defmodule Ash.Test.Resource.Validation.StringLengthTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Resource.Validation.StringLength defmodule Post do use Ash.Resource attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :body, :string end end describe "min length" do test "validate success" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, min: 3) changeset = Post |>{body: "yes"}) assert :ok = StringLength.validate(changeset, opts) end test "validate failure" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, min: 3) changeset =, %{body: "no"}) assert_error(changeset, opts, "body must have length of at least 3") end end describe "max length" do test "validate success" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, max: 3) changeset = Post |>{body: "yes"}) assert :ok = StringLength.validate(changeset, opts) end test "validate failure" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, max: 3) changeset =, %{body: "invalid"}) assert_error(changeset, opts, "body must have length of no more than 3") end end describe "exact length" do test "validate success" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, exact: 3) changeset = Post |>{body: "yes"}) assert :ok = StringLength.validate(changeset, opts) end test "validate failure" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, exact: 3) changeset =, %{body: "no"}) assert_error(changeset, opts, "body must have length of exactly 3") changeset =, %{body: "invalid"}) assert_error(changeset, opts, "body must have length of exactly 3") end end describe "min and max length" do test "validate success" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, min: 2, max: 4) changeset = Post |>{body: "yes"}) assert :ok = StringLength.validate(changeset, opts) end test "validate failure" do {:ok, opts} = StringLength.init(attribute: :body, min: 2, max: 4) changeset =, %{body: "n"}) assert_error(changeset, opts, "body must have length of between 2 and 4") changeset =, %{body: "invalid"}) assert_error(changeset, opts, "body must have length of between 2 and 4") end end defp assert_error(changeset, opts, expected_message) do {:error, %{message: message, vars: vars}} = StringLength.validate(changeset, opts) assert expected_message == translate_message(message, vars) end defp translate_message(message, vars) do Enum.reduce(vars, message, fn {key, value}, acc -> if String.contains?(acc, "%{#{key}}") do String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value)) else acc end end) end end