defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.GeneratePolicyCharts do @moduledoc """ Generates a Mermaid Flow Chart for a given resource's policies. ## Prerequisites This mix task requires the Mermaid CLI to be installed on your system. See ## Command line options * `--only` - only generates the given Flow file * `--format` - Can be set to one of either: * `plain` - Prints just the mermaid output as text. This is the default. * `md` - Prints the mermaid diagram in a markdown code block. * `svg` - Generates an SVG * `pdf` - Generates a PDF * `png` - Generates a PNG """ use Mix.Task @recursive true @shortdoc "Generates a Mermaid Flow Chart for a given resource's policies." def run(argv) do"compile") {opts, _} = OptionParser.parse!(argv, strict: [only: :keep, all: :boolean, format: :string], aliases: [o: :only, f: :format, a: :all] ) only = if opts[:only] && opts[:only] != [] do[:only]), &Path.expand/1) else if !opts[:all] do raise "Must pass the `--only` option or the `--all` option." end end format = Keyword.get(opts, :format, "plain") resources() |> Stream.filter(fn resource -> Ash.Policy.Authorizer in Spark.extensions(resource) end) |> Task.async_stream( fn resource -> source = resource.module_info(:compile)[:source] if is_nil(only) || Path.expand(source) in only do Mix.Mermaid.generate_diagram( source, "policy-flowchart", format, Ash.Policy.Chart.Mermaid.chart(resource), "Generated Mermaid Flow Chart for #{inspect(resource)}" ) end end, timeout: :infinity ) |> end defp resources do Mix.Project.config()[:app] |> Application.get_env(:ash_apis, []) |> Enum.flat_map(&Ash.Api.Info.resources/1) end end