defmodule Ash.Test.CodeInterfaceTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Test.Domain, as: Domain defmodule User do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end code_interface do define :get_user, action: :read, get_by: :id define :get_user_safely, action: :read, get_by: :id, not_found_error?: false define :read_users, action: :read define :get_by_id, action: :by_id, get?: true, args: [:id] define :create, args: [{:optional, :first_name}] define :hello, args: [:name] define :update, action: :update define_calculation(:full_name, args: [:first_name, :last_name]) define_calculation(:full_name_opt, calculation: :full_name, args: [:first_name, :last_name, {:optional, :separator}] ) define_calculation(:full_name_record, calculation: :full_name, args: [:_record]) end actions do default_accept :* read :read do primary? true end create :create update :update read :by_id do argument :id, :uuid, allow_nil?: false filter expr(id == ^arg(:id)) end action :hello, :string do argument :name, :string, allow_nil?: false run(fn input, _ -> {:ok, "Hello #{}"} end) end end calculations do calculate :full_name, :string, expr(first_name <> ^arg(:separator) <> last_name) do public?(true) argument :separator, :string, default: " ", allow_nil?: false end end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :first_name, :string do public?(true) default "fred" end attribute :last_name, :string do public?(true) end end end defmodule Domain do use Ash.Domain resources do resource User do define :get_user, action: :read, get_by: :id define_calculation(:full_name, args: [:first_name, :last_name]) end end end describe "generic actions" do test "can be invoked" do assert "Hello fred" == User.hello!("fred") assert {:ok, "Hello george"} == User.hello("george") end test "have a helper method to produce inputs" do assert %Ash.ActionInput{action: %{name: :hello}, params: %{name: "bob"}} = User.input_to_hello("bob") end test "have a helper to test authorization" do assert {:ok, true} == User.can_hello(nil, "fred") assert User.can_hello?(nil, "fred") end end describe "read actions" do test "have a helper methods to produce queries" do assert %Ash.Query{action: %{name: :read}} = User.query_to_read_users() assert %Ash.Query{action: %{name: :by_id}} = User.query_to_get_by_id("some uuid") end test "have a helper to test authorization" do assert {:ok, true} == User.can_read_users(nil) assert {:ok, true} == User.can_get_by_id(nil, "some uuid") assert User.can_read_users?(nil) assert User.can_get_by_id?(nil, "some uuid") end end describe "read get actions" do test "raise on not found by default" do assert_raise Ash.Error.Query.NotFound, fn -> User.get_user!(Ash.UUID.generate()) end assert_raise Ash.Error.Query.NotFound, fn -> Domain.get_user!(Ash.UUID.generate()) end end test "do not raise on not found if were defined with `not_found_error?: false`" do assert nil == User.get_user_safely!(Ash.UUID.generate()) end test "do not raise on not found if option `not_found_error?: false` is passed" do assert nil == User.get_user!(Ash.UUID.generate(), not_found_error?: false) assert nil == Domain.get_user!(Ash.UUID.generate(), not_found_error?: false) assert nil == User.get_user_safely!(Ash.UUID.generate(), not_found_error?: false) end test "raise on not found if option `not_found_error?: true` is passed" do assert_raise Ash.Error.Query.NotFound, fn -> User.get_user_safely!(Ash.UUID.generate(), not_found_error?: true) end end end describe "create actions" do test "have a helper methods to produce changeset" do assert %Ash.Changeset{action: %{name: :create}, attributes: %{first_name: "fred"}} = User.changeset_to_create() assert %Ash.Changeset{action: %{name: :create}, attributes: %{first_name: "bob"}} = User.changeset_to_create("bob") end test "have a helper to test authorization" do assert {:ok, true} == User.can_create(nil) assert {:ok, true} == User.can_create(nil, "bob") assert User.can_create?(nil) assert User.can_create?(nil, "bob") end end describe "calculations" do test "calculation value can be fetched dynamically" do assert {:ok, "Zach Daniel"} = Ash.calculate(User, :full_name, refs: %{first_name: "Zach", last_name: "Daniel"}) end test "the same calculation can be fetched with the calculation interface" do assert "Zach Daniel" = User.full_name!("Zach", "Daniel") assert "Zach Daniel" = Domain.full_name!("Zach", "Daniel") end test "the same calculation can be fetched with the calculation interface with optional" do assert "Zach Daniel" = User.full_name_opt!("Zach", "Daniel") assert "Zach-Daniel" = User.full_name_opt!("Zach", "Daniel", "-") end test "the calculation can accept a record" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "Zach", last_name: "Daniel"}) |> Ash.create!() assert "Zach Daniel" = User.full_name_record!(user) end end test "get_by! adds the proper arguments and filters" do user = User |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{first_name: "ted", last_name: "Danson"}) |> Ash.create!() assert User.get_by_id!( == end test "optional arguments are optional" do assert User.create!().first_name == "fred" assert User.create!("joe").first_name == "joe" end test "it handles keyword inputs properly" do assert User.create!("fred", [last_name: "weasley"], actor: nil) end end