defmodule Mix.Mermaid do @moduledoc """ Mermaid Diagram helper functions. """ @doc """ Generate the option string for a mermaid config file if it exists. """ def config do if File.exists?("mermaidConfig.json") do "--configFile #{Path.expand("mermaidConfig.json")}" end end # sobelow_skip ["Traversal"] def generate_diagram(source, suffix, "plain", markdown, message) do file = Mix.Mermaid.file(source, suffix, "mmd") File.write!(file, markdown) <> " (#{file})") end # sobelow_skip ["Traversal"] def generate_diagram(source, suffix, "md", markdown, message) do file = Mix.Mermaid.file(source, suffix, "md") File.write!(file, """ ```mermaid #{markdown} ``` """) <> " (#{file})") end def generate_diagram(source, suffix, format, markdown, message) when format in ["svg", "pdf", "png"] do file = Mix.Mermaid.file(source, suffix, format) Mix.Mermaid.create_diagram(file, markdown) <> " (#{file})") end def generate_diagram(_, _, format, _, _) do""" Invalid format `#{format}`. Valid options are `plain`, `md`, `svg`, `pdf` or `png`. """) end @doc """ Generate a diagram filename next to the source file. """ def file(source, suffix, extension) do filename = source |> Path.basename() |> Path.rootname() |> Kernel.<>("-" <> suffix <> "." <> extension) source |> Path.dirname() |> Path.join(filename) end @doc """ Generate a Mermaid diagram using the CLI. For more info see """ def create_diagram(file, markdown) do "sh" |> System.cmd([ "-c", """ cat < case do {_, 0} -> :ok {text, exit_status} -> raise "Creating Mermaid diagram #{file} exited with status: #{exit_status}\n#{text}" end end end