# DSL: Ash.Api.Dsl Apis are the entrypoints for working with your resources. Apis may optionally include a list of resources, in which case they can be used as an `Ash.Registry` in various places. This is for backwards compatibility, but if at all possible you should define an `Ash.Registry` if you are using an extension that requires a list of resources. For example, most extensions look for two application environment variables called `:ash_apis` and `:ash_registries` to find any potential registries ## api General Api configuration ### Examples ``` api do description """ Resources related to the flux capacitor. """ end ``` ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `description` | `String.t` | | A description for the api. | ## resources List the resources present in this API ### Nested DSLs * [resource](#resources-resource) ### Examples ``` resources do resource MyApp.Tweet resource MyApp.Comment end ``` ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `allow` | `mfa` | | Support a dynamic resource list by providing a callback that checks whether or not the resource should be allowed. | | `allow_unregistered?` | `boolean` | false | Whether the Api will support only registered entries or not. | | `registry` | `module` | | Configure a registry that contains the resources. This option is generally not necessary anymore, and remains for backwards compatibility. Instead, configure resources in this block directly. | ## resources.resource ```elixir resource resource ``` A resource present in the API ### Examples ``` resource Foo ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `resource`* | `module` | | | ### Introspection Target: `Ash.Api.Dsl.ResourceReference` ## execution Options for how requests are executed using this Api ### Examples ``` execution do timeout :timer.seconds(30) end ``` ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `timeout` | `timeout` | 30000 | The default timeout to use for requests using this API. See the [timeouts guide](/documentation/topics/timeouts.md) for more. | | `trace_name` | `String.t` | | The name to use in traces. Defaults to the last part of the module. See the [monitoring guide](/documentation/topics/monitoring.md) for more | ## authorization Options for how requests are authorized using this Api. See the [security guide](/documentation/topics/security.md) for more. ### Examples ``` authorization do authorize :by_default end ``` ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `require_actor?` | `boolean` | false | Requires that an actor has been supplied. | | `authorize` | `:always \| :by_default \| :when_requested` | :when_requested | When to run authorization for a given request. |