defmodule Ash.Test.Actions.UpdateTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true defmodule Authorized do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [Ash.Test.Authorizer] ets do private?(true) end attributes do attribute :id, :uuid, primary_key?: true, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0 attribute :name, :string end actions do read :default create :default update :default end end defmodule Profile do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do read :default create :default update :default end attributes do attribute :id, :uuid, primary_key?: true, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0 attribute :bio, :string end relationships do belongs_to :author, Ash.Test.Actions.UpdateTest.Author end end defmodule Author do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do read :default create :default update :default end attributes do attribute :id, :uuid, primary_key?: true, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0 attribute :name, :string end relationships do has_one :profile, Profile, destination_field: :author_id has_many :posts, Ash.Test.Actions.UpdateTest.Post, destination_field: :author_id end end defmodule PostLink do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do read :default create :default update :default end relationships do belongs_to :source_post, Ash.Test.Actions.UpdateTest.Post, primary_key?: true belongs_to :destination_post, Ash.Test.Actions.UpdateTest.Post, primary_key?: true end end defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do read :default create :default update :default end attributes do attribute :id, :uuid, primary_key?: true, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0 attribute :title, :string attribute :contents, :string end relationships do belongs_to :author, Author many_to_many :related_posts, __MODULE__, through: PostLink, source_field_on_join_table: :source_post_id, destination_field_on_join_table: :destination_post_id end end defmodule Api do @moduledoc false use Ash.Api resources do resource(Author) resource(Post) resource(Profile) resource(PostLink) resource(Authorized) end end import Ash.Changeset describe "simple updates" do test "allows updating a record with valid attributes" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "foo", contents: "bar"}) |> Api.create!() assert %Post{title: "bar", contents: "foo"} = post |> update(%{title: "bar", contents: "foo"}) |> Api.update!() end end describe "updating many to many relationships" do test "allows updating with a many_to_many relationship" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "title"}) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> create(%{title: "title2"}) |> Api.create!() post3 = Post |> create(%{title: "title3"}) |> Api.create!() post |> update() |> replace_relationship(:related_posts, [post2, post3]) |> Api.update!() end test "it updates the join table properly" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "title"}) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> create(%{title: "title2"}) |> Api.create!() post3 = Post |> create(%{title: "title3"}) |> Api.create!() post |> update() |> replace_relationship(:related_posts, [post2, post3]) |> Api.update!() assert [_, _] =!(PostLink) end test "it responds with the relationship filled in" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "title"}) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> create(%{title: "title2"}) |> Api.create!() post3 = Post |> create(%{title: "title3"}) |> Api.create!() new_post = post |> update() |> replace_relationship(:related_posts, [post2, post3]) |> Api.update!() assert Enum.sort(new_post.related_posts) == Enum.sort([ Api.get!(Post,, Api.get!(Post, ]) end end describe "updating with has_one relationships" do test "allows updating with has_one relationship" do profile = Profile |> create(%{bio: "best dude"}) |> Api.create!() profile2 = Profile |> create(%{bio: "second best dude"}) |> Api.create!() author = Author |> create(%{name: "fred"}) |> replace_relationship(:profile, profile) |> Api.create!() author |> update() |> replace_relationship(:profile, profile2) |> Api.update!() end test "it sets the relationship on the destination record accordingly" do profile = Profile |> create(%{bio: "best dude"}) |> Api.create!() profile2 = Profile |> create(%{bio: "second best dude"}) |> Api.create!() author = Author |> create(%{name: "fred"}) |> replace_relationship(:profile, profile) |> Api.create!() author |> update() |> replace_relationship(:profile, profile2) |> Api.update!() assert Api.get!(Profile, == nil assert Api.get!(Profile, == end test "it responds with the relationship filled in" do profile = Profile |> create(%{bio: "best dude"}) |> Api.create!() profile2 = Profile |> create(%{bio: "second best dude"}) |> Api.create!() author = Author |> create(%{name: "fred"}) |> replace_relationship(:profile, profile) |> Api.create!() updated_author = author |> update() |> replace_relationship(:profile, profile2) |> Api.update!() assert updated_author.profile == %{profile2 | author_id:} end end describe "updating with a has_many relationship" do test "allows updating with a has_many relationship" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "sup"}) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> create(%{title: "sup2"}) |> Api.create!() author = Author |> create(%{name: "foobar"}) |> replace_relationship(:posts, [post]) |> Api.create!() author |> update() |> replace_relationship(:posts, [post, post2]) |> Api.update!() end test "it sets the relationship on the destination records accordingly" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "sup"}) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> create(%{title: "sup2"}) |> Api.create!() author = Author |> create(%{name: "foobar"}) |> replace_relationship(:posts, [post]) |> Api.create!() author = author |> update() |> replace_relationship(:posts, []) |> Api.update!() assert Api.get!(Post, == nil assert Api.get!(Post, == end test "it responds with the relationship field filled in" do post = Post |> create(%{title: "sup"}) |> Api.create!() post2 = Post |> create(%{title: "sup2"}) |> Api.create!() author = Author |> create(%{name: "foobar"}) |> replace_relationship(:posts, [post]) |> Api.create!() updated_author = author |> update() |> replace_relationship(:posts, [post2]) |> Api.update!() assert updated_author.posts == [Api.get!(Post,] end end describe "updating with belongs_to relationships" do test "allows updating with belongs_to relationship" do author = Author |> create(%{name: "best dude"}) |> Api.create!() author2 = Author |> create(%{name: "best dude2"}) |> Api.create!() post = Post |> create(%{title: "foobar"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() post |> update() |> replace_relationship(:author, author2) |> Api.update!() end test "sets the relationship on the destination records accordingly" do author = Author |> create(%{name: "best dude"}) |> Api.create!() author2 = Author |> create(%{name: "best dude2"}) |> Api.create!() post = Post |> create(%{title: "foobar"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() post |> update() |> replace_relationship(:author, author2) |> Api.update!() assert Api.get!(Author,, side_load: [:posts]).posts == [Api.get!(Post,] end test "it responds with the relationship field filled in" do author = Author |> create(%{name: "best dude"}) |> Api.create!() author2 = Author |> create(%{name: "best dude2"}) |> Api.create!() post = Post |> create(%{title: "foobar"}) |> replace_relationship(:author, author) |> Api.create!() updated_post = post |> update() |> replace_relationship(:author, author2) |> Api.update!() assert == Api.get!(Author, end end describe "unauthorized update" do test "it does not update the record" do record = Authorized |> create(%{name: "bar"}) |> Api.create!() assert_raise(Ash.Error.Forbidden, fn -> record |> update(%{name: "foo"}) |> Api.update!(authorize?: true) end) assert Api.get!(Authorized, == "bar" end end end