defmodule Ash.Test.Actions.BulkCreateTest do @moduledoc false use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Ash.Test.Domain, as: Domain defmodule AddAfterToTitle do use Ash.Resource.Change def change(changeset, _, %{bulk?: true}) do changeset end def after_batch(results, _, _) do, fn {_changeset, result} -> {:ok, %{result | title: result.title <> "_after"}} end) end end defmodule AddBeforeToTitle do use Ash.Resource.Change def change(changeset, _, %{bulk?: true}) do changeset end def before_batch(changesets, _, _) do changesets |> changeset -> title = Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, :title) Ash.Changeset.force_change_attribute(changeset, :title, "before_" <> title) end) end end defmodule Org do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets attributes do uuid_primary_key :id end actions do default_accept :* defaults create: :* end end defmodule Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets, authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer] alias Ash.Test.Actions.BulkCreateTest.Org ets do private? true end multitenancy do strategy :attribute attribute :org_id end calculations do calculate :hidden_calc, :string, expr("something") do public?(true) end end actions do default_accept :* defaults [:read, :destroy, create: :*, update: :*] create :create_with_change do change fn changeset, _ -> title = Ash.Changeset.get_attribute(changeset, :title) Ash.Changeset.force_change_attribute(changeset, :title, title <> "_stuff") end end create :create_with_argument do argument :a_title, :string do allow_nil? false end change set_attribute(:title, arg(:a_title)) end create :create_with_after_action do change after_action(fn _changeset, result, _context -> {:ok, %{result | title: result.title <> "_stuff"}} end) end create :create_with_after_batch do change AddAfterToTitle change AddBeforeToTitle end create :create_with_after_transaction do change after_transaction(fn _changeset, {:ok, result}, _context -> {:ok, %{result | title: result.title <> "_stuff"}} end) end create :create_with_policy do argument :authorize?, :boolean, allow_nil?: false change set_context(%{authorize?: arg(:authorize?)}) end end identities do identity :unique_title, :title do pre_check_with Ash.Test.Actions.BulkCreateTest.Domain end end field_policies do field_policy [:hidden_calc, :hidden_attribute] do forbid_if always() end field_policy :* do authorize_if always() end end policies do policy action(:create_with_policy) do authorize_if context_equals(:authorize?, true) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id attribute :title, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true attribute :title2, :string, public?: true attribute :title3, :string, public?: true attribute :hidden_attribute, :string, public?: true timestamps() end relationships do belongs_to :org, Org do public?(true) allow_nil? false attribute_public? false end end end test "returns created records" do org = Org |> Ash.Changeset.for_create(:create, %{}) |> Ash.create!() assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!([%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true, authorize?: false, sorted?: true, tenant: ) end test "runs changes" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1_stuff"}, %{title: "title2_stuff"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create_with_change, return_records?: true, authorize?: false, sorted?: true ) end test "accepts arguments" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{a_title: "title1"}, %{a_title: "title2"}], Post, :create_with_argument, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "runs after batch hooks" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [%{title: "before_title1_after"}, %{title: "before_title2_after"}] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create_with_after_batch, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "will return error count" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1_stuff"}], error_count: 1, errors: nil} = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: %{foo: :bar}}], Post, :create_with_change, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "will return errors on request" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [%{title: "title1_stuff"}], error_count: 1, errors: [%Ash.Changeset{}] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: %{foo: :bar}}], Post, :create_with_change, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "can upsert with list" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "wont"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "oh no"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "what happened"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_title, upsert_fields: [:title2], sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "can upsert with :replace" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "wont"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "oh no"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "what happened"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_title, upsert_fields: {:replace, [:title2]}, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "can upsert with :replace_all" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "changes"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "changes"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "changes"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "changes"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "did_change"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "did_change"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "did_change"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "did_change"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_title, upsert_fields: :replace_all, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "can upsert with :replace_all_except" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "changes", title3: "wont"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "wont"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "wont"} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [ %{title: "title1", title2: "did_change", title3: "oh no"}, %{title: "title2", title2: "did_change", title3: "what happened"} ], Post, :create, return_records?: true, upsert?: true, upsert_identity: :unique_title, upsert_fields: {:replace_all_except, [:title, :title3]}, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "runs after action hooks" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1_stuff"}, %{title: "title2_stuff"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create_with_after_action, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end test "runs after transaction hooks" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1_stuff"}, %{title: "title2_stuff"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}], Post, :create_with_after_transaction, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, authorize?: false ) end describe "authorization" do test "policy success results in successes" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{records: [%{title: "title1"}, %{title: "title2"}]} = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: true}], Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, return_records?: true, sorted?: true ) end test "field authorization is run" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{ records: [ %{hidden_attribute: %Ash.ForbiddenField{}, hidden_calc: %Ash.ForbiddenField{}}, %{hidden_attribute: %Ash.ForbiddenField{}, hidden_calc: %Ash.ForbiddenField{}} ] } = Ash.bulk_create!( [%{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: true}], Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, return_records?: true, sorted?: true, load: [:hidden_calc] ) end test "policy failure results in failures" do assert %Ash.BulkResult{errors: [_, _]} = Ash.bulk_create( [%{title: "title1", authorize?: false}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: false}], Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true, sorted?: true ) end end describe "streaming" do test "by default nothing is returned in the stream" do assert [] = [%{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: true}] |> Ash.bulk_create!( Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, return_stream?: true ) |> Enum.to_list() end test "by returning notifications, you get the notifications in the stream" do assert [{:notification, _}, {:notification, _}] = [%{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: true}] |> Ash.bulk_create!( Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, return_stream?: true, notify?: true, return_notifications?: true ) |> Enum.to_list() end test "by returning records, you get the records in the stream" do assert [{:ok, %{title: "title1"}}, {:ok, %{title: "title2"}}] = [%{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: true}] |> Ash.bulk_create!( Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, return_stream?: true, return_records?: true ) |> Enum.to_list() |> Enum.sort_by(fn {:ok, v} -> v.title _ -> nil end) end test "by returning notifications and records, you get them both in the stream" do assert [ {:notification, _}, {:notification, _}, {:ok, %{title: "title1"}}, {:ok, %{title: "title2"}} ] = [%{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: true}] |> Ash.bulk_create!( Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, notify?: true, return_stream?: true, return_notifications?: true, return_records?: true ) |> Enum.to_list() |> Enum.sort_by(fn {:ok, v} -> v.title {:notification, _} -> true _ -> nil end) end test "any errors are also returned in the stream" do assert [ {:error, %Ash.Changeset{}}, {:notification, _}, {:ok, %{title: "title1"}} ] = [ %{title: "title1", authorize?: true}, %{title: "title2", authorize?: false} ] |> Ash.bulk_create!( Post, :create_with_policy, authorize?: true, notify?: true, return_stream?: true, return_notifications?: true, return_records?: true, return_errors?: true ) |> Enum.to_list() |> Enum.sort_by(fn {:ok, v} -> v.title {:notification, _} -> true {:error, _} -> false _ -> nil end) end end end