defmodule Ash.OptionsHelpers do @moduledoc """ Helpers for working with nimble options """ @type schema :: NimbleOptions.schema() def merge_schemas(left, right, section \\ nil) do new_right =, fn {key, value} -> {key, Keyword.put(value, :subsection, section)} end) Keyword.merge(left, new_right) end def validate(opts, schema) do NimbleOptions.validate(opts, sanitize_schema(schema)) end def validate!(opts, schema) do NimbleOptions.validate!(opts, sanitize_schema(schema)) end def docs(schema) do schema |> Enum.reject(fn {_key, opts} -> opts[:hide] end) |> sanitize_schema() |> {key, opts} -> if opts[:doc] do {key, Keyword.update!(opts, :doc, &String.replace(&1, "\n\n", " \n"))} else {key, opts} end end) |> end defp sanitize_schema(schema) do, fn {key, opts} -> new_opts = case opts[:type] do {:one_of, values} -> Keyword.put(opts, :type, {:in, values}) _ -> opts end {key, Keyword.drop(new_opts, [:hide, :as])} end) end def map(value) when is_map(value), do: {:ok, value} def map(_), do: {:error, "must be a map"} def list_of_atoms(value) do if is_list(value) and Enum.all?(value, &is_atom/1) do {:ok, value} else {:error, "Expected a list of atoms"} end end def module_and_opts({module, opts}) when is_atom(module) do if Keyword.keyword?(opts) do {:ok, {module, opts}} else {:error, "Expected the second element to be a keyword list, got: #{inspect(opts)}"} end end def module_and_opts({other, _}) do {:error, "Expected the first element to be a module, got: #{inspect(other)}"} end def module_and_opts(module) do module_and_opts({module, []}) end def default(value) when is_function(value, 0), do: {:ok, value} def default({module, function, args}) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(function) and is_list(args), do: {:ok, {module, function, args}} def default(value), do: {:ok, value} def make_required!(options, field) do Keyword.update!(options, field, &Keyword.put(&1, :required, true)) end def make_optional!(options, field) do Keyword.update!(options, field, &Keyword.delete(&1, :required)) end def set_type!(options, field, type) do Keyword.update!(options, field, &Keyword.put(&1, :type, type)) end def set_default!(options, field, value) do Keyword.update!(options, field, fn config -> config |> Keyword.put(:default, value) |> Keyword.delete(:required) end) end def append_doc!(options, field, to_append) do Keyword.update!(options, field, fn opt_config -> Keyword.update(opt_config, :doc, to_append, fn existing -> existing <> " - " <> to_append end) end) end end