defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.ReplaceDocLinks do @moduledoc """ Replaces any documentation links with text appropriate for hex docs. """ use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Replaces any Spark doc links with text appropriate for hex docs." def run(_argv) do "doc/**/*.html" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.each(fn file -> new_contents = file |>!() |> Spark.DocIndex.render_replacements(fn :mix_dep, %{library: library}, _context -> ~s({:#{library}, "~> x.y.z"}) :link, %{type: "option", item: item, name_override: name, library: library}, _ -> path = item |> String.trim_leading("/") |> String.split(~r/[\/\.]/) |> Enum.drop(1) name = name || join_path(path) dsl_path = path |> :lists.droplast() |> Enum.map_join("/", &sanitize_name/1) anchor = path |> List.last() |> sanitize_name() ~s(#{name}) :link, %{type: "dsl", item: item, name_override: name, library: library}, _ -> path = item |> String.trim_leading("/") |> String.split(~r/[\/\.]/) |> Enum.drop(1) dsl_path = Enum.map_join(path, "/", &sanitize_name/1) name = name || join_path(path) ~s(#{name}) :link, %{type: "extension", item: item, name_override: name, library: library}, _ -> ~s(#{name || item}) :link, %{type: "guide", item: item, name_override: name, library: library}, _ -> ~s(#{name || item}) :link, %{type: "module", item: item, name_override: name, library: library}, _ -> ~s(#{name || item}) :link, %{type: "library", name_override: name, library: library}, _ -> ~s(#{name || library}) _, %{text: text}, _ -> raise "No link handler for: `#{text}`" end) File.write!(file, new_contents) end) end defp join_path(path) do Enum.join(path, " > ") end defp sanitize_name(name) do String.downcase(String.replace(name, ~r/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/, "-")) end end