defmodule Ash.Test.ReactorTracingTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Test.Domain defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, domain: Domain attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :title, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*] read :by_id do argument :id, :uuid, allow_nil?: false filter expr(id == ^arg(:id)) end end end defmodule TracingTestReactor do @moduledoc false use Ash.Reactor ash do default_domain(Domain) end create :create_post, Post, :create do inputs(%{title: value("A wonderful post about Back To The Future")}) end read_one :reload_post, Post, :by_id do inputs(%{id: result(:create_post, [:id])}) end update :update_post, Post, :update do initial(result(:reload_post)) inputs(%{title: value("A wonderful post about a time travel movie")}) end destroy :destroy_post, Post, :destroy do initial(result(:update_post)) end end describe "tracing configured with application environment" do setup do original_config = Application.get_env(:ash, :tracer, nil) Application.put_env(:ash, :tracer, [Ash.Tracer.Simple]) on_exit(fn -> if original_config, do: Application.put_env(:ash, :tracer, original_config), else: Application.delete_env(:ash, :tracer) end) :ok end test "actions in synchronous reactors can be traced" do assert {:ok, :ok} =, %{}, %{}, async?: false) assert [ "changeset:post:create", "domain:post.create", "query:post:by_id", "domain:post.by_id", "changeset:post:update", "domain:post.update", "changeset:post:destroy", "domain:post.destroy" ] = Ash.Tracer.Simple.gather_spans() |> & end test "actions in asynchronous reactors can be traced" do assert {:ok, :ok} =, %{}, %{}, async?: true) assert [ "changeset:post:create", "domain:post.create", "query:post:by_id", "domain:post.by_id", "changeset:post:update", "domain:post.update", "changeset:post:destroy", "domain:post.destroy" ] = Ash.Tracer.Simple.gather_spans() |> & end end end