defmodule Ash do @moduledoc " Types and simple helpers for Ash" alias Ash.Resource.Actions.{Create, Destroy, Read, Update} alias Ash.Resource.Relationships.{BelongsTo, HasMany, HasOne, ManyToMany} @type action :: Create.t() | Read.t() | Update.t() | Destroy.t() @type action_type :: :read | :create | :update | :destroy @type actor :: Ash.record() @type aggregate :: Ash.Query.Aggregate.t() | Ash.Resource.Aggregate.t() @type aggregate_kind :: Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind() @type api :: module @type attribute :: Ash.Resource.Attribute.t() @type calculation :: Ash.Resource.Calculation.t() @type cardinality_many_relationship() :: HasMany.t() | ManyToMany.t() @type cardinality_one_relationship() :: HasOne.t() | BelongsTo.t() @type changeset :: Ash.Changeset.t() @type data_layer :: module @type data_layer_query :: struct @type error :: struct @type filter :: Ash.Filter.t() @type params :: Keyword.t() @type primary_key :: record() | map | term @type query :: Ash.Query.t() @type record :: struct @type relationship :: cardinality_one_relationship() | cardinality_many_relationship() @type relationship_cardinality :: :many | :one @type resource :: module @type side_loads :: term @type page :: Ash.Page.Keyset.t() | Ash.Page.Offset.t() @type sort_order :: :asc | :desc | :asc_nils_first | :asc_nils_last | :desc_nils_first | :desc_nils_last @type sort :: list(atom | {atom, sort_order}) @type validation :: Ash.Resource.Validation.t() @type notification :: Ash.Notifier.Notification.t() require Ash.Dsl.Extension def implements_behaviour?(module, behaviour) do :attributes |> module.module_info() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {:behaviour, value} -> List.wrap(value) _ -> [] end) |> Enum.any?(&(&1 == behaviour)) rescue _ -> false end def uuid do Ecto.UUID.generate() end # A restricted version of `:erlang.binary_to_term/2` that forbids # *executable* terms, such as anonymous functions. # The `opts` are given to the underlying `:erlang.binary_to_term/2` # call, with an empty list as a default. # By default this function does not restrict atoms, as an atom # interned in one node may not yet have been interned on another # (except for releases, which preload all code). # If you want to avoid atoms from being created, then you can pass # `[:safe]` as options, as that will also enable the safety mechanisms # from `:erlang.binary_to_term/2` itself. # Ripped from # sobelow_skip ["Misc.BinToTerm"] def non_executable_binary_to_term(binary, opts \\ []) when is_binary(binary) do term = :erlang.binary_to_term(binary, opts) non_executable_terms(term) term end defp non_executable_terms(list) when is_list(list) do non_executable_list(list) end defp non_executable_terms(tuple) when is_tuple(tuple) do non_executable_tuple(tuple, tuple_size(tuple)) end defp non_executable_terms(map) when is_map(map) do folder = fn key, value, acc -> non_executable_terms(key) non_executable_terms(value) acc end :maps.fold(folder, map, map) end defp non_executable_terms(other) when is_atom(other) or is_number(other) or is_bitstring(other) or is_pid(other) or is_reference(other) do other end defp non_executable_terms(other) do raise ArgumentError, "cannot deserialize #{inspect(other)}, the term is not safe for deserialization" end defp non_executable_list([]), do: :ok defp non_executable_list([h | t]) when is_list(t) do non_executable_terms(h) non_executable_list(t) end defp non_executable_list([h | t]) do non_executable_terms(h) non_executable_terms(t) end defp non_executable_tuple(_tuple, 0), do: :ok defp non_executable_tuple(tuple, n) do non_executable_terms(:erlang.element(n, tuple)) non_executable_tuple(tuple, n - 1) end @doc "Returns all extensions of a resource or api" @spec extensions(resource() | api()) :: [module] def extensions(resource) do Ash.Dsl.Extension.get_persisted(resource, :extensions) end @spec try_compile(term) :: :ok def try_compile(module) when is_atom(module) do Code.ensure_loaded(module) :ok end def try_compile(_), do: :ok end