# Managing Relationships In Ash, managing related data is done via `Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4`. There are various ways to leverage the functionality expressed there. If you are working with changesets directly, you can call that function. However, if you want that logic to be portable (e.g available in `ash_graphql` mutations and `ash_json_api` actions), then you want to use the following `argument` + `change` pattern: ```elixir actions do update :update do argument :add_comment, :map do allow_nil? false end argument :tags, {:array, :uuid} do allow_nil? false end # First argument is the name of the action argument to use # Second argument is the relationship to be managed # Third argument is options. For more, see `Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4`. This accepts the same options. change manage_relationship(:add_comment, :comments, type: :create) # Second argument can be ommitted, as the argument name is the same as the relationship change manage_relationship(:tags, type: :replace) end end ``` With this, those arguments can be used simply in action input: ```elixir post |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:update, tags: [tag1_uuid, tag2_uuid], add_comment: %{text: "comment text"}) |> MyApi.update!() ``` It gets even simpler if you are using the `code_interface`, for example: ```elixir # With this in your resource code_interface do define :update_post, action: :update end # You can use it like so: MyApi.update_post!(%{tags: [tag1_uuid, tag2_uuid], add_comment: %{text: "comment text"}}) ``` These arguments will also be exposed as fields in `ash_graphql` and `ash_json_api`. ## Argument Types Notice how we provided a map as input to `add_comment`. The only types supported by `manage_relationship` are values that map to the primary key of the resource, which is why `tags` allowed the list of `:uuid`s. However, `%{text: "comment text"}` must be a map, as it will eventually be passed to a create action on the `Comment` resource. The ergonomics of this are still being worked out, but there are ways to make it such that your action accepts input like `add_comment: "comment text"`. For now, the only way to do it would be by adding a private argument to hold the proper input for `add_comment`, and a change to set that argument, based on the provided value. For example: ```elixir defmodule MyApp.Post.Changes.SetAddCommentArgument do use Ash.Resource.Change def change(changeset, _, _) do case Ash.Changeset.fetch_argument(changeset, :add_comment) do {:ok, comment_text} -> Ash.Changeset.set_argument(changeset, :private_add_comment, %{text: comment_text}) :error -> changeset end end end actions do update :update do argument :add_comment, :string do allow_nil? false end argument :private_add_comment, :map do # Extensions know not to expose private arguments private? true end change MyApp.Post.Changes.SetAddCommentArgument change manage_relationship(:private_add_comment, :comments, type: :create) end end ``` ## Graphql Input Types In `ash_graphql`, a type of `:map` simply translates to `:json`. Right now, there is nothing that can automatically generate the requisite input object for a given argument that eventually gets passed to `manage_relationship/3`. So if you want typed input objects to use with those arguments, you will need to use a custom map type implementation, and have it refer to a custom `absinthe` type. Thankfully, `absinthe` makes it very easy to define new input_object types. For example: ```elixir defmodule MyApp.Types.CreateCommentInput do use Ash.Type def graphql_input_type, do: :create_comment_input defdelegate storage_type, to: Ash.Type.Map defdelegate cast_input(value, constraints), to: Ash.Type.Map defdelegate cast_stored(value, constraints), to: Ash.Type.Map defdelegate dump_to_native(value, constraints), to: Ash.Type.Map end ``` Given that type definition, you could then add the following to your absinthe schema: ```elixir input_object :create_comment_input do field :text, :string end ``` We're open to suggestions on making this process more ergonomic in general.