# Relationships Relationships are a core component of Ash. They provide a mechanism to describe the relationships between your resources, and through those relationships you can do things like - Loading related data - Filtering on related data - Managing related records through changes on a single resource - Authorizing based on the state of related data ## Managing related data See {{link:ash:guide:Managing Relationships}} for more information. ## Loading related data Loading relationships is a very common use case. There are two ways to load relationships, in the query, and on records. ### On records Given a set of records, like `[user1, user2]`, you can load their relationships by calling your Ash Api's `load` function. ```elixir YourApi.load(users, :friends) ``` This will fetch the friends of each user, and set them in the corresponding `friends` key. ### In the query Loading in the query is currently pretty much the same as loading on records, but eventually data layers will be able to optimize these loads, potentially including them as joins in the main query, for example. The following will return the list of users with their friends loaded, as the above example. ```elixir User |> Ash.Query.load(:friends) |> YourApi.read() ``` ## More complex data loading Multiple relationships can be loaded at once, i.e ```elixir YourApi.load(users, [:friends, :enemies]) ``` Nested relationships can be loaded: ```elixir YourApi.load(users, friends: [:friends, :enemies]) ``` The queries used for loading can be customized by providing a query as the value. ```elixir friends = Ash.Query.sort(User, social_score: :asc) YourApi.load(users, friends: friends) ``` Nested loads will be included in the parent load. ```elixir friends = User |> Ash.Query.sort(social_score: :asc) |> Ash.Query.load(:friends) # Will load friends and friends of those friends YourApi.load(users, friends: friends) ```