# Aggregates Aggregates in Ash allow for retrieving summary information over groups of related data. A simple example might be to show the "count of published posts for a user". ## Declaring aggregates on a resource Example: ```elixir aggreates do count :count_of_posts, :posts, filter: [published: true] end ``` See the documentation for the aggregates section in `Ash.Resource.Dsl.aggregates/1` for more information. The aggregates declared on a resource allow for declaring a set of named aggregates that can be used by extensions. They can also be loaded in the query using `Ash.Query.load/2`, or after the fact using `c:Ash.Api.load/3`. Aggregates declared on the resource will be keys in the resource's struct. ## Custom aggregates in the query Example: ```elixir User |> Ash.Query.new() |> Ash.Query.aggregate(:count_of_posts, :count, :posts, filter: [published: true]) ``` See the documentation for `Ash.Query.aggregate/4` for more information.