defmodule Ash.Test.CountTest do use ExUnit.Case alias Ash.Test.Domain, as: Domain defmodule Countable do use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer] actions do default_accept :* defaults [:destroy, create: :*, update: :*] read :read do primary? true pagination do offset? true default_limit 5 end end read :non_countable do pagination do offset? true default_limit 5 countable false end end end ets do private? true end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :owner_id, :string do public?(true) end end policies do policy always() do authorize_if expr(owner_id == ^actor(:id)) end end end test "counts all entries without authorization" do Enum.each(1..10, fn _ -> Countable |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{owner_id: "foo"}) |> Ash.create!(authorize?: false) end) assert {:ok, %Ash.Page.Offset{count: count}} = Countable |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read) |> [count: true], authorize?: false) assert count == 10 end test "counts only visible entries with authorization" do Enum.each(1..10, fn _ -> Countable |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{owner_id: "foo"}, authorize?: false) |> Ash.create!() end) Enum.each(1..10, fn _ -> Countable |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{owner_id: "bar"}, authorize?: false) |> Ash.create!() end) assert {:ok, %Ash.Page.Offset{count: count}} = Countable |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read) |> %{id: "foo"}, page: [count: true]) assert count == 10 end test "trying to count a non-countable action is invalid" do assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/cannot be counted while paginating/, fn -> Countable |> Ash.Query.for_read(:non_countable) |>!(actor: %{id: "foo"}, page: [count: true]) end end end