defmodule Ash do @moduledoc """ The primary interface for interrogating apis and resources. This is not the code level interface for a resource. Instead, call functions on an `Api` module that contains those resources. This is for retrieving resource/api configurations. """ alias Ash.Resource.Relationships.{BelongsTo, HasOne, HasMany, ManyToMany} alias Ash.Resource.Actions.{Create, Read, Update, Destroy} @type authorization :: Keyword.t() @type record :: struct @type cardinality_one_relationship() :: HasOne.t() | BelongsTo.t() @type cardinality_many_relationship() :: HasMany.t() | ManyToMany.t() @type relationship :: cardinality_one_relationship() | cardinality_many_relationship() @type query :: struct @type resource :: module @type data_layer :: module @type api :: module @type error :: struct @type filter :: map() @type page :: Ash.Actions.Paginator.t() @type params :: Keyword.t() @type create_params :: Keyword.t() @type update_params :: Keyword.t() @type delete_params :: Keyword.t() @type sort :: Keyword.t() @type side_loads :: Keyword.t() @type attribute :: Ash.Attributes.Attribute.t() @type action :: Create.t() | Read.t() | Update.t() | Destroy.t() @type side_load_type :: :simple | :parallel @type side_load_config :: {side_load_type, Keyword.t()} @spec data_layer_can?(resource(), Ash.DataLayer.feature()) :: boolean def data_layer_can?(resource, feature) do data_layer = data_layer(resource) data_layer && data_layer.can?(feature) end @spec resources(api) :: list(resource()) def resources(api) do api.resources() end @spec primary_key(resource()) :: list(attribute) def primary_key(resource) do resource.primary_key() end @spec relationship(resource(), atom() | String.t()) :: relationship() | nil def relationship(resource, relationship_name) when is_bitstring(relationship_name) do Enum.find(resource.relationships(), &(to_string(& == relationship_name)) end def relationship(resource, relationship_name) do Enum.find(resource.relationships(), &(& == relationship_name)) end @spec relationships(resource()) :: list(relationship()) def relationships(resource) do resource.relationships() end @spec side_load_config(api()) :: side_load_config() def side_load_config(api) do api.side_load_config() end @spec primary_action(resource(), atom()) :: action() | nil def primary_action(resource, type) do resource |> actions() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.type == type)) |> case do [action] -> action actions -> Enum.find(actions, & &1.primary?) end end @spec action(resource(), atom(), atom()) :: action() | nil def action(resource, name, type) do Enum.find(resource.actions(), &(& == name && &1.type == type)) end @spec actions(resource()) :: list(action()) def actions(resource) do resource.actions() end @spec attribute(resource(), String.t() | atom) :: attribute() | nil def attribute(resource, name) when is_bitstring(name) do Enum.find(resource.attributes, &(to_string(& == name)) end def attribute(resource, name) do Enum.find(resource.attributes, &(& == name)) end @spec attributes(resource()) :: list(attribute()) def attributes(resource) do resource.attributes() end @spec name(resource()) :: String.t() def name(resource) do end @spec type(resource()) :: String.t() def type(resource) do resource.type() end @spec max_page_size(api(), resource()) :: non_neg_integer() | nil def max_page_size(api, resource) do min(api.max_page_size(), resource.max_page_size()) end @spec default_page_size(api(), resource()) :: non_neg_integer() | nil def default_page_size(api, resource) do min(api.default_page_size(), resource.default_page_size()) end @spec data_layer(resource()) :: data_layer() def data_layer(resource) do resource.data_layer() end end