defmodule Ash.Mix.Tasks.Helpers do @moduledoc """ Helpers for Ash Mix tasks. """ require Logger @doc """ Gets all extensions in use by the current project's domains and resources """ def extensions!(argv, opts \\ []) do if opts[:in_use?] do"Getting extensions in use by resources in current project...") domains =!(argv) resource_extensions = domains |> Enum.flat_map(&Ash.Domain.Info.resources/1) |> all_extensions() domains |> all_extensions() |> Enum.concat(resource_extensions) |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [] ->"No extensions in use by resources in current project...") extensions -> extensions end else"Getting extensions in current project...") apps = if Code.ensure_loaded?(Mix.Project) do if apps_paths = Mix.Project.apps_paths() do apps_paths |> Map.keys() |> Enum.sort() else [Mix.Project.config()[:app]] end else [] end apps() |> Stream.concat(apps) |> Stream.uniq() |> Task.async_stream( fn app -> app |> :application.get_key(:modules) |> case do :undefined -> [] {_, mods} -> mods |> List.wrap() |> Enum.filter(&Spark.implements_behaviour?(&1, Spark.Dsl.Extension)) end end, timeout: :infinity ) |>, 1)) |> Stream.flat_map(& &1) |> Stream.uniq() |> Enum.to_list() end end Code.ensure_loaded!(Mix.Project) if function_exported?(Mix.Project, :deps_tree, 0) do # for our app, and all dependency apps, we want to find extensions # the benefit of not just getting all loaded applications is that this # is actually a surprisingly expensive thing to do for every single built # in application for elixir/erlang. Instead we get anything w/ a dependency on ash or spark # this could miss things, but its unlikely. And if it misses things, it actually should be # fixed in the dependency that is relying on a transitive dependency :) defp apps do Mix.Project.deps_tree() |> Stream.filter(fn {_, nested_deps} -> Enum.any?(nested_deps, &(&1 == :spark || &1 == :ash)) end) |>, 0)) end else defp apps do Logger.warning( "Mix.Project.deps_tree/0 not available, falling back to loaded_applications/0. Upgrade to Elixir 1.15+ to make this *much* faster." ) :application.loaded_applications() |>, 0)) end end @doc """ Get all domains for the current project and ensure they are compiled. """ def domains!(argv) do {opts, _} = OptionParser.parse!(argv, strict: [domains: :string]) domains = if opts[:domains] && opts[:domains] != "" do opts[:domains] |> Kernel.||("") |> String.split(",") |> Enum.flat_map(fn "" -> [] domain -> [Module.concat([domain])] end) else apps = if Code.ensure_loaded?(Mix.Project) do if apps_paths = Mix.Project.apps_paths() do apps_paths |> Map.keys() |> Enum.sort() else [Mix.Project.config()[:app]] end else [] end Enum.flat_map(apps, &Application.get_env(&1, :ash_domains, [])) end domains |>, argv)) |> case do [] -> raise "must supply the --domains argument, or set `config :my_app, ash_domains: [...]` in config" domains -> domains end end defp all_extensions(modules) do modules |> Enum.flat_map(&Spark.extensions/1) |> Enum.uniq() end defp ensure_compiled(domain, args) do if Code.ensure_loaded?(Mix.Tasks.App.Config) do"app.config", args) else"loadpaths", args) "--no-compile" not in args &&"compile", args) end case Code.ensure_compiled(domain) do {:module, _} -> # TODO: We shouldn't need to make sure that the resources are compiled domain |> Ash.Domain.Info.resources() |> Enum.each(&Code.ensure_compiled/1) domain {:error, error} -> Mix.raise("Could not load #{inspect(domain)}, error: #{inspect(error)}. ") end end end