# Get Started > #### HexDocs {: .tip} > > Hexdocs does not support multi-package search. To assist with this, we provide a mirror of this documentation at [ash-hq.org](https://ash-hq.org). Use Ctrl+K or Cmd+K to search all packages on that site. For the best way to use the hex documentation, see the [hexdocs guide](/documentation/tutorials/using-hexdocs.md). ## Learn with Livebook We have a basic step by step tutorial in Livebook that introduces you to Ash. No prior Ash knowledge is required. The Livebook tutorial is self contained and separate from the documentation below. [![Run in Livebook](https://livebook.dev/badge/v1/pink.svg)](https://livebook.dev/run?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fash-project%2Fash_tutorial%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2Foverview.livemd) ## Watch the ElixirConf Talk