defmodule Ash.Test.Notifier.PubSubTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: false defmodule PubSub do def broadcast(topic, event, notification) do send( Application.get_env(__MODULE__, :notifier_test_pid), {:broadcast, topic, event, notification} ) end end defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, notifiers: [ Ash.Notifier.PubSub ] pub_sub do module PubSub prefix "post" publish :destroy, ["foo", :id] publish :default, ["foo", :id], type: :update publish :default, ["bar", :name], type: :update, event: "name_change" end ets do private?(true) end actions do create :default read :default update :default destroy :destroy end attributes do attribute :id, :uuid, primary_key?: true, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0 attribute :name, :string end end defmodule Api do use Ash.Api resources do resource Post end end setup do Application.put_env(PubSub, :notifier_test_pid, self()) :ok end test "publishing a message with a change value" do post = Post |>{}) |> Api.create!() Api.destroy!(post) message = "post:foo:#{}" assert_receive {:broadcast, ^message, "destroy", %Ash.Notifier.Notification{}} end test "publishing a message with multiple matches/changes" do post = Post |>{name: "ted"}) |> Api.create!() post |>{name: "joe"}) |> Api.update!() message = "post:foo:#{}" assert_receive {:broadcast, ^message, "default", %Ash.Notifier.Notification{}} message = "post:bar:joe" assert_receive {:broadcast, ^message, "name_change", %Ash.Notifier.Notification{}} message = "post:bar:ted" assert_receive {:broadcast, ^message, "name_change", %Ash.Notifier.Notification{}} end end