defmodule Ash.ElixirSense.PluginTest do use ExUnit.Case def cursors(text) do {_, cursors} = ElixirSense.Core.Source.walk_text(text, {false, []}, fn "#", rest, _, _, {_comment?, cursors} -> {rest, {true, cursors}} "\n", rest, _, _, {_comment?, cursors} -> {rest, {false, cursors}} "^", rest, line, col, {true, cursors} -> {rest, {true, [%{line: line - 1, col: col} | cursors]}} _, rest, _, _, acc -> {rest, acc} end) Enum.reverse(cursors) end def suggestions(buffer, cursor) do ElixirSense.suggestions(buffer, cursor.line, cursor.col) end def suggestions(buffer, cursor, type) do suggestions(buffer, cursor) |> Enum.filter(fn s -> s.type == type end) end def suggestions_by_kind(buffer, cursor, kind) do suggestions(buffer, cursor) |> Enum.filter(fn s -> s[:kind] == kind end) end test "suggesting DSL items" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource attrib # ^ end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Dsl Section", documentation: doc, kind: :function, label: "attributes", snippet: "attributes do\n $0\nend", type: :generic } ] = result assert doc =~ "attributes" end test "autocomplete remains when cursor is at the end of the word" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource attributes # ^ end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Dsl Section", documentation: doc, kind: :function, label: "attributes", snippet: "attributes do\n $0\nend", type: :generic } ] = result assert doc =~ "attributes" end test "autocomplete remains when cursor is at the end of a nested word" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource attributes do attribute # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Dsl Entity", documentation: doc, kind: :function, label: "attribute", type: :generic } ] = result assert doc =~ "attribute" end test "autocomplete can detect recursive sections" do buffer = """ defmodule MyFlow do use Ash.Flow steps do map :name do cre # ^ end end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Dsl Entity", documentation: doc, kind: :function, label: "create", type: :generic } ] = result assert doc =~ "create" end test "autocomplete can detect recursive sections deeply" do buffer = """ defmodule MyFlow do use Ash.Flow steps do map :name, :over do transaction :transaction do map :name, :over do tra # ^ end end end end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Dsl Entity", documentation: doc, kind: :function, label: "transaction", type: :generic } ] = result assert doc =~ "transaction" end test "suggesting DSL options in a section" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource resource do descri # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Option", documentation: "A human readable description of the resource, to be used in generated documentation", kind: :function, label: "description", snippet: "description \"$0\"", type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting available sections" do buffer = """ defmodule do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] # ^ end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) labels = result |> Enum.filter(&Map.has_key?(&1, :label)) |> &1.label) |> Enum.sort() assert labels == [ "actions", "aggregates", "attributes", "calculations", "changes", "code_interface", "identities", "multitenancy", "preparations", "pub_sub", "relationships", "resource", "validations" ] end test "suggesting available nested sections" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] actions do # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) labels = result |> &1.label) |> Enum.sort() assert labels == ["create", "defaults", "destroy", "primary_actions?", "read", "update"] end test "suggesting available options and entities" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] actions do create do # ^ end end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) labels = result |> &1.label) |> Enum.sort() assert labels == [ "accept", "allow_nil_input", "argument", "change", "description", "error_handler", "manual?", "metadata", "name", "primary?", "reject", "require_attributes", "validate" ] end test "suggesting available options when in keyword format" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] attributes do attribute :name, :type, all # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Option", kind: :function, label: "always_select?", snippet: "always_select?: true", type: :generic }, %{ detail: "Option", kind: :function, label: "allow_nil?", snippet: "allow_nil?: false", type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting available values when in keyword format" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] attributes do attribute :name, :type, allow_nil?: # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ documentation: "true", insert_text: "true", kind: :type_parameter, label: "boolean", priority: 0, snippet: "true", type: :generic }, %{ documentation: "false", insert_text: "false", kind: :type_parameter, label: "boolean", priority: 0, snippet: "false", type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting available values in section" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] attributes do attribute :name, :type do allow_nil? # ^ end end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ documentation: "true", insert_text: "true", kind: :type_parameter, label: "boolean", priority: 0, snippet: "true", type: :generic }, %{ documentation: "false", insert_text: "false", kind: :type_parameter, label: "boolean", priority: 0, snippet: "false", type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting values in args with no hint" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] pub_sub do publish_all # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ documentation: ":create", insert_text: ":create", kind: :type_parameter, label: "type", priority: 0, snippet: ":create", type: :generic }, %{ documentation: ":update", insert_text: ":update", kind: :type_parameter, label: "type", priority: 0, snippet: ":update", type: :generic }, %{ documentation: ":destroy", insert_text: ":destroy", kind: :type_parameter, label: "type", priority: 0, snippet: ":destroy", type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting values in args with hint" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] pub_sub do publish_all :crea # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ documentation: ":create", insert_text: ":create", kind: :type_parameter, label: "type", priority: 0, snippet: ":create", type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting ash builtin types" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] attributes do attribute :name, :str # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ detail: "Ash type", insert_text: "string", kind: :type_parameter, label: ":string", priority: 0, snippet: nil, type: :generic }, %{ detail: "Ash type", insert_text: "ci_string", kind: :type_parameter, label: ":ci_string", priority: 0, snippet: nil, type: :generic } ] = result end test "suggesting builtin types for behaviours" do buffer = """ defmodule MyResource do use Ash.Resource, extensions: [Ash.Notifier.PubSub] actions do create :create do change manage_relati # ^ end end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert [ %{ args: "argument, relationship_name \\\\ nil, opts", name: "manage_relationship", args_list: ["argument", "relationship_name \\\\ nil", "opts"], arity: 2, def_arity: 3, metadata: %{defaults: 1}, origin: "Ash.Resource.Change.Builtins", snippet: nil, spec: "", summary: "Calls `Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4` with the changeset and relationship provided, using the value provided for the named argument", type: :function, visibility: :public }, %{ args: "argument, relationship_name \\\\ nil, opts", args_list: ["argument", "relationship_name \\\\ nil", "opts"], arity: 3, def_arity: 3, metadata: %{defaults: 1}, name: "manage_relationship", origin: "Ash.Resource.Change.Builtins", snippet: nil, spec: "", summary: "Calls `Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4` with the changeset and relationship provided, using the value provided for the named argument", type: :function, visibility: :public } ] = result end test "suggesting available sections from single extension types" do buffer = """ defmodule do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do # ^ end end """ [cursor] = cursors(buffer) result = suggestions(buffer, cursor) assert result == [ %{ detail: "Option", documentation: nil, kind: :function, label: "private?", snippet: "private? true", type: :generic } ] end end