defmodule Ash.Flow.BranchingTransactionMappingTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: false alias Ash.Test.Flow.{Api, Org} alias Ash.Test.Flow.Flows.SignUpUser setup do ExUnit.CaptureLog.capture_log(fn -> Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia.start(Ash.Test.Flow.Api) end) on_exit(fn -> ExUnit.CaptureLog.capture_log(fn -> :mnesia.stop() :mnesia.delete_schema([node()]) end) end) org = Org |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{name: "Org 1"}) |> Api.create!()!(, "Bruce", "Wayne") :ok end test "transaction map with internal branching and custom create step returns properly" do %{result: created_users} ="Org 1", [ %{first_name: "Clark", last_name: "Kent"} ]) assert length(created_users) == 1 assert hd(created_users).last_name == "Kent" assert hd(created_users).approved == true end test "transaction map with internal branching and custom update step returns properly" do %{result: updated_users} = "Org 1", [%{first_name: "Bruce", last_name: "Willis"}], %{update_users: true} ) assert length(updated_users) == 1 assert hd(updated_users).last_name == "Willis" assert hd(updated_users).approved == true end end