defmodule Ash.CodeInterface do @moduledoc """ Used to define the functions of a code interface for a resource. """ @doc false def require_action(resource, interface) do action = Ash.Resource.Info.action(resource, interface.action || unless action do raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: resource, message: "The interface of #{inspect(resource)} refers to a non-existent action #{interface.action ||}", path: [:interfaces, :interface,] end action end @doc false def default_value(resource, action, key) do {field_type, field} = case Enum.find(action.arguments, fn argument -> == key end) do nil -> {:attribute, Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, key)} argument -> {:argument, argument} end if !field.allow_nil? do raise "Code interface for #{} has optional argument #{key} but it is not optional" end default = if field_type == :argument do field.default else if action.type == :update || (action.type == :destroy && action.soft?) do if is_nil(action.update_default) do field.default else field.update_default end else field.default end end if is_function(default) do quote do unquote(Macro.escape(default)).() end else quote do unquote(Macro.escape(default)) end end end def without_optional(keys) do, fn {:optional, key} -> key key -> key end) end @doc """ Defines the code interface for a given resource + api combination in the current module. For example: ```elixir defmodule MyApp.Accounting do require Ash.CodeInterface Ash.CodeInterface.define_interface(MyApp.Accounting, MyApp.Accounting.Transaction) Ash.CodeInterface.define_interface(MyApp.Accounting, MyApp.Accounting.Account) Ash.CodeInterface.define_interface(MyApp.Accounting, MyApp.Accounting.Invoice) end ``` Keep in mind that you can have this "automatically" defined in your resources by using the `define_for` flag in a resource. For example: ```elixir defmodule MyApp.Accounting.Transaction do use Ash.Resource ... code_interface do define_for MyApp.Accounting define :start do args [:invoice_id] end end end # Which can now be used like so: MyApp.Accounting.Transaction.start!( ``` """ defmacro define_interface(api, resource) do quote bind_quoted: [api: api, resource: resource], generated: true, location: :keep do for interface <- Ash.Resource.Info.interfaces(resource) do action = Ash.CodeInterface.require_action(resource, interface) filter_keys = if action.type == :read do if interface.get_by_identity do Ash.Resource.Info.identity(resource, interface.get_by_identity).keys else if interface.get_by do interface.get_by end end end args = List.wrap(filter_keys) ++ Ash.CodeInterface.without_optional(interface.args || []) arg_vars =, &{&1, [], Elixir}) arg_vars_function = filter_keys |> List.wrap() |> Enum.concat(interface.args || []) |> {:optional, key} -> default = Ash.CodeInterface.default_value(resource, action, key) {:\\, [], [{key, [], Elixir}, default]} key -> {key, [], Elixir} end) unless Enum.uniq(args) == args do raise """ Arguments #{inspect(args)} for #{} are not unique! """ end doc = """ #{action.description || "Calls the #{} action on the #{inspect(resource)} resource."} ## Options #{} """ case action.type do :read -> @doc doc @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {, Enum.count(args) + 2}} def unquote( unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply( __MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), %{}, params_or_opts ] ) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) query = if unquote(filter_keys) do require Ash.Query {filters, input} = Map.split(input, unquote(filter_keys)) opts[:query] |> Kernel.||(unquote(resource)) |> Ash.Query.for_read( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) |> Ash.Query.filter(filters) else opts[:query] |> Kernel.||(unquote(resource)) |> Ash.Query.for_read( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end if unquote(interface.get? || action.get?) do query |> unquote(api).read_one( Keyword.drop(opts, [:query, :tenant, :authorize?, :actor]) ) |> case do {:ok, nil} -> if unquote(interface.not_found_error?) == false || Keyword.get(opts, :not_found_error?) == false do {:ok, nil} else {:error, Ash.Error.Query.NotFound.exception(resource: query.resource)} end {:ok, result} -> {:ok, result} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end else unquote(api).read( query, Keyword.drop(opts, [:query, :tenant, :actor, :authorize?]) ) end end end @doc doc # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {:"#{}!", Enum.count(args) + 2}} def unquote(:"#{}!")( unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply( __MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ] ) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) query = if unquote(filter_keys) do require Ash.Query {filters, input} = Map.split(input, unquote(filter_keys)) opts[:query] |> Kernel.||(unquote(resource)) |> Ash.Query.for_read( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) |> Ash.Query.filter(filters) else opts[:query] |> Kernel.||(unquote(resource)) |> Ash.Query.for_read( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end if unquote(interface.get? || action.get?) do query |> unquote(api).read_one!( Keyword.drop(opts, [:query, :tenant, :authorize?, :actor]) ) |> case do nil -> if unquote(interface.not_found_error?) == false || Keyword.get(opts, :not_found_error?) == false do nil else raise Ash.Error.Query.NotFound, resource: query.resource end result -> result end else unquote(api).read!( query, Keyword.drop(opts, [:query, :tenant, :actor, :authorize?]) ) end end end :create -> @doc doc @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {, Enum.count(args) + 2}} def unquote( unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply(__MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ]) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) changeset = opts[:changeset] |> Kernel.||(unquote(resource)) |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) unquote(api).create( changeset, Keyword.drop(opts, [:actor, :changeset, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end end @doc doc @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {:"#{}!", Enum.count(args) + 2}} # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] def unquote(:"#{}!")( unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply(__MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ]) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) changeset = (opts[:changeset] || unquote(resource)) |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) unquote(api).create!( changeset, Keyword.drop(opts, [:actor, :changeset, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end end :update -> @doc doc @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {, Enum.count(args) + 3}} def unquote( record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply(__MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ]) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) changeset = record |> Ash.Changeset.for_update( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) unquote(api).update( changeset, Keyword.drop(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end end @doc doc # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {:"#{}!", Enum.count(args) + 3}} def unquote(:"#{}!")( record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply(__MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ]) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) changeset = record |> Ash.Changeset.for_update( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) unquote(api).update!( changeset, Keyword.drop(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end end :destroy -> @doc doc @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {, Enum.count(args) + 3}} def unquote( record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply(__MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ]) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) changeset = record |> Ash.Changeset.for_destroy( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) unquote(api).destroy( changeset, Keyword.drop(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end end @doc doc # sobelow_skip ["DOS.BinToAtom"] @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, {:"#{}!", Enum.count(args) + 3}} def unquote(:"#{}!")( record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars_function), params_or_opts \\ %{}, opts \\ [] ) do if opts == [] && Keyword.keyword?(params_or_opts) do apply(__MODULE__, elem(__ENV__.function, 0), [ record, unquote_splicing(arg_vars), %{}, params_or_opts ]) else input = unquote(args) |>[unquote_splicing(arg_vars)]) |> Enum.reduce(params_or_opts, fn {key, value}, params_or_opts -> Map.put(params_or_opts, key, value) end) changeset = record |> Ash.Changeset.for_destroy( unquote(, input, Keyword.take(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) unquote(api).destroy!( changeset, Keyword.drop(opts, [:actor, :tenant, :authorize?, :tracer]) ) end end end end end end end