defmodule Ash.Test.Policy.ComplexTest do @doc false use ExUnit.Case, async?: false require Ash.Query alias Ash.Test.Support.PolicyComplex.{Bio, Comment, Post, User} setup do Application.put_env(:ash, :policies, show_policy_breakdowns?: true) on_exit(fn -> Application.delete_env(:ash, :policies) end) me = User.create!("me", %{email: "", bio_text: "this is my bio"}, authorize?: false) my_friend = User.create!("my friend", %{email: ""}, authorize?: false) a_friend_of_my_friend = User.create!("a friend of my friend", %{email: ""}, authorize?: false) User.add_friend!(me,, actor: me, authorize?: false) User.add_friend!(my_friend,, actor: my_friend, authorize?: false) post_by_me = Post.create!("post by me", actor: me, authorize?: false) post_by_my_friend = Post.create!("post by my friend", actor: my_friend, authorize?: false) post_by_a_friend_of_my_friend = Post.create!("post by a friend of my friend", actor: a_friend_of_my_friend, authorize?: false ) comment_by_me_on_my_post = Comment.create!(, "comment by me on my own post", actor: me, authorize?: false) comment_by_my_friend_on_my_post = Comment.create!(, "comment by my friend on my", actor: my_friend, authorize?: false ) # comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_my_post = Comment.create!(, "comment by a friend of a friend on my post", actor: a_friend_of_my_friend, authorize?: false ) comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_his_own_post = Comment.create!(, "comment by a friend of a friend on his own post", actor: a_friend_of_my_friend, authorize?: false ) comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_my_friends_post = Comment.create!(, "comment by a friend of a friend on my friend's post", actor: a_friend_of_my_friend, authorize?: false ) [ me: me, my_friend: my_friend, post_by_me: post_by_me, post_by_my_friend: post_by_my_friend, comment_by_me_on_my_post: comment_by_me_on_my_post, comment_by_my_friend_on_my_post: comment_by_my_friend_on_my_post, comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_his_own_post: comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_his_own_post, comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_my_friends_post: comment_by_a_friend_of_a_friend_on_my_friends_post ] end test "it properly limits on reads", %{ me: me, post_by_me: post_by_me, post_by_my_friend: post_by_my_friend } do assert [,] |> Enum.sort() == Post |>!(actor: me) |> & |> Enum.sort() end test "it applies policies from the domain", %{me: me} do assert_raise Ash.Error.Forbidden, ~r/authorize unless: actor.forbidden_by_domain == true | ✓ |/, fn ->!(Post, actor: %{me | forbidden_by_domain: true}) end end test "it properly limits on reads of comments", %{ me: me, comment_by_me_on_my_post: comment_by_me_on_my_post, comment_by_my_friend_on_my_post: comment_by_my_friend_on_my_post } do assert [,] |> Enum.sort() == Comment |>!(actor: me) |> & |> Enum.sort() end test "it properly scopes filters", %{me: me} do assert [_] = Post |> Ash.Query.filter(comments.text == "comment by a friend of a friend on my post") |>!(actor: me, authorize?: false) assert [] = Post |> Ash.Query.filter_input( comments: [text: "comment by a friend of a friend on my post"] ) |>!(actor: me) end test "it properly scopes single loads", %{me: me} do assert [%{best_friend: %{name: "me"}}] = User |> Ash.Query.filter( == "me") |> Ash.Query.deselect(:private_email) |>!(actor: me) |> Ash.load!(:best_friend, actor: me) end test "aggregates can be loaded and filtered on", %{me: me} do Post |> Ash.Query.load(:count_of_comments) |> Ash.Query.filter(count_of_comments == 10) |>!(actor: me) end test "aggregates join paths are authorized", %{me: me, post_by_me: post_by_me} do count_of_commenters_without_authorization = Post |> Ash.Query.load(:count_of_commenters) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Ash.read_one!(authorize?: false) |> Map.get(:count_of_commenters) assert count_of_commenters_without_authorization == 3 count_of_commenters_with_authorization = Post |> Ash.Query.load(:count_of_commenters) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Ash.read_one!(actor: me) |> Map.get(:count_of_commenters) assert count_of_commenters_with_authorization == 2 end test "aggregates in calculations are authorized", %{me: me} do Post |> Ash.Query.load([:count_of_comments_calc, :count_of_comments]) |>!(actor: me, authorize?: true) end test "data can be loaded without forbidden errors from selecting", %{me: me} do users = Ash.Test.Support.PolicyComplex.User |> Ash.Query.deselect(:private_email) |>!(actor: me) users |> Ash.load!([:posts], actor: me, authorize?: true) end test "loading data honors `accessing_from` policies", %{me: me} do Ash.load!(me, [:bio], authorize?: true, actor: me) me |> User.set_bio!("New bio!", authorize?: true, actor: me) User |> Ash.Query.filter(bio == "New bio!") |> Ash.Query.deselect(:private_email) |> Ash.read_one!(authorize?: true, actor: me) me |> Ash.load!([:bio_text], authorize?: true, actor: me) assert_raise Ash.Error.Forbidden, fn ->!(Bio, actor: me, authorize?: true) end end end