defmodule Ash.SatSolver do @moduledoc """ Tools for working with the satsolver that drives filter subset checking (for authorization) """ alias Ash.Filter alias Ash.Query.{BooleanExpression, Not, Ref} @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, overlap?: 2} defmacro b(statement) do value = Macro.prewalk( statement, fn {:and, _, [left, right]} -> quote do {:and, unquote(left), unquote(right)} end {:or, _, [left, right]} -> quote do {:or, unquote(left), unquote(right)} end {:not, _, [value]} -> quote do {:not, unquote(value)} end other -> other end ) quote do unquote(value) |> Ash.SatSolver.balance() end end def balance({op, left, right}) do left = balance(left) right = balance(right) [left, right] = Enum.sort([left, right]) {op, left, right} end def balance({:not, {:not, right}}) do balance(right) end def balance({:not, statement}) do {:not, balance(statement)} end def balance(other), do: other def strict_filter_subset(filter, candidate) do case {filter, candidate} do {%{expression: nil}, %{expression: nil}} -> true {%{expression: nil}, _candidate_expr} -> true {_filter_expr, %{expression: nil}} -> false {filter, candidate} -> do_strict_filter_subset(filter, candidate) end end defp do_strict_filter_subset(filter, candidate) do expr =, filter.expression, candidate.expression) case transform_and_solve( filter.resource, expr ) do {:error, :unsatisfiable} -> false {:ok, _scenario} -> expr =,, candidate.expression) Application.put_env(:foo, :bar, true) case transform_and_solve( filter.resource, expr ) do {:error, :unsatisfiable} -> true {:ok, _scenario} -> :maybe end end end defp filter_to_expr(nil), do: nil defp filter_to_expr(false), do: false defp filter_to_expr(true), do: true defp filter_to_expr(%Filter{expression: expression}), do: filter_to_expr(expression) defp filter_to_expr(%{__predicate__?: _} = op_or_func), do: op_or_func defp filter_to_expr(%Ash.Query.Exists{} = exists), do: exists defp filter_to_expr(%Not{expression: expression}), do: b(not filter_to_expr(expression)) defp filter_to_expr(%BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}) do {op, filter_to_expr(left), filter_to_expr(right)} end defp filter_to_expr(expr) do raise ArgumentError, message: "Invalid filter expression #{inspect(expr)}" end def transform(resource, expression) do expression |> consolidate_relationships(resource) |> upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(resource) |> build_expr_with_predicate_information() end def transform_and_solve(resource, expression) do resource |> transform(expression) |> to_cnf() |> elem(0) |> solve_expression() end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, resource ) do op, upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(left, resource), upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(right, resource) ) end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(%Not{expression: expression}, resource) do, resource)) end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %Ash.Query.Exists{path: path, expr: expr} = exists, resource ) do related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, path) %{exists | expr: upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(expr, related)} end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right} = op, resource ) do %{op | left: upgrade_ref(left, resource), right: upgrade_ref(right, resource)} end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys( %{__function__?: true, arguments: arguments} = function, resource ) do %{function | arguments:, &upgrade_ref(&1, resource))} end defp upgrade_related_filters_to_join_keys(expr, _), do: expr defp upgrade_ref({key, ref}, resource) when is_atom(key) do {key, upgrade_ref(ref, resource)} end defp upgrade_ref( %Ash.Query.Ref{attribute: attribute, relationship_path: path} = ref, resource ) when path != [] do with relationship when not is_nil(relationship) <- Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, path), true <- == relationship.destination_attribute, new_attribute when not is_nil(new_attribute) <- Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(relationship.source, relationship.source_attribute) do %{ ref | relationship_path: :lists.droplast(path), attribute: new_attribute, resource: resource } else _ -> ref end end defp upgrade_ref(other, _), do: other defp consolidate_relationships(expression, resource) do {replacements, _all_relationship_paths} = expression |> Filter.relationship_paths(true) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.reduce({%{}, []}, fn path, {replacements, kept_paths} -> case find_synonymous_relationship_path(resource, kept_paths, path) do nil -> {replacements, [path | kept_paths]} synonymous_path -> Map.put(replacements, path, synonymous_path) end end) do_consolidate_relationships(expression, replacements, resource) end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, replacements, resource ) do op, do_consolidate_relationships(left, replacements, resource), do_consolidate_relationships(right, replacements, resource) ) end defp do_consolidate_relationships(%Not{expression: expression}, replacements, resource) do, replacements, resource)) end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %Ash.Query.Exists{at_path: at_path, path: path, expr: expr} = exists, replacements, resource ) do exists = case Map.fetch(replacements, at_path) do {:ok, replacement} when not is_nil(replacement) -> %{exists | at_path: replacement} :error -> exists end related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, at_path) {replacements, _all_relationship_paths} = expr |> Filter.relationship_paths(true) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.reduce({%{}, []}, fn path, {replacements, kept_paths} -> case find_synonymous_relationship_path(related, kept_paths, path) do nil -> {replacements, [path | kept_paths]} synonymous_path -> Map.put(replacements, path, synonymous_path) end end) exists = case Map.fetch(replacements, path) do {:ok, replacement} when not is_nil(replacement) -> %{exists | path: replacement} :error -> exists end full_related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(related, path) %{exists | expr: consolidate_relationships(expr, full_related)} end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: path} = ref, replacements, _resource ) when path != [] do case Map.fetch(replacements, path) do {:ok, replacement} when not is_nil(replacement) -> %{ref | relationship_path: replacement} :error -> ref end end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %{__function__?: true, arguments: args} = func, replacements, resource ) do %{func | arguments:, &do_consolidate_relationships(&1, replacements, resource))} end defp do_consolidate_relationships( %{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right} = op, replacements, resource ) do %{ op | left: do_consolidate_relationships(left, replacements, resource), right: do_consolidate_relationships(right, replacements, resource) } end defp do_consolidate_relationships(other, _, _), do: other defp find_synonymous_relationship_path(resource, paths, path) do Enum.find_value(paths, fn candidate_path -> if synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, candidate_path, path) do candidate_path else false end end) end # def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, [], []), do: true # def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_resource, candidate_path, path) # when length(candidate_path) != length(path), # do: false # def synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, [candidate_first | candidate_rest], [first | rest]) # when first == candidate_first do # synonymous_relationship_paths?( # Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, candidate_first).destination, # candidate_rest, # rest # ) # end def synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, candidate, search, right_resource \\ nil ) def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, [], [], _), do: true def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, [], _, _), do: false def synonymous_relationship_paths?(_, _, [], _), do: false def synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, [candidate_first | candidate_rest], [first | rest], right_resource ) do right_resource = right_resource || left_resource relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(left_resource, first) candidate_relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(right_resource, candidate_first) cond do !relationship || !candidate_relationship -> false relationship.type == :many_to_many && candidate_relationship.type == :has_many -> synonymous_relationship_paths?(left_resource, [relationship.join_relationship], [ candidate_first ]) && synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, candidate_rest, rest, right_resource ) relationship.type == :has_many && candidate_relationship.type == :many_to_many -> synonymous_relationship_paths?(left_resource, [], [ candidate_relationship.join_relationship ]) && synonymous_relationship_paths?( left_resource, candidate_rest, rest, right_resource ) true -> comparison_keys = [ :source_attribute, :destination_attribute, :source_attribute_on_join_resource, :destination_attribute_on_join_resource, :destination_attribute, :destination ] Map.take(relationship, comparison_keys) == Map.take(candidate_relationship, comparison_keys) and synonymous_relationship_paths?(relationship.destination, candidate_rest, rest) end end defp build_expr_with_predicate_information(expression) do expression = fully_simplify(expression) all_predicates = expression |> Filter.list_predicates() |> Enum.uniq() comparison_expressions = all_predicates |> Enum.filter(fn %module{} -> :erlang.function_exported(module, :compare, 2) end) |> Enum.reduce([], fn predicate, new_expressions -> all_predicates |> Enum.reject(&Kernel.==(&1, predicate)) |> Enum.filter(&shares_ref?(&1, predicate)) |> Enum.reduce(new_expressions, fn other_predicate, new_expressions -> # With predicate as a and other_predicate as b case, other_predicate) do :right_includes_left -> # b || !a [b(other_predicate or not predicate) | new_expressions] :left_includes_right -> # a || ! b [b(predicate or not other_predicate) | new_expressions] :mutually_inclusive -> # (a && b) || (! a && ! b) [ b((predicate and other_predicate) or (not predicate and not other_predicate)) | new_expressions ] :mutually_exclusive -> [b(not (other_predicate and predicate)) | new_expressions] :mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive -> [ b( not (other_predicate and predicate) and not (not other_predicate and not predicate) ) | new_expressions ] _other -> # If we can't tell, we assume that both could be true new_expressions end end) end) |> Enum.uniq() expression = filter_to_expr(expression) expression_with_comparisons = Enum.reduce(comparison_expressions, expression, fn comparison_expression, expression -> b(comparison_expression and expression) end) all_predicates |> &1.__struct__) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.flat_map(fn struct -> if :erlang.function_exported(struct, :bulk_compare, 1) do struct.bulk_compare(all_predicates) else [] end end) |> Enum.reduce(expression_with_comparisons, fn comparison_expression, expression -> b(comparison_expression and expression) end) end def fully_simplify(expression) do expression |> do_fully_simplify() |> lift_equals_out_of_in() |> do_fully_simplify() end defp do_fully_simplify(expression) do expression |> simplify() |> case do ^expression -> expression simplified -> fully_simplify(simplified) end end def lift_equals_out_of_in(expression) do case find_non_equal_overlap(expression) do nil -> expression non_equal_overlap -> expression |> split_in_expressions(non_equal_overlap) |> lift_equals_out_of_in() end end def find_non_equal_overlap(expression) do Ash.Filter.find(expression, fn sub_expr -> Ash.Filter.find(expression, fn sub_expr2 -> # if has_call_or_expression?(sub_expr) || has_call_or_expression?(sub_expr2) do # false # else overlap?(sub_expr, sub_expr2) # end end) end) end defp new_in(base, right) do case MapSet.size(right) do 1 -> %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: base.left, right:, 0)} _ -> %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: base.left, right: right} end end def split_in_expressions( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{right: right} = sub_expr, %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{right: value} = non_equal_overlap ) do if overlap?(non_equal_overlap, sub_expr) do :or, new_in(sub_expr, MapSet.delete(right, value)), non_equal_overlap ) else sub_expr end end def split_in_expressions( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{} = sub_expr, %Ash.Query.Operator.In{right: right} = non_equal_overlap ) do if overlap?(sub_expr, non_equal_overlap) do diff = MapSet.difference(sub_expr.right, right) if MapSet.size(diff) == 0 do Enum.reduce(sub_expr.right, nil, fn var, acc ->, %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: sub_expr.left, right: var}, acc) end) else new_right = new_in(sub_expr, MapSet.intersection(sub_expr.right, right)) :or, new_in(sub_expr, diff), new_right ) end else sub_expr end end def split_in_expressions(nil, _), do: nil def split_in_expressions(%Ash.Filter{expression: expression} = filter, non_equal_overlap), do: %{filter | expression: split_in_expressions(expression, non_equal_overlap)} def split_in_expressions(%Not{expression: expression} = not_expr, non_equal_overlap), do: %{not_expr | expression: split_in_expressions(expression, non_equal_overlap)} def split_in_expressions( %BooleanExpression{left: left, right: right} = expr, non_equal_overlap ), do: %{ expr | left: split_in_expressions(left, non_equal_overlap), right: split_in_expressions(right, non_equal_overlap) } def split_in_expressions(other, _), do: other def overlap?( %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %{__struct__: MapSet} = left_right}, %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %{__struct__: MapSet} = right_right} ) do if MapSet.equal?(left_right, right_right) do false else overlap? = left_right |> MapSet.intersection(right_right) |> MapSet.size() |> Kernel.>(0) if overlap? do true else false end end end def overlap?(_, %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{right: %Ref{}}), do: false def overlap?(%Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{right: %Ref{}}, _), do: false def overlap?( %Ash.Query.Operator.Eq{left: left, right: left_right}, %Ash.Query.Operator.In{left: left, right: %{__struct__: MapSet} = right_right} ) do MapSet.member?(right_right, left_right) end def overlap?(_left, _right) do false end def mutually_exclusive(predicates, acc \\ []) def mutually_exclusive([], acc), do: acc def mutually_exclusive([predicate | rest], acc) do new_acc = Enum.reduce(rest, acc, fn other_predicate, acc -> [b(not (predicate and other_predicate)) | acc] end) mutually_exclusive(rest, new_acc) end def mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive([]), do: [] def mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive([_]), do: [] def mutually_exclusive_and_collectively_exhaustive(predicates) do mutually_exclusive(predicates) ++ Enum.flat_map(predicates, fn predicate -> other_predicates = Enum.reject(predicates, &(&1 == predicate)) other_predicates_union = Enum.reduce(other_predicates, nil, fn other_predicate, expr -> if expr do b(expr or other_predicate) else other_predicate end end) b( not (predicate and other_predicates_union) and not (not predicate and not other_predicates_union) ) end) end def left_excludes_right(left, right) do b(not (left and right)) end def right_excludes_left(left, right) do b(not (right and left)) end def mutually_inclusive(predicates, acc \\ []) def mutually_inclusive([], acc), do: acc def mutually_inclusive([predicate | rest], acc) do new_acc = Enum.reduce(rest, acc, fn other_predicate, acc -> [b((predicate and other_predicate) or (not predicate and not other_predicate)) | acc] end) mutually_exclusive(rest, new_acc) end def right_implies_left(left, right) do b(not (right and not left)) end def left_implies_right(left, right) do b(not (left and not right)) end defp shares_ref?(left, right) do any_refs_in_common?(refs(left), refs(right)) end defp any_refs_in_common?(left_refs, right_refs) do Enum.any?(left_refs, &(&1 in right_refs)) end defp refs(%{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right}) do Enum.filter([left, right], &match?(%Ref{}, &1)) end defp refs(%{__function__?: true, arguments: arguments}) do Enum.filter(arguments, &match?(%Ref{}, &1)) end defp refs(_), do: [] defp simplify(%BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}) do, simplify(left), simplify(right)) end defp simplify(%Not{expression: expression}) do end defp simplify(%Ash.Query.Exists{expr: expr} = exists) do %{exists | expr: simplify(expr)} end defp simplify(%mod{__predicate__?: true} = predicate) do if :erlang.function_exported(mod, :simplify, 1) do predicate |> mod.simplify() |> Kernel.||(predicate) else predicate end end defp simplify(other), do: other def to_cnf(expression) do expression_with_constants = b(true and not false and expression) {bindings, expression} = extract_bindings(expression_with_constants) expression |> to_conjunctive_normal_form() |> lift_clauses() |> negations_to_negative_numbers() |> scenario -> Enum.sort_by(scenario, fn item -> {abs(item), item} end) end) |> group_predicates(bindings) |> rebind() end defp group_predicates(expression, bindings) do case expression do [_] -> {expression, bindings} scenarios -> Enum.reduce(scenarios, {[], bindings}, fn scenario, {new_scenarios, bindings} -> {scenario, bindings} = group_scenario_predicates(scenario, scenarios, bindings) {[scenario | new_scenarios], bindings} end) end end defp group_scenario_predicates(scenario, all_scenarios, bindings) do scenario |> Ash.SatSolver.Utils.ordered_sublists() |> Enum.filter(&can_be_used_as_group?(&1, all_scenarios, bindings)) |> Enum.sort_by(&(-length(&1))) |> Enum.reduce({scenario, bindings}, fn group, {scenario, bindings} -> bindings = add_group_binding(bindings, group) {Ash.SatSolver.Utils.replace_ordered_sublist(scenario, group, bindings[:groups][group]), bindings} end) end def unbind(expression, %{temp_bindings: temp_bindings, old_bindings: old_bindings}) do expression = Enum.flat_map(expression, fn statement -> Enum.flat_map(statement, fn var -> neg? = var < 0 old_binding = temp_bindings[abs(var)] case old_bindings[:reverse_groups][old_binding] do nil -> if neg? do [-old_binding] else [old_binding] end group -> if neg? do, &(-&1)) else [{:expand, group}] end end end) |> expand_groups() end) {expression, old_bindings} end def expand_groups(expression) do if Enum.any?(expression, &match?({:expand, _}, &1)) do do_expand_groups(expression) else [expression] end end defp do_expand_groups([]), do: [[]] defp do_expand_groups([{:expand, group} | rest]) do Enum.flat_map(group, fn var ->, fn future -> [var | future] end) end) end defp do_expand_groups([var | rest]) do, fn future -> [var | future] end) end defp rebind({expression, bindings}) do {expression, temp_bindings} = Enum.reduce(expression, {[], %{current: 0}}, fn statement, {statements, acc} -> {statement, acc} = Enum.reduce(statement, {[], acc}, fn var, {statement, acc} -> case acc[:reverse][abs(var)] do nil -> binding = acc.current + 1 value = if var < 0 do -binding else binding end {[value | statement], acc |> Map.put(:current, binding) |> Map.update(:reverse, %{abs(var) => binding}, &Map.put(&1, abs(var), binding)) |> Map.put(binding, abs(var))} value -> value = if var < 0 do -value else value end {[value | statement], acc} end end) {[Enum.reverse(statement) | statements], acc} end) bindings_with_old_bindings = %{temp_bindings: temp_bindings, old_bindings: bindings} {expression, bindings_with_old_bindings} end def can_be_used_as_group?(group, scenarios, bindings) do Map.has_key?(bindings[:groups] || %{}, group) || Enum.all?(scenarios, fn scenario -> has_no_overlap?(scenario, group) || group_in_scenario?(scenario, group) end) end defp has_no_overlap?(scenario, group) do not Enum.any?(group, fn group_predicate -> Enum.any?(scenario, fn scenario_predicate -> abs(group_predicate) == abs(scenario_predicate) end) end) end defp group_in_scenario?(scenario, group) do Ash.SatSolver.Utils.is_ordered_sublist_of?(group, scenario) end defp add_group_binding(bindings, group) do if bindings[:groups][group] do bindings else new_binding = bindings[:current] + 1 bindings |> Map.put(:current, new_binding) |> Map.put_new(:reverse_groups, %{}) |> Map.update!(:reverse_groups, &Map.put(&1, new_binding, group)) |> Map.put_new(:groups, %{}) |> Map.update!(:groups, &Map.put(&1, group, new_binding)) end end def solve_expression(cnf) do Picosat.solve(cnf) end def contains?([], _), do: false def contains?([_ | t] = l1, l2) do List.starts_with?(l1, l2) or contains?(t, l2) end def solutions_to_predicate_values(solution, bindings) do Enum.reduce(solution, %{true: [], false: []}, fn var, state -> fact = Map.get(bindings, abs(var)) if is_nil(fact) do raise Ash.Error.Framework.AssumptionFailed.exception( message: """ A fact from the sat solver had no corresponding bound fact: Bindings: #{inspect(bindings)} Missing: #{inspect(var)} """ ) end Map.put(state, fact, var > 0) end) end defp extract_bindings(expr, bindings \\ %{current: 1}) defp extract_bindings({operator, left, right}, bindings) do {bindings, left_extracted} = extract_bindings(left, bindings) {bindings, right_extracted} = extract_bindings(right, bindings) {bindings, {operator, left_extracted, right_extracted}} end defp extract_bindings({:not, value}, bindings) do {bindings, extracted} = extract_bindings(value, bindings) {bindings, b(not extracted)} end defp extract_bindings(value, %{current: current} = bindings) do current_binding = Enum.find(bindings, fn {key, binding_value} -> key != :current && binding_value == value end) case current_binding do nil -> new_bindings = bindings |> Map.put(:current, current + 1) |> Map.put(current, value) {new_bindings, current} {binding, _} -> {bindings, binding} end end # A helper function for formatting to the same output we'd give to picosat @doc false def to_picosat(clauses, variable_count) do clause_count = Enum.count(clauses) formatted_input = Enum.map_join(clauses, "\n", fn clause -> format_clause(clause) <> " 0" end) "p cnf #{variable_count} #{clause_count}\n" <> formatted_input end defp negations_to_negative_numbers(clauses) do clauses, fn {:not, var} when is_integer(var) -> [negate_var(var)] var when is_integer(var) -> [var] clause ->, fn {:not, var} -> negate_var(var) var -> var end) end ) end defp negate_var(var, multiplier \\ -1) defp negate_var({:not, value}, multiplier) do negate_var(value, multiplier * -1) end defp negate_var(value, multiplier), do: value * multiplier defp format_clause(clause) do Enum.map_join(clause, " ", fn {:not, var} -> "-#{var}" var -> "#{var}" end) end defp lift_clauses({:and, left, right}) do lift_clauses(left) ++ lift_clauses(right) end defp lift_clauses({:or, left, right}) do [lift_or_clauses(left) ++ lift_or_clauses(right)] end defp lift_clauses(value), do: [[value]] defp lift_or_clauses({:or, left, right}) do lift_or_clauses(left) ++ lift_or_clauses(right) end defp lift_or_clauses(value), do: [value] defp to_conjunctive_normal_form(expression) do expression |> demorgans_law() |> distributive_law() end defp distributive_law(expression) do distributive_law_applied = apply_distributive_law(expression) if expression == distributive_law_applied do expression else distributive_law(distributive_law_applied) end end defp apply_distributive_law({:or, left, {:and, right1, right2}}) do left_distributed = apply_distributive_law(left) {:and, {:or, left_distributed, apply_distributive_law(right1)}, {:or, left_distributed, apply_distributive_law(right2)}} end defp apply_distributive_law({:or, {:and, left1, left2}, right}) do right_distributed = apply_distributive_law(right) {:and, {:or, apply_distributive_law(left1), right_distributed}, {:or, apply_distributive_law(left2), right_distributed}} end defp apply_distributive_law({:not, expression}) do {:not, apply_distributive_law(expression)} end defp apply_distributive_law({operator, left, right}) when operator in [:and, :or] do {operator, apply_distributive_law(left), apply_distributive_law(right)} end defp apply_distributive_law(var) when is_integer(var) do var end defp demorgans_law(expression) do demorgans_law_applied = apply_demorgans_law(expression) if expression == demorgans_law_applied do expression else demorgans_law(demorgans_law_applied) end end defp apply_demorgans_law({:not, {:and, left, right}}) do {:or, {:not, apply_demorgans_law(left)}, {:not, apply_demorgans_law(right)}} end defp apply_demorgans_law({:not, {:or, left, right}}) do {:and, {:not, left}, {:not, right}} end defp apply_demorgans_law({operator, left, right}) when operator in [:or, :and] do {operator, apply_demorgans_law(left), apply_demorgans_law(right)} end defp apply_demorgans_law({:not, expression}) do {:not, apply_demorgans_law(expression)} end defp apply_demorgans_law(var) when is_integer(var) do var end end