defmodule Ash.Policy.Test.Rbac.Checks.RoleChecks do @moduledoc false @behaviour Ash.Policy.Check require Ash.Query # Description of role hierarchy/permissions granted @role_inheritance [:admin, :member, :viewer] @permission_grants %{ admin: [:create, :read, :update, :destroy], member: [:create, :read, :update], viewer: [:read] } def describe(_opts) do "A description" end ## Helper to use in resources def can?(resource), do: {__MODULE__, [resource: resource]} ## Helper to use in resources def has_permission?(resource, permission) do roles = permission |> roles_that_can() |> all_higher_roles() {__MODULE__, [resource: resource, roles: roles]} end ## Helper to use in resources def has_role?(resource, role_or_roles) do {__MODULE__, [resource: resource, roles: all_higher_roles(role_or_roles)]} end # Says "I need to know these field values to do my work" def strict_check_context(_opts) do [:query, :action] end # This would be a spot for us to pre-empt doing any filtering/request work # We could use this to say "we already kow the answer" For example, # if the actor had a `super_admin` flag enabled on then, we could return # {:ok, true} to say "whatever role you're asking about, they have it" # (don't implement that this way, use a bypass check, its just an example) def strict_check(_, _, _) do {:ok, :unknown} end # Describes the type of check def type, do: :filter # Returns a filter statement over the data def auto_filter(actor, authorizer, []) do # :create | :update | :destroy | :read action_type = authorizer.action.type Ash.Query.expr( memberships.role in ^roles_that_can(action_type) and memberships.user_id == ^ ) end def auto_filter(actor, authorizer, opts) do # We're asking for specific roles if opts[:roles] do Ash.Query.expr( organization.memberships.role in ^opts[:roles] and organization.memberships.user_id == ^ and organization.memberships.resource == ^opts[:resource] and id == organization.memberships.resource_id ) else # We're asking if they have the permission corresponding to the action # :create | :update | :destroy | :read action_type = authorizer.action.type Ash.Query.expr( organization.memberships.role in ^roles_that_can(action_type) and organization.memberships.user_id == ^ and organization.memberships.resource == ^opts[:resource] and id == organization.memberships.resource_id ) end end defp roles_that_can(permission) do @permission_grants |> Enum.filter(fn {_key, val} -> permission in val end) |>, 0)) end defp all_higher_roles(role_or_roles) do role_or_roles |> List.wrap() |> Enum.flat_map(fn role -> Enum.take_while(@role_inheritance, &(&1 != role)) end) |> Enum.uniq() end end