defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.Gen.Resource do @moduledoc """ Generate and configures an Ash.Resource. ## What changes take place? If the domain does not exist, we create it. If it does, we add the resource to it if it is not already present. ## Options * `--attribute` or `-a` - An attribute or comma separated list of attributes to add, as `name:type`. Modifiers: `primary_key`, `public`, and `required`. i.e `-a name:string:required` * `--relationship` or `-r` - A relationship or comma separated list of relationships to add, as `type:name:dest`. Modifiers: `public`. `belongs_to` only modifiers: `primary_key`, and `required`. i.e `-r belongs_to:author:MyApp.Accounts.Author:required` * `--default-actions` or `-da` - A csv list of default action types to add, i.e `-da read,create`. The `create` and `update` actions accept the public attributes being added. * `--uuid-primary-key` or `-u` - Adds a UUID primary key with that name. i.e `-u id` * `--integer-primary-key` or `-i` - Adds an integer primary key with that name. i.e `-i id` * `--domain` or `-d` - The domain module to add the resource to. i.e `-d MyApp.MyDomain`. This defaults to the resource's module name, minus the last segment. * `--extend` or `-e` - A comma separated list of modules or builtins to extend the resource with. i.e `-e postgres,Some.Extension` * `--base` or `-b` - The base module to use for the resource. i.e `-b Ash.Resource`. Requires that the module is in `config :your_app, :base_resources` """ @shortdoc "Generate an Ash.Resource." use Igniter.Mix.Task @impl Igniter.Mix.Task def igniter(igniter, [resource | argv]) do resource = Igniter.Code.Module.parse(resource) app_name = Igniter.Project.Application.app_name() {options, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(argv, strict: [ attribute: :keep, relationship: :keep, default_actions: :keep, uuid_primary_key: :string, integer_primary_key: :string, domain: :string, extend: :keep, base: :string ], aliases: [ a: :attribute, r: :relationship, da: :default_actions, d: :domain, u: :uuid_primary_key, i: :integer_primary_key, e: :extend, b: :base ] ) domain = case options[:domain] do nil -> resource |> Module.split() |> :lists.droplast() |> Module.concat() domain -> Igniter.Code.Module.parse(domain) end options = options |> Ash.Igniter.csv_option(:default_actions, fn values -> Enum.sort_by(values, &(&1 in ["create", "update"])) end) |> Ash.Igniter.csv_option(:attribute) |> Ash.Igniter.csv_option(:relationship) |> Ash.Igniter.csv_option(:extend) |> Keyword.put_new(:base, "Ash.Resource") base = if options[:base] == "Ash.Resource" do "Ash.Resource" else base = Igniter.Code.Module.parse(options[:base]) unless base in List.wrap(Application.get_env(app_name, :base_resources)) do raise """ The base module #{inspect(base)} is not in the list of base resources. If it exists but is not in the base resource list, add it like so: `config #{inspect(app_name)}, base_resources: [#{inspect(base)}]` If it does not exist, you can generate a base resource with `mix ash.gen.base_resource #{inspect(base)}` """ end inspect(base) end attributes = attributes(options) relationships = if !Enum.empty?(options[:relationship]) do """ relationships do #{relationships(options)} end """ end default_accept = Enum.flat_map(options[:attribute], fn attribute -> [name, _type | modifiers] = String.split(attribute, ":", trim: true) if "public" in modifiers do [String.to_atom(name)] else [] end end) actions = case options[:default_actions] do [] -> "" defaults -> default_contents = Enum.map_join(defaults, ", ", fn type when type in ["read", "destroy"] -> ":#{type}" type when type in ["create", "update"] -> "#{type}: #{inspect(default_accept)}" type -> raise """ Invalid default action type given to `--default-actions`: #{inspect(type)}. """ end) """ actions do defaults [#{default_contents}] end """ end attributes = if options[:uuid_primary_key] || options[:integer_primary_key] || !Enum.empty?(options[:attribute]) do uuid_primary_key = if options[:uuid_primary_key] do pkey_builder("uuid_primary_key", options[:uuid_primary_key]) end integer_primary_key = if options[:integer_primary_key] do pkey_builder("integer_primary_key", options[:integer_primary_key]) end """ attributes do #{uuid_primary_key} #{integer_primary_key} #{attributes} end """ end igniter |> Igniter.compose_task("ash.gen.domain", [inspect(domain), "--ignore-if-exists"]) |> Ash.Domain.Igniter.add_resource_reference( domain, resource ) |> Igniter.create_new_elixir_file( Igniter.Code.Module.proper_location(resource), """ defmodule #{inspect(resource)} do use #{base}, otp_app: #{inspect(app_name)}, domain: #{inspect(domain)} #{actions} #{attributes} #{relationships} end """ ) |> extend(resource, options[:extend], argv) end defp extend(igniter, _, [], _) do igniter end defp extend(igniter, resource, extensions, argv) do Igniter.compose_task( igniter, "ash.patch.extend", [inspect(resource), Enum.join(extensions, ",")] ++ argv ) end defp pkey_builder(builder, text) do [name | modifiers] = String.split(text, ":", trim: true) modifiers = modifiers -- ["primary_key"] if Enum.empty?(modifiers) do "#{builder} :#{name}" else """ #{builder} :#{name} do #{attribute_modifier_string(modifiers)} end """ end end defp attributes(options) do options[:attribute] |> List.wrap() |> Enum.join(",") |> String.split(",", trim: true) |> attribute -> case String.split(attribute, ":") do [name, type | modifiers] -> {name, type, modifiers} _name -> raise """ Invalid attribute format: #{attribute}. Please use the format `name:type` for each attribute. """ end end) |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn {name, type, []} -> type = resolve_type(type) "attribute :#{name}, #{inspect(type)}" {name, type, modifiers} -> modifier_string = attribute_modifier_string(modifiers) type = resolve_type(type) """ attribute :#{name}, #{inspect(type)} do #{modifier_string} end """ end) end defp attribute_modifier_string(modifiers) do Enum.map_join(modifiers, "\n", fn "primary_key" -> "primary_key? true" "public" -> "public? true" "required" -> "allow_nil? false" end) end defp relationships(options) do options[:relationship] |> List.wrap() |> Enum.join(",") |> String.split(",") |> relationship -> case String.split(relationship, ":") do [type, name, destination | modifiers] -> {type, name, destination, modifiers} _name -> raise """ Invalid attribute format. Please use the format `type:name:destination` for each attribute. """ end end) |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn {type, name, destination, []} -> "#{type} :#{name}, #{destination}" {type, name, destination, modifiers} -> modifier_string = Enum.map_join(modifiers, "\n", fn "primary_key" -> if type == "belongs_to" do "primary_key? true" else raise ArgumentError, "The @ modifier (for `primary_key?: true`) is only valid for belongs_to relationships, saw it in `#{type}:#{name}`" end "public" -> "public? true" "required" -> if type == "belongs_to" do "allow_nil? false" else raise ArgumentError, "The ! modifier (for `allow_nil?: false`) is only valid for belongs_to relationships, saw it in `#{type}:#{name}`" end end) """ #{type} :#{name}, #{destination} do #{modifier_string} end """ end) end defp resolve_type(value) do if String.contains?(value, ".") do Module.concat([value]) else String.to_atom(value) end end end