defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.GenerateFlowCharts do @moduledoc """ Generates a Mermaid Flow Chart for each `Ash.Flow` alongside the flow. If there is a `run_flow` step in the flow, this will also create an "expanded" Mermaid Flow Chart which includes all child steps. ## Prerequisites This mix task requires the Mermaid CLI to be installed on your system. See ## Command line options * `--only` - only generates the given Flow file """ use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Generates Mermaid Flow Charts for each `Ash.Flow`" def run(argv) do"compile") {opts, _} = OptionParser.parse!(argv, strict: [only: :keep], aliases: [o: :only]) only = if opts[:only] && opts[:only] != [] do[:only]), &Path.expand/1) end flows() |> Task.async_stream( fn flow -> source = flow.module_info(:compile)[:source] if is_nil(only) || Path.expand(source) in only do make_simple(flow, Mix.Mermaid.file(source, "mermaid-flowchart", "pdf")) make_expanded(flow, Mix.Mermaid.file(source, "expanded-mermaid-flowchart", "pdf"))"Generated Mermaid Flow Chart for #{inspect(flow)}") end end, timeout: :infinity ) |> end defp make_simple(flow, file) do Mix.Mermaid.create_diagram(file, Ash.Flow.Chart.Mermaid.chart(flow, expand?: false)) end defp make_expanded(flow, file) do if has_run_flow_step?(flow) do Mix.Mermaid.create_diagram(file, Ash.Flow.Chart.Mermaid.chart(flow, expand?: true)) end end defp has_run_flow_step?(flow) do flow |> Ash.Flow.Info.steps() |> any_complex?() end defp any_complex?(steps) when is_list(steps) do Enum.any?(steps, &any_complex?/1) end defp any_complex?(%Ash.Flow.Step.RunFlow{}), do: true defp any_complex?(%{steps: steps}), do: any_complex?(steps) defp any_complex?(_), do: false defp modules do Mix.Project.config()[:app] |> Application.get_env(:modules, []) end defp flows do for module <- modules(), {:module, module} = Code.ensure_compiled(module),, Ash.Flow) do module end end end