defmodule Ash.Test do @moduledoc """ Testing helpers for Ash. """ @doc """ Clears the `__metadata__` field and the underlying ecto `__meta__` field This allows for easier comparison of changeset/query results """ def strip_metadata(structs) when is_list(structs), do:, &strip_metadata/1) def strip_metadata(tuple) when is_tuple(tuple) do tuple |> Tuple.to_list() |> strip_metadata() |> List.to_tuple() end def strip_metadata(%page_struct{results: results} = page) when page_struct in [Ash.Page.Offset, Ash.Page.Keyset] do %{page | results:, &strip_metadata/1)} end def strip_metadata(%{__metadata__: _, __meta__: _} = struct) do struct = %{struct | __metadata__: %{}, __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{}} struct |> Map.keys() |> Enum.reduce(struct, fn key, struct -> Map.update!(struct, key, &strip_metadata/1) end) end def strip_metadata(%{__metadata__: _} = struct) do struct = %{struct | __metadata__: %{}} struct |> Map.keys() |> Enum.reduce(struct, fn key, struct -> Map.update!(struct, key, &strip_metadata/1) end) end def strip_metadata(other), do: other end