defmodule Ash.Test.ReactorUpdateTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Test.Domain defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, domain: Domain ets do private? true end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :title, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true attribute :sub_title, :string, public?: true attribute :published, :boolean, default: false, public?: true end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*] update :undo_update_post do argument :changeset, :struct do constraints instance_of: Ash.Changeset end change fn changeset, _ -> original_changeset = Ash.Changeset.get_argument(changeset, :changeset) [:title, :sub_title, :published] |> Enum.reduce(changeset, fn key, changeset -> original_value = Ash.Changeset.get_data(original_changeset, key) Ash.Changeset.change_attribute(changeset, key, original_value) end) end end end code_interface do define :create define :get, action: :read, get_by: :id end end test "it can update a post" do defmodule SimpleUpdatePostReactor do @moduledoc false use Reactor, extensions: [Ash.Reactor] ash do default_domain(Domain) end input :post update :publish_post, Post, :update do initial(input(:post)) inputs(%{published: value(true)}) end end {:ok, %{published: false} = original_post} = Post.create(%{title: "Title", sub_title: "Sub-title"}) assert {:ok, post} =, %{post: original_post}, %{}, async?: false) assert post.published end test "it defaults to the primary action when the action is not supplied" do defmodule InferredActionNameUpdatePostReactor do @moduledoc false use Reactor, extensions: [Ash.Reactor] ash do default_domain(Domain) end input :post input :new_title update :update_post, Post do inputs(%{title: input(:new_title)}) initial(input(:post)) end end {:ok, original_post} = Post.create(%{title: "Title", sub_title: "Sub-title"}) assert {:ok, post} = InferredActionNameUpdatePostReactor, %{post: original_post, new_title: "New Title"}, %{}, async?: false ) assert post.title == "New Title" end test "it merges multiple `inputs` entities together" do defmodule MergedInputsCreatePostReactor do @moduledoc false use Ash.Reactor, extensions: [Ash.Reactor] ash do default_domain(Domain) end input :post input :new_title input :new_sub_title update :update_post, Post, :update do initial(input(:post)) inputs(%{title: input(:new_title)}) inputs(%{sub_title: input(:new_sub_title)}) end end {:ok, original_post} = Post.create(%{title: "Title", sub_title: "Sub-title"}) assert {:ok, post} = MergedInputsCreatePostReactor, %{post: original_post, new_title: "New Title", new_sub_title: "New Sub-title"}, %{}, async?: false ) assert post.title == "New Title" assert post.sub_title == "New Sub-title" end test "it can undo the update on error" do defmodule UndoingUpdateReactor do @moduledoc false use Ash.Reactor ash do default_domain(Domain) end input :post input :new_title update :update_post, Post, :update do initial(input(:post)) inputs(%{title: input(:new_title)}) undo :always undo_action(:undo_update_post) end step :fail do wait_for :update_post run fn _, _ -> raise "hell" end end end {:ok, post} = Post.create(%{title: "Title"}) assert {:error, _} = UndoingUpdateReactor, %{ post: post, new_title: "New title" }, %{}, async?: false ) post_run_post = Post.get!( assert post_run_post.title == "Title" end end