defmodule Ash.Test.NotifierTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: false defmodule Notifier do use Ash.Notifier def notify(notification) do send(Application.get_env(__MODULE__, :notifier_test_pid), {:notification, notification}) end end defmodule PostLink do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, notifiers: [ Notifier ] ets do private? true end actions do create :create read :read update :update destroy :destroy end relationships do belongs_to :source_post, Ash.Test.NotifierTest.Post, primary_key?: true, required?: true belongs_to :destination_post, Ash.Test.NotifierTest.Post, primary_key?: true, required?: true end end defmodule Comment do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, notifiers: [ Notifier ] ets do private?(true) end actions do create :create read :read update :update destroy :destroy end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string end relationships do belongs_to :post, Ash.Test.NotifierTest.Post end end defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, notifiers: [ Notifier ] ets do private?(true) end actions do create :create read :read update :update destroy :destroy end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :name, :string end relationships do many_to_many :related_posts, __MODULE__, through: PostLink, source_field_on_join_table: :source_post_id, destination_field_on_join_table: :destination_post_id has_many :comments, Comment, destination_field: :post_id end end defmodule Api do use Ash.Api resources do resource Post resource PostLink resource Comment end end setup do Application.put_env(Notifier, :notifier_test_pid, self()) :ok end describe "simple creates and updates" do test "a create notification occurs" do Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() assert_receive {:notification, %{action: %{type: :create}}} end test "an update notification occurs" do Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() |>{name: "bar"}) |> Api.update!() assert_receive {:notification, %{action: %{type: :update}}} end test "a destroy notification occurs" do Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() |> Api.destroy!() assert_receive {:notification, %{action: %{type: :destroy}}} end end describe "related notifications" do test "an update notification occurs when relating many to many" do comment = Comment |>{}) |> Api.create!() Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Ash.Changeset.replace_relationship(:comments, comment) |> Api.create!() assert_receive {:notification, %{action: %{type: :update}, resource: Comment}} end test "a create notification occurs for the join through relationship" do post = Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Ash.Changeset.replace_relationship(:related_posts, [post]) |> Api.create!() assert_receive {:notification, %{action: %{type: :create}, resource: PostLink}} end test "a destroy notification occurs for the join through relationship" do post = Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Api.create!() Post |>{name: "foo"}) |> Ash.Changeset.replace_relationship(:related_posts, [post]) |> Api.create!() |>{}) |> Ash.Changeset.replace_relationship(:related_posts, []) |> Api.update!() assert_receive {:notification, %{action: %{type: :destroy}, resource: PostLink}} end end end