defmodule Ash.Test.Dsl.Resource.Actions.ReadTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true defmacrop defposts(do: body) do quote do defmodule Post do use Ash.Resource, name: "posts", type: "post" unquote(body) end end end describe "representation" do test "it creates an action" do defposts do actions do read :default end end assert [ %Ash.Resource.Actions.Read{ name: :default, primary?: true, type: :read } ] = Ash.actions(Post) end end describe "validation" do test "it fails if `name` is not an atom" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "action name must be an atom at actions -> read", fn -> defposts do actions do read "default" end end end ) end test "it fails if `primary?` is not a boolean" do assert_raise( Ash.Error.ResourceDslError, "option primary? at actions -> read -> default must be boolean", fn -> defposts do actions do read :default, primary?: 10 end end end ) end end end