defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.Extend do @moduledoc """ Adds an extension or extensions to the domain/resource For example: `mix ash.extend My.Domain.Resource Ash.Policy.Authorizer` """ @shortdoc "Adds an extension or extensions to the given domain/resource" require Igniter.Code.Common use Igniter.Mix.Task @impl Igniter.Mix.Task def igniter(igniter, [subject, extensions | argv]) do opts = [ subjects: subject, extensions: extensions ] |> Ash.Igniter.csv_option(:extensions) |> Ash.Igniter.csv_option(:subjects) extensions = opts[:extensions] Enum.reduce(opts[:subjects], igniter, fn subject, igniter -> subject = Igniter.Code.Module.parse(subject) path_to_thing = Igniter.Code.Module.proper_location(subject) kind_of_thing = kind_of_thing(igniter, path_to_thing) # we currently require that the packages required are already installed # probably pretty low hanging fruit to adjust that {igniter, patchers, _install} = Enum.reduce(extensions, {igniter, [], []}, fn extension, {igniter, patchers, install} -> case patcher(kind_of_thing, subject, extension, path_to_thing, argv) do {fun, new_install} when is_function(fun, 1) -> {igniter, [fun | patchers], install ++ new_install} {:error, error} -> {Igniter.add_issue(igniter, error), patchers, install} end end) # unless Enum.empty?(install) do #""" # Before proceeding, we must install the following packages: # """) # Igniter.Install.install(install, argv) # end Enum.reduce(patchers, igniter, fn patcher, igniter -> patcher.(igniter) end) end) end defp kind_of_thing(igniter, path) do igniter = Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path) zipper = igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.source!(path) |> Rewrite.Source.get(:quoted) |> with {_, :error} <- {Ash.Resource, Igniter.Code.Module.move_to_module_using(zipper, Ash.Resource)}, {_, :error} <- {Ash.Domain, Igniter.Code.Module.move_to_module_using(zipper, Ash.Domain)} do raise ArgumentError, """ Could not determine whether the thing at #{path} is an `Ash.Resource` or an `Ash.Domain`. It is a current limitation of `mix ash.extend` that it requires the module in question to be defined at the "standard" path. For example: `YourApp.Foo.Bar` -> `lib/your_app/foo/bar.ex` """ else {kind_of_thing, {:ok, _}} -> kind_of_thing end end defp patcher(kind_of_thing, module, extension, path, argv) do original_request = extension {install, extension} = case {kind_of_thing, String.trim_leading(String.downcase(extension), "ash_"), extension} do {Ash.Resource, "postgres", _} -> {[:ash_postgres], AshPostgres.DataLayer} {Ash.Resource, "sqlite", _} -> {[:ash_sqlite], AshMysql.DataLayer} {Ash.Resource, "mysql", _} -> {[:mysql], AshPostgres.DataLayer} {Ash.Resource, "ets", _} -> {[], Ash.DataLayer.Ets} {Ash.Resource, "mnesia", _} -> {[], Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia} {Ash.Resource, "embedded", _} -> {[], &embedded_patcher(&1, module, path)} {Ash.Resource, "json_api", _} -> {[:ash_json_api], AshJsonApi.Resource} {Ash.Resource, "graphql", _} -> {[:ash_graphql], AshGraphql.Resource} {Ash.Domain, "json_api", _} -> {[:ash_json_api], AshJsonApi.Domain} {Ash.Domain, "graphql", _} -> {[:ash_graphql], AshGraphql.Domain} {_kind_of_thing, _, extension} -> {[], extension} end if is_function(extension) do {extension, install} else Module.concat([extension]) if Code.ensure_loaded?(extension) do fun = if function_exported?(extension, :install, 4) do fn igniter -> extension.install(igniter, module, kind_of_thing, path, argv) |> simple_add_extension(kind_of_thing, path, extension) end else &simple_add_extension(&1, kind_of_thing, path, extension) end {fun, install} else extensions =!([]), &inspect/1) short_codes = [ "json_api", "postgres", "graphql", "mysql", "sqlite", "ets", "mnesia", "embedded" ] installable = short_codes |> Enum.concat(extensions) |> Enum.map_join("\n", &" * #{&1}") {:error, """ Could not find extension #{original_request}. Possible values for extensions #{installable} """} end end end defp embedded_patcher(igniter, resource, path) do domain = resource |> Module.split() |> :lists.droplast() |> Module.concat() igniter |> remove_domain_option(path) |> Spark.Igniter.add_extension(path, Ash.Resource, :data_layer, :embedded, true) |> Ash.Domain.Igniter.remove_resource_reference(domain, resource) |> Spark.Igniter.update_dsl( Ash.Resource, path, [{:section, :actions}, {:option, :defaults}], [:read, :destroy, create: [], update: []], fn x -> x end ) end defp remove_domain_option(igniter, path) do Igniter.update_elixir_file(igniter, path, fn zipper -> with {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Module.move_to_module_using(zipper, Ash.Resource), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Module.move_to_use(zipper, Ash.Resource), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Function.update_nth_argument(zipper, 1, fn values_zipper -> values_zipper |> Igniter.Code.Keyword.remove_keyword_key(:domain) end) do zipper else _ -> zipper end end) end defp simple_add_extension(igniter, Ash.Resource, path, extension) do cond do Spark.implements_behaviour?(extension, Ash.DataLayer) -> Spark.Igniter.add_extension(igniter, path, Ash.Resource, :data_layer, extension, true) Spark.implements_behaviour?(extension, Ash.Notifier) -> Spark.Igniter.add_extension(igniter, path, Ash.Resource, :notifiers, extension) Spark.implements_behaviour?(extension, Ash.Authorizer) -> Spark.Igniter.add_extension(igniter, path, Ash.Resource, :authorizers, extension) true -> igniter end end defp simple_add_extension(igniter, type, path, extension) do Spark.Igniter.add_extension(igniter, path, type, :extensions, extension) end end