defmodule Ash.Test.Policy.FieldPolicy.ExpressionConditionTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true defmodule Api do @moduledoc false use Ash.Api resources do allow_unregistered? true end end defmodule ResourceWithMultiplePoliciesForOneField do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer] attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string attribute :other_name, :string attribute :other_other_name, :string end field_policies do field_policy :name, [actor_attribute_equals(:admin, true)] do authorize_if always() end field_policy :name, expr(name == ^actor(:name)) do authorize_if always() end field_policy :other_name, [actor_attribute_equals(:admin, true)] do forbid_if always() end field_policy :other_name, expr(name == ^actor(:name)) do forbid_if always() end field_policy :other_other_name, [actor_attribute_equals(:admin, true)] do authorize_if always() end field_policy :other_other_name, expr(name == ^actor(:name)) do forbid_if always() end end policies do policy always() do forbid_if never() authorize_if always() end end code_interface do define_for Api define :create define :read end actions do defaults [:create, :read] end end test "multiple field policies for the same field with different conditions work" do ResourceWithMultiplePoliciesForOneField.create!(%{ name: "foo", other_name: "foo", other_other_name: "foo" }) ResourceWithMultiplePoliciesForOneField.create!(%{ name: "baz", other_name: "baz", other_other_name: "bar" }) assert [ %{ name: "baz", other_name: %Ash.ForbiddenField{}, other_other_name: %Ash.ForbiddenField{} }, %{name: "foo", other_name: %Ash.ForbiddenField{}, other_other_name: "foo"} ] =!( actor: %{name: "baz", admin: true}, query: ResourceWithMultiplePoliciesForOneField |> Ash.Query.sort([:name]) ) end end