defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ash.Formatter do @moduledoc "Generates a .formatter.exs from a list of extensions, and writes it." use Mix.Task @formatter_exs_template """ # THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED USING `mix ash.formatter` # DONT MODIFY IT BY HAND locals_without_parens = __replace_me__ [ inputs: ["{mix,.formatter}.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"], locals_without_parens: locals_without_parens, export: [ locals_without_parens: locals_without_parens ] ] """ @shortdoc @moduledoc def run(opts) do"compile") {opts, []} = OptionParser.parse!(opts, strict: [check: :boolean, extensions: :string]) unless opts[:extensions] do raise "Must supply a comma separated list of extensions to generate a .formatter.exs for" end locals_without_parens = opts[:extensions] |> String.split(",") |> Enum.flat_map(fn extension -> extension_mod = Module.concat([extension]) all_entity_builders(extension_mod.sections()) end) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.sort() contents = @formatter_exs_template |> String.replace("__replace_me__", inspect(locals_without_parens)) |> Code.format_string!() # |> IO.puts() contents_with_newline = [contents, "\n"] if opts[:check] do if!(".formatter.exs") != IO.iodata_to_binary(contents_with_newline) do raise """ .formatter.exs is not up to date! Run the following command and commit the result: mix ash.formatter --extensions #{opts[:extensions]} """ else IO.puts("The current .formatter.exs is correct") end else File.write!(".formatter.exs", contents_with_newline) end end defp all_entity_builders(sections) do Enum.flat_map(sections, fn section -> Enum.concat([ entity_option_builders(section), section_option_builders(section), entity_builders(section) ]) end) end defp entity_builders(section) do Enum.flat_map(section.entities, fn entity -> arg_count = Enum.count(entity.args) [{, arg_count}, {, arg_count + 1}] end) ++ all_entity_builders(section.sections()) end defp entity_option_builders(section) do Enum.flat_map(section.entities, fn entity -> entity.schema |> Keyword.drop(entity.args) |> {key, _schema} -> {key, 1} end) end) end defp section_option_builders(section) do, fn {key, _} -> {key, 1} end) end end