defmodule Ash.Test.Changeset.EmbeddedResourceTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Changeset require Ash.Query defmodule Increasing do use Ash.Resource.Validation def init(opts), do: {:ok, opts} def validate(changeset, opts, _) do field = Keyword.get(opts, :field) if Changeset.changing_attribute?(changeset, field) do if Map.get(, field) >= Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, field) do {:error, message: "must be increasing", field: field} else :ok end else :ok end end end defmodule DestroyMe do use Ash.Resource.Validation def init(opts), do: {:ok, opts} def validate(changeset, _opts, _) do if Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, :first_name) == "destroy" && Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, :last_name) == "me" do :ok else {:error, "must be named \"destroy me\" to remove a profile"} end end end defmodule ProfileWithId do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: :embedded attributes do uuid_primary_key :id, writable?: true attribute :first_name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :last_name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :counter, :integer, default: 0, allow_nil?: false, public?: true end validations do validate present([:first_name, :last_name]) validate {Increasing, field: :counter}, on: :update validate {DestroyMe, []}, on: :destroy end calculations do calculate :full_name, :string, concat([:first_name, :last_name], " ") do public? true end end end defmodule Profile do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: :embedded attributes do attribute :first_name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :last_name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :counter, :integer, default: 0, allow_nil?: false, public?: true end validations do validate present([:first_name, :last_name]) validate {Increasing, field: :counter}, on: :update validate {DestroyMe, []}, on: :destroy end calculations do calculate :full_name, :string, concat([:first_name, :last_name], " ") do public? true end end end defmodule Tag do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: :embedded attributes do attribute :name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :score, :integer do public?(true) end attribute :key, :string do source :different_key end end validations do # You can't remove a tag unless you first set its score to 0 validate absent(:score), on: :destroy validate {Increasing, field: :score}, on: :update validate present(:score), on: :create end end defmodule TagWithNoNils do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: :embedded, embed_nil_values?: false attributes do attribute :name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :score, :integer do public?(true) end end validations do # You can't remove a tag unless you first set its score to 0 validate absent(:score), on: :destroy validate {Increasing, field: :score}, on: :update validate present(:score), on: :create end end defmodule TagWithId do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: :embedded attributes do uuid_primary_key :id, writable?: true attribute :type, :string do public?(true) end attribute :name, :string do public?(true) end attribute :score, :integer do public?(true) end end validations do # You can't remove a tag unless you first set its score to 0 validate absent(:score), on: :destroy validate {Increasing, field: :score}, on: :update validate present(:score), on: :create end end defmodule UnionTagWithId do use Ash.Type.NewType, subtype_of: :union, constraints: [ types: [ tag: [ type: TagWithId, tag: :type, tag_value: :tag_with_id ] ] ] end defmodule Author do use Ash.Resource, domain: Ash.Test.Changeset.EmbeddedResourceTest.Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets ets do private?(true) end actions do default_accept :* create :create update :update do require_atomic? false end end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id, writable?: true attribute :profile, Profile, constraints: [ load: [:full_name] ], public?: true attribute :profile_with_id, ProfileWithId, constraints: [ load: [:full_name] ], public?: true attribute :tags, {:array, Tag} do public?(true) end attribute :tags_max_length, {:array, Tag} do public?(true) constraints max_length: 2, min_length: 1 end attribute :tags_with_id, {:array, TagWithId} do public?(true) end attribute :union_tags_with_id, {:array, UnionTagWithId} do public?(true) end end end defmodule Domain do @moduledoc false use Ash.Domain resources do resource Author end end test "embedded resources can be created" do assert %{profile: %Profile{}, tags: [%Tag{name: "trainer"}, %Tag{name: "human"}]} = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" }, tags: [ %{name: "trainer", score: 10}, %{name: "human", score: 100} ] } ) |> Ash.create!() end test "embedded resources honor the `source` of an attribute" do assert {:ok, %{different_key: "foo"}} = Ash.Type.dump_to_native(Tag, %Tag{key: "foo"}, []) end test "embed_nil_values?: false causes nil values not to be dumped" do value = %TagWithNoNils{name: "foo", score: nil} assert {:ok, dumped} = Ash.Type.dump_to_embedded(TagWithNoNils, value, []) assert Map.keys(dumped) == [:name] end test "embedded resources can be constrained with min/max length" do assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/must have 2 or fewer items/, fn -> Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" }, tags_max_length: [ %{name: "trainer", score: 10}, %{name: "human", score: 100}, %{name: "gym_leader", score: 150} ] } ) |> Ash.create!() end assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/must have 1 or more items/, fn -> Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" }, tags_max_length: [] } ) |> Ash.create!() end end test "embedded resources support calculations" do assert %{profile: %Profile{full_name: "ash ketchum"}} = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" } } ) |> Ash.create!() end test "embedded resources run validations on create" do msg = ~r/Invalid value provided for last_name: exactly 2 of "first_name,last_name" must be present/ assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, msg, fn -> Author |> Changeset.for_create( :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash" } } ) |> Ash.create!() end end test "embedded resources run validations on update" do assert author = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" } } ) |> Ash.create!() input = %{counter: author.profile.counter - 1} assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/Invalid value provided for counter: must be increasing/, fn -> Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ profile: input } ) |> Ash.update!() end end test "embedded resources run validations on destroy" do assert author = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" } } ) |> Ash.create!() assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/must be named "destroy me" to remove a profile/, fn -> Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{profile: nil} ) |> Ash.update!() end author = Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{profile: %{first_name: "destroy", last_name: "me"}} ) |> Ash.update!() Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{profile: nil} ) |> Ash.update!() end test "when a non-array embedded resource has a public primary key, changes are considered a destroy + create, not an update" do assert author = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ profile_with_id: %{ first_name: "ash", last_name: "ketchum" } } ) |> Ash.create!() assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/must be named "destroy me" to remove a profile/, fn -> Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{profile_with_id: %{first_name: "foo", last_name: "bar"}} ) |> Ash.update!() end author = Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ profile_with_id: %{ id:, first_name: "destroy", last_name: "me" } } ) |> Ash.update!() Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{profile_with_id: %{first_name: "foo", last_name: "bar"}} ) |> Ash.update!() end test "a list of embeds without an id are destroyed and created each time" do assert author = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ tags: [ %{name: "trainer", score: 10}, %{name: "human", score: 100} ] } ) |> Ash.create!() assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/Invalid value provided for score: must be present/, fn -> Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ tags: [ %{name: "pokemon"} ] } ) |> Ash.update!() end assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/Invalid value provided for score: must be absent/, fn -> Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ tags: [ %{name: "pokemon", score: 1} ] } ) |> Ash.update!() end end test "a list of embeds are updated where appropriate" do assert %{tags_with_id: [tag]} = author = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ tags_with_id: [ %{name: "trainer", score: 10} ] } ) |> Ash.create!() exception = assert_raise Ash.Error.Invalid, ~r/Invalid value provided for score: must be increasing/, fn -> Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ tags_with_id: [ %{id:, score: 1} ] } ) |> Ash.update!() end assert, 0).path == [:tags_with_id, 0] applied_author = Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ tags_with_id: [ %{id:, score: 100} ] } ) |> Ash.update!() # The ID of the Tag should not change assert, & & ==, & & end test "a list of union embeds are updated where appropriate" do assert %{union_tags_with_id: [%Ash.Union{value: tag}]} = author = Changeset.for_create( Author, :create, %{ union_tags_with_id: [ %{name: "trainer", score: 10, type: "tag_with_id"} ] } ) |> Ash.create!() applied_author = Changeset.for_update( author, :update, %{ union_tags_with_id: [ %{id:, score: 100, type: "tag_with_id"} ] } ) |> Ash.update!() # The id of the Union Tag should not change assert, & & ==, & & end end