance({:not, statement}) do {:not, balance(statement)} end def balance(other), do: other @doc "Returns true if the candidate filter returns the same or less data than the filter" def strict_filter_subset(filter, candidate) do case {filter, candidate} do {%{expression: nil}, %{expression: nil}} -> true {%{expression: nil}, _candidate_expr} -> true {_filter_expr, %{expression: nil}} -> false {filter, candidate} -> do_strict_filter_subset(filter, candidate) end end defp do_strict_filter_subset(filter, candidate) do filter =, fn %Ref{} = ref -> %{ref | input?: false} other -> other end) candidate =, fn %Ref{} = ref -> %{ref | input?: false} other -> other end) expr =, filter.expression, candidate.expression) case transform_and_solve( filter.resource, expr ) do {:error, :unsatisfiable} -> false {:ok, _scenario} -> expr =,, candidate.expression) case transform_and_solve( filter.resource, expr ) do {:error, :unsatisfiable} -> true {:ok, _scenario} -> :maybe end end end defp filter_to_expr(nil), do: nil defp filter_to_expr(false), do: false defp filter_to_expr(true), do: true defp filter_to_expr(%Filter{expression: expression}), do: filter_to_expr(expression) defp filter_to_expr(%{__predicate__?: _} = op_or_func), do: op_or_func defp filter_to_expr(%Ash.Query.Exists{} = exists), do: exists defp filter_to_expr(%Ash.Query.Parent{} = parent), do: parent defp filter_to_expr(%Ash.CustomExpression{expression: expression}), do: expression defp filter_to_expr(%Not{expression: expression}), do: b(not filter_to_expr(expression)) defp filter_to_expr(%BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}) do {op, filter_to_expr(left), filter_to_expr(right)} end defp filter_to_expr(expr) do raise ArgumentError, message: "Invalid filter expression #{inspect(expr)}" end @doc "Prepares a filter for comparison" def transform(resource, expression) do expression |> consolidate_relationships(resource) |> upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(resource) |> build_expr_with_predicate_information() end @doc "Calls `transform/2` and solves the expression" def transform_and_solve(resource, expression) do resource |> transform(expression) |> to_cnf() |> elem(0) |> solve_expression() end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, resource ) do op, upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(left, resource), upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(right, resource) ) end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(%Not{expression: expression}, resource) do, resource)) end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %Ash.Query.Exists{path: path, expr: expr} = exists, resource ) do related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, path) %{exists | expr: upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(expr, related)} end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right} = op, resource ) do %{op | left: upgrade_ref(left, resource), right: upgrade_ref(right, resource)} end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %{__function__?: true, arguments: arguments} = function, resource ) do %{function | arguments:, &upgrade_ref(&1, resource))} end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(expr, _), do: expr defp upgrade_ref({key, ref}, resource) when is_atom(key) do {key, upgrade_ref(ref, resource)} end defp upgrade_ref( %Ash.Query.Ref{attribute: attribute, relationship_path: path} = ref, resource ) when path != [] do with relationship when not is_nil(relationship) <- Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, path), true <- == relationship.destination_attribute, new_attribute when not is_nil(new_attribute) <- Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(relationship.source, relationship.source_attribute) do %{ ref | relationship_path: :lists.droplast(path), attribute: new_attribute, resource: resource } else _ -> ref end end defp upgrade_ref(other, _), do: other defp consolidate_relationships(expression, resource) do {replacements, _all_relationship_paths} = expression |> Filter.relationship_paths(true) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.reduce({%{}, []}, fn path, {replacements, kept_paths} -> case find_synonymous_relationship_path(resource, kept_paths, path) do nil -> {replacements, [path | kept_paths]} synonymous_path -> Map.put(replacements, path, synonymous_path) end end) do_consolidate_relationships(expression, replacements, resource) end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, replacements, resource ) do op, do_consolidate_relationships(left, replacements, resource), do_consolidate_relationships(right, replacements, resource) ) end defp do_consolidate_relationships(%Not{expression: expression}, replacements, resource) do, replacements, resource)) end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %Ash.Query.Exists{at_path: at_path, path: path, expr: expr} = exists, replacements, resource ) do exists = case Map.fetch(replacements, at_path) do {:ok, replacement} when not is_nil(replacement) -> %{exists | at_path: replacement} :error -> exists end related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, at_path) {replacements, _all_relationship_paths} = expr |> Filter.relationship_paths(true) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.reduce({%{}, []}, fn path, {replacements, kept_paths} -> case find_synonymous_relationship_path(related, kept_paths, path) do nil -> {replacements, [path | kept_paths]} synonymous_path -> Map.put(replacements, path, synonymous_path) end end) exists = case Map.fetch(replacements, path) do {:ok, replacement} when not is_nil(replacement) -> %{exists | path: replacement} :error -> exists end full_related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(related, path) %{exists | expr: consolidate_relationships(expr, full_related)} end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: path} = ref, replacements, _resource ) when path != [] do case Map.fetch(replacements, path) do {:ok, replacement} when not is_nil(replacement) -> %{ref | relationship_path: replacement} :error -> ref end end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %{__function__?: true, arguments: args} = func, replacements, resource ) do %{func | arguments:, &do_consolidate_relationships(&1, replacements, resource))} end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right} = op, replacements, resource ) do %{ op | left: do_consolidate_relationships(left, replacements, resource), right: do_consolidate_relationships(right, replacements, resource) } end defp do_consolidate_relationships(other, _, _), do: other defp find_synonymous_relationship_path(resource, paths, path) do Enum.find_value(paths, fn candidate_path -> if synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, candidate_path, path) do candidate_path else false end end) end @doc "Returns `true` if the relationship paths are synonymous from a data perspective" def synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, candidate, search, right_resource \\ nil ) def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, [], [], _), do: true def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, [], _, _), do: false def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, _, [], _), do: false def synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, [candidate_first | candidate_rest], [first | rest], right_resource ) do right_resource = right_resource || left_resource relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(left_resource, first) candidate_relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(right_resource, candidate_first) cond do !relationship || !candidate_relationship -> false relationship.type == :many_to_many && candidate_relationship.type == :has_many -> synonymous_relationship_paths?(left_resource, [relationship.join_relationship], [ candidate_first ]) && !Enum.empty?(candidate_rest) && synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, candidate_rest, rest, right_resource ) relationship.type == :has_many && candidate_relationship.type == :many_to_many -> synonymous_relationship_paths?(left_resource, [], [ candidate_relationship.join_relationship ]) && !Enum.empty?(rest) && synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, candidate_rest, rest, right_resource ) true -> comparison_keys = [ :source_attribute, :destination_attribute, :source_attribute_on_join_resource, :destination_attribute_on_join_resource, :destination_attribute, :destination, :manual, :sort, :filter ] Map.take(relationship, comparison_keys) == Map.take(candidate_relationship, comparison_keys) and synonymous_relationship_paths?(relationship.destination, candidate_rest, rest) end end defp build_expr_with_predicate_information(expression) do expression = fully_simplify(expression) all_predicates = expression |> Filter.list_predicates() |> Enum.uniq() comparison_expressions = all_predicates |> Enum.filter(fn %module{} -> :erlang.function_exported(module, :compare, 2) end) |> Enum.reduce([], fn predicate, new_expressions -> all_predicates |> Enum.reject(&Kernel.==(&1, predicate)) |> Enum.filter(&shares_ref?(&1, predicate)) |> Enum.reduce(new_expressions, fn other_predicate, new_expressions -> # With predicate as a and other_predicate as b case, other_predicate) do :right_includes_left -> # b || !a [b(other_predicate or not predicate) | new_expressions] :left_includes_right -> # a || ! b [b(predicate or not other_predicate) | new_expressions] :mutually_inclusive -> # (a && b) || (! a && ! b) [ b((predicate and other_predicate) or (not predicate and not other_predicate)) | new_expressions ] :mutually_exclusive -> [b(not (other_predicate and predicate)) | new_expressions] :mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive -> [ b( not (other_predicate and predicate) and not (not other_predicate and not predicate) ) | new_expressions ] _other -> # If we can't tell, we assume that both could be true new_expressions end end) end) |> Enum.uniq() expression = filter_to_expr(expression) expression_with_comparisons = Enum.reduce(comparison_expressions, expression, fn comparison_expression, expression -> b(comparison_expression and expression) end) all_predicates |> &1.__struct__) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.flat_map(fn struct -> if :erlang.function_exported(struct, :bulk_compare, 1) do struct.bulk_compare(all_predicates) else [] end end) |> Enum.reduce(expression_with_comparisons, fn comparison_expression, expression -> b(comparison_expression and expression) end) end defp fully_simplify(expression) do expression |> do_fully_simplify() |> lift_equals_out_of_in() |> do_fully_simplify() end defp do_fully_simplify(expression) do expression |> simplify() |> case do ^expression -> expression simplified -> fully_simplify(simplified) end end def lift_equals_out_of_in(expression) do case find_non_equal_overlap(expression) do nil -> expression non_equal_overlap -> expression |> split_in_expressions(non_equal_overlap) |> lift_equals_out_of_in() end end def find_non_equal_overlap(expression) do Ash.Filter.find(expression, fn sub_expr -> Ash.Filter.find(expression, fn sub_expr2 -> # if has_call_or_expression?(sub_expr) || has_call_or_expression?(sub_expr2) do # false # else overlap?(sub_expr, sub_expr2) # end end) end) end defp new_in(base, right) do case MapSet.size(right) do 1 -> %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: base.left, right:, 0)} _ -> %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: base.left, right: right} end end def split_in_expressions( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{right: right} = sub_expr, %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{right: value} = non_equal_overlap ) do if overlap?(non_equal_overlap, sub_expr) do :or, new_in(sub_expr, MapSet.delete(right, value)), non_equal_overlap ) else sub_expr end end def split_in_expressions( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{} = sub_expr, %Ash.Query.Operator.In{right: right} = non_equal_overlap ) do if overlap?(sub_expr, non_equal_overlap) do diff = MapSet.difference(sub_expr.right, right) if MapSet.size(diff) == 0 do Enum.reduce(sub_expr.right, nil, fn var, acc ->, %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: sub_expr.left, right: var}, acc) end) else new_right = new_in(sub_expr, MapSet.intersection(sub_expr.right, right)) :or, new_in(sub_expr, diff), new_right ) end else sub_expr end end def split_in_expressions(nil, _), do: nil def split_in_expressions(%Ash.Filter{expression: expression} = filter, non_equal_overlap), do: %{filter | expression: split_in_expressions(expression, non_equal_overlap)} def split_in_expressions(%Not{expression: expression} = not_expr, non_equal_overlap), do: %{not_expr | expression: split_in_expressions(expression, non_equal_overlap)} def split_in_expressions( %BooleanExpression{left: left, right: right} = expr, non_equal_overlap ), do: %{ expr | left: split_in_expressions(left, non_equal_overlap), right: split_in_expressions(right, non_equal_overlap) } def split_in_expressions(other, _), do: other defp overlap?( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %MapSet{} = left_right}, %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %MapSet{} = right_right} ) do if MapSet.equal?(left_right, right_right) do false else overlap? = left_right |> MapSet.intersection(right_right) |> MapSet.size() |> Kernel.>(0) if overlap? do true else false end end end defp overlap?(_, %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{right: %Ref{}}), do: false defp overlap?(%Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{right: %Ref{}}, _), do: false defp overlap?( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: left, right: left_right}, %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %MapSet{} = right_right} ) do MapSet.member?(right_right, left_right) end defp overlap?(_left, _right) do false end @doc "Returns a statement expressing that the predicates are mutually exclusive." def mutually_exclusive(predicates, acc \\ []) def mutually_exclusive([], acc), do: acc def mutually_exclusive([predicate | rest], acc) do new_acc = Enum.reduce(rest, acc, fn other_predicate, acc -> [b(not (predicate and other_predicate)) | acc] end) mutually_exclusive(rest, new_acc) end @doc "Returns a statement expressing that the predicates are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive." def mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive([]), do: [] def mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive([_]), do: [] def mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive(predicates) do mutually_exclusive(predicates) ++ Enum.flat_map(predicates, fn predicate -> other_predicates = Enum.reject(predicates, &(&1 == predicate)) other_predicates_union = Enum.reduce(other_predicates, nil, fn other_predicate, expr -> if expr do b(expr or other_predicate) else other_predicate end end) b( not (predicate and other_predicates_union) and not (not predicate and not other_predicates_union) ) end) end @doc "Returns `b(not (left and right))`" def left_excludes_right(left, right) do b(not (left and right)) end @doc "Returns `b(not (right and left))`" def right_excludes_left(left, right) do b(not (right and left)) end @doc "Returns a statement expressing that the predicates are mutually inclusive" def mutually_inclusive(predicates, acc \\ []) def mutually_inclusive([], acc), do: acc def mutually_inclusive([predicate | rest], acc) do new_acc = Enum.reduce(rest, acc, fn other_predicate, acc -> [b((predicate and other_predicate) or (not predicate and not other_predicate)) | acc] end) mutually_exclusive(rest, new_acc) end @doc "Returns `b(not (right and not left))`" def right_implies_left(left, right) do b(not (right and not left)) end @doc "Returns `b(not (left and not right))`" def left_implies_right(left, right) do b(not (left and not right)) end defp shares_ref?(left, right) do any_refs_in_common?(refs(left), refs(right)) end defp any_refs_in_common?(left_refs, right_refs) do Enum.any?(left_refs, &(&1 in right_refs)) end defp refs(%{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right}) do Enum.filter([left, right], &match?(%Ref{}, &1)) |>, :input?, false)) end defp refs(%{__function__?: true, arguments: arguments}) do Enum.filter(arguments, &match?(%Ref{}, &1)) |>, :input?, false)) end defp refs(_), do: [] defp simplify(%BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}) do, simplify(left), simplify(right)) end defp simplify(%Not{expression: expression}) do end defp simplify(%Ash.Query.Exists{expr: expr} = exists) do %{exists | expr: simplify(expr)} end defp simplify(%mod{__predicate__?: true} = predicate) do if :erlang.function_exported(mod, :simplify, 1) do predicate |> mod.simplify() |> Kernel.||(predicate) else predicate end end defp simplify(other), do: other @doc """ Transforms a statement to Conjunctive Normal Form(CNF), as lists of lists of integers. """ def to_cnf(expression) do expression_with_constants = b(true and not false and expression) {bindings, expression} = extract_bindings(expression_with_constants) expression |> to_conjunctive_normal_form() |> lift_clauses() |> negations_to_negative_numbers() |> scenario -> Enum.sort_by(scenario, fn item -> {abs(item), item} end) end) |> group_predicates(bindings) |> rebind() |> unique_clauses() end defp unique_clauses({clauses, bindings}) do {Enum.uniq(clauses), bindings} end defp group_predicates(expression, bindings) do case expression do [_] -> {expression, bindings} scenarios -> Enum.reduce(scenarios, {[], bindings}, fn scenario, {new_scenarios, bindings} -> {scenario, bindings} = group_scenario_predicates(scenario, scenarios, bindings) {[scenario | new_scenarios], bindings} end) end end defp group_scenario_predicates(scenario, all_scenarios, bindings) do scenario |> Ash.SatSolver.Utils.ordered_sublists() |> Enum.filter(&can_be_used_as_group?(&1, all_scenarios, bindings)) |> Enum.sort_by(&length/1) |> remove_overlapping() |> Enum.reduce({scenario, bindings}, fn group, {scenario, bindings} -> bindings = add_group_binding(bindings, group) {Ash.SatSolver.Utils.replace_ordered_sublist(scenario, group, bindings[:groups][group]), bindings} end) end defp remove_overlapping([]), do: [] defp remove_overlapping([item | rest]) do if Enum.any?(item, fn n -> Enum.any?(rest, &(n in &1 or -n in &1)) end) do remove_overlapping(rest) else [item | remove_overlapping(rest)] end end @doc "Remaps integers back to clauses" def unbind(expression, %{temp_bindings: temp_bindings, old_bindings: old_bindings}) do expression = Enum.flat_map(expression, fn statement -> Enum.flat_map(statement, fn var -> neg? = var < 0 old_binding = temp_bindings[abs(var)] case old_bindings[:reverse_groups][old_binding] do nil -> if neg? do [-old_binding] else [old_binding] end group -> if neg? do, &(-&1)) else [{:expand, group}] end end end) |> expand_groups() end) {expression, old_bindings} end defp expand_groups(expression) do do_expand_groups(expression) end defp do_expand_groups([]), do: [[]] defp do_expand_groups([{:expand, group} | rest]) do Enum.flat_map(group, fn var ->, fn future -> [var | future] end) end) end defp do_expand_groups([var | rest]) do, fn future -> [var | future] end) end defp rebind({expression, bindings}) do {expression, temp_bindings} = Enum.reduce(expression, {[], %{current: 0}}, fn statement, {statements, acc} -> {statement, acc} = Enum.reduce(statement, {[], acc}, fn var, {statement, acc} -> case acc[:reverse][abs(var)] do nil -> binding = acc.current + 1 value = if var < 0 do -binding else binding end {[value | statement], acc |> Map.put(:current, binding) |> Map.update(:reverse, %{abs(var) => binding}, &Map.put(&1, abs(var), binding)) |> Map.put(binding, abs(var))} value -> value = if var < 0 do -value else value end {[value | statement], acc} end end) {[Enum.reverse(statement) | statements], acc} end) bindings_with_old_bindings = %{temp_bindings: temp_bindings, old_bindings: bindings} {expression, bindings_with_old_bindings} end defp can_be_used_as_group?(group, scenarios, bindings) do Map.has_key?(bindings[:groups] || %{}, group) || Enum.all?(scenarios, fn scenario -> has_no_overlap?(scenario, group) || group_in_scenario?(scenario, group) end) end defp has_no_overlap?(scenario, group) do not Enum.any?(group, fn group_predicate -> Enum.any?(scenario, fn scenario_predicate -> abs(group_predicate) == abs(scenario_predicate) end) end) end defp group_in_scenario?(scenario, group) do Ash.SatSolver.Utils.is_ordered_sublist_of?(group, scenario) end defp add_group_binding(bindings, group) do if bindings[:groups][group] do bindings else binding = bindings[:current] bindings |> Map.put_new(:reverse_groups, %{}) |> Map.update!(:reverse_groups, &Map.put(&1, binding, group)) |> Map.put_new(:groups, %{}) |> Map.update!(:groups, &Map.put(&1, group, binding)) |> Map.put(:current, binding + 1) end end cond do Application.compile_env(:ash, :sat_testing) -> def solve_expression(cnf) do Module.concat([System.get_env("SAT_SOLVER") || "Picosat"]).solve(cnf) end Code.ensure_loaded?(Picosat) -> def solve_expression(cnf) do Picosat.solve(cnf) end Code.ensure_loaded?(SimpleSat) -> def solve_expression(cnf) do SimpleSat.solve(cnf) end true -> def solve_expression(_cnf) do if Code.ensure_loaded?(Picosat) || Code.ensure_loaded?(SimpleSat) do raise """ No SAT solver available, although one was loaded. This typically means you need to run `mix deps.compile ash --force` If that doesn't work, please ensure that one of the following dependencies is present in your application to use sat solver features: * `:picosat_elixir` (recommended) - A NIF wrapper around the PicoSAT SAT solver. Fast, production ready, battle tested. * `:simple_sat` - A pure Elixir SAT solver. Slower than PicoSAT, but no NIF dependency. """ else raise """ No SAT solver available. Please add one of the following dependencies to your application to use sat solver features: * `:picosat_elixir` (recommended) - A NIF wrapper around the PicoSAT SAT solver. Fast, production ready, battle tested. * `:simple_sat` - A pure Elixir SAT solver. Slower than PicoSAT, but no NIF dependency. """ end end end def contains?([], _), do: false def contains?([_ | t] = l1, l2) do List.starts_with?(l1, l2) or contains?(t, l2) end def solutions_to_predicate_values(solution, bindings) do Enum.reduce(solution, %{true: [], false: []}, fn var, state -> fact = Map.get(bindings, abs(var)) if is_nil(fact) do raise Ash.Error.Framework.AssumptionFailed.exception( message: """ A fact from the sat solver had no corresponding bound fact: Bindings: #{inspect(bindings)} Missing: #{inspect(var)} """ ) end Map.put(state, fact, var > 0) end) end defp extract_bindings(expr, bindings \\ %{current: 1}) defp extract_bindings({operator, left, right}, bindings) do {bindings, left_extracted} = extract_bindings(left, bindings) {bindings, right_extracted} = extract_bindings(right, bindings) {bindings, {operator, left_extracted, right_extracted}} end defp extract_bindings({:not, value}, bindings) do {bindings, extracted} = extract_bindings(value, bindings) {bindings, b(not extracted)} end defp extract_bindings(value, %{current: current} = bindings) do current_binding = Enum.find(bindings, fn {key, binding_value} -> key != :current && binding_value == value end) case current_binding do nil -> new_bindings = bindings |> Map.put(:current, current + 1) |> Map.put(current, value) {new_bindings, current} {binding, _} -> {bindings, binding} end end # A helper function for formatting to the same output we'd give to picosat @doc false def to_picosat(clauses, variable_count) do clause_count = Enum.count(clauses) formatted_input = Enum.map_join(clauses, "\n", fn clause -> format_clause(clause) <> " 0" end) "p cnf #{variable_count} #{clause_count}\n" <> formatted_input end defp negations_to_negative_numbers(clauses) do clauses, fn {:not, var} when is_integer(var) -> [negate_var(var)] var when is_integer(var) -> [var] clause ->, fn {:not, var} -> negate_var(var) var -> var end) end ) end defp negate_var(var, multiplier \\ -1) defp negate_var({:not, value}, multiplier) do negate_var(value, multiplier * -1) end defp negate_var(value, multiplier), do: value * multiplier defp format_clause(clause) do Enum.map_join(clause, " ", fn {:not, var} -> "-#{var}" var -> "#{var}" end) end defp lift_clauses({:and, left, right}) do lift_clauses(left) ++ lift_clauses(right) end defp lift_clauses({:or, left, right}) do [lift_or_clauses(left) ++ lift_or_clauses(right)] end defp lift_clauses(value), do: [[value]] defp lift_or_clauses({:or, left, right}) do lift_or_clauses(left) ++ lift_or_clauses(right) end defp lift_or_clauses(value), do: [value] defp to_conjunctive_normal_form(expression) do expression |> demorgans_law() |> distributive_law() end defp distributive_law(expression) do distributive_law_applied = apply_distributive_law(expression) if expression == distributive_law_applied do expression else distributive_law(distributive_law_applied) end end defp apply_distributive_law({:or, left, {:and, right1, right2}}) do left_distributed = apply_distributive_law(left) {:and, {:or, left_distributed, apply_distributive_law(right1)}, {:or, left_distributed, apply_distributive_law(right2)}} end defp apply_distributive_law({:or, {:and, left1, left2}, right}) do right_distributed = apply_distributive_law(right) {:and, {:or, apply_distributive_law(left1), right_distributed}, {:or, apply_distributive_law(left2), right_distributed}} end defp apply_distributive_law({:not, expression}) do {:not, apply_distributive_law(expression)} end defp apply_distributive_law({operator, left, right}) when operator in [:and, :or] do {operator, apply_distributive_law(left), apply_distributive_law(right)} end defp apply_distributive_law(var) when is_integer(var) do var end defp demorgans_law(expression) do demorgans_law_applied = apply_demorgans_law(expression) if expression == demorgans_law_applied do expression else demorgans_law(demorgans_law_applied) end end defp apply_demorgans_law({:not, {:and, left, right}}) do {:or, {:not, apply_demorgans_law(left)}, {:not, apply_demorgans_law(right)}} end defp apply_demorgans_law({:not, {:or, left, right}}) do {:and, {:not, left}, {:not, right}} end defp apply_demorgans_law({operator, left, right}) when operator in [:or, :and] do {operator, apply_demorgans_law(left), apply_demorgans_law(right)} end defp apply_demorgans_law({:not, expression}) do {:not, apply_demorgans_law(expression)} end defp apply_demorgans_law(var) when is_integer(var) do var end end