defmodule Ash.Test.Resource.CalculationsTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Test.Support.PolicySimple.Api alias Ash.Test.Support.PolicySimple.Post alias Ash.Resource.Calculation defmacrop defposts(do: body) do quote do defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string attribute :contents, :string end unquote(body) end end end describe "representation" do test "calculations are persisted on the resource properly" do defposts do calculations do calculate :name_and_contents, :string, concat([:name, :context]) calculate(:another_cal_but_private, :string, concat([:name, :context]), private?: true) end end assert [ %Calculation{ name: :name_and_contents, calculation: {Calculation.Concat, [keys: [:name, :context], separator: ""]}, private?: false }, %Calculation{ name: :another_cal_but_private, calculation: {Calculation.Concat, [keys: [:name, :context], separator: ""]}, private?: true } ] = Ash.Resource.Info.calculations(Post) assert [%Calculation{name: :name_and_contents}] = Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculations(Post) assert %Calculation{name: :another_cal_but_private} = Ash.Resource.Info.calculation(Post, :another_cal_but_private) assert nil == Ash.Resource.Info.public_calculation(Post, :another_cal_but_private) assert nil == Ash.Resource.Info.calculation(Post, :totally_legit_calculation) end test "Calculation descriptions are allowed" do defposts do calculations do calculate(:name_and_contents, :string, concat([:name, :context]), description: "require one of name/contents" ) end end assert [ %Ash.Resource.Calculation{description: "require one of name/contents"} ] = Ash.Resource.Info.calculations(Post) end end describe "relationships" do test "calculations can access attributes of parent" do defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string attribute :contents, :string end actions do defaults [:read, :update, :destroy, :create] end end defmodule PostName do @moduledoc """ Calculates the name of the post, from the child comment. """ use Ash.Calculation @impl true def load(_query, _opts, _context), do: [:post] @impl true def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn comment -> post = end) end end defmodule Comment do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :post_id, :uuid do allow_nil?(false) end end actions do defaults [:read, :update, :destroy, :create] end relationships do belongs_to :post, Post end calculations do calculate(:post_name, :string, PostName) end end defmodule Registry do @moduledoc false use Ash.Registry entries do entry(Post) entry(Comment) end end defmodule MyApi do @moduledoc false use Ash.Api resources do registry Registry end end post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Post 1", contents: "Contents 1"}) |> MyApi.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{post_id:}) |> MyApi.create!() # assert true == true comment_with_post_name = Api.load!(comment, :post_name) assert comment_with_post_name.post_name == end test "calculations can access attributes of parent in multitenant context" do defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets multitenancy do strategy(:context) end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string attribute :contents, :string end actions do defaults [:read, :update, :destroy, :create] end end defmodule PostName do @moduledoc """ Calculates the name of the post, from the child comment. """ use Ash.Calculation @impl true def load(_query, _opts, _context), do: [:post] @impl true def calculate(records, _opts, _) do, fn comment -> post = end) end end defmodule Comment do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets multitenancy do strategy(:context) end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :post_id, :uuid do allow_nil?(false) end end actions do defaults [:read, :update, :destroy, :create] end relationships do belongs_to :post, Post end calculations do calculate(:post_name, :string, PostName) end end defmodule Registry do @moduledoc false use Ash.Registry entries do entry(Post) entry(Comment) end end defmodule MyApi do @moduledoc false use Ash.Api resources do registry Registry end end tenant_id = "tenant1" post = Post |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Post 1", contents: "Contents 1"}, tenant: tenant_id ) |> MyApi.create!() comment = Comment |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{post_id:}, tenant: tenant_id) |> MyApi.create!() comment_with_post_name = Api.load!(comment, :post_name, tenant: tenant_id) assert comment_with_post_name.post_name == end end end