defmodule Ash.Test.Policy.FieldPolicyTest do @doc false use ExUnit.Case require Ash.Query alias Ash.Test.Support.PolicyField.{Api, Ticket, User} setup do rep = Api.create!(, %{role: :representative})) user = Api.create!(, %{role: :user})) admin = Api.create!(, %{role: :admin})) other_user = Api.create!(, %{role: :user})) [ user: user, admin: admin, representative: rep, ticket: Api.create!(, %{representative_id:, reporter_id:})), other_ticket: Api.create!(, %{representative_id:, reporter_id:}) ) ] end describe "introspection" do test "introspection returns field policies" do assert [ %Ash.Policy.FieldPolicy{bypass?: true}, %Ash.Policy.FieldPolicy{bypass?: false}, %Ash.Policy.FieldPolicy{bypass?: false} ] = Ash.Policy.Info.field_policies(User) end end describe "rendering fields" do test "when creating as a user that cannot see the field, its value is not displayed", %{ representative: rep, user: user } do assert %Ash.ForbiddenField{field: :internal_status, type: :attribute} == Ticket |> Ash.Changeset.for_create( :create, %{representative_id:, reporter_id:, internal_status: :new}, authorize?: true, actor: user ) |> Api.create!(authorize?: true, actor: user) |> Map.get(:internal_status) end test "when reading as a user that can see the field, its value is displayed", %{ representative: representative } do assert :representative == User |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Api.read_one!(authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Map.get(:role) end test "bypasses take priority over subsequent policies", %{ representative: representative, admin: admin } do assert :representative == User |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, authorize?: true, actor: admin) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Api.read_one!(authorize?: true, actor: admin) |> Map.get(:role) end test "can load a resource with a forbidden aggregate", %{ representative: representative } do assert %Ash.ForbiddenField{field: :ticket_count, type: :aggregate} == User |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Ash.Query.load([:ticket_count]) |> Api.read_one!(authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Map.get(:ticket_count) end test "when reading as a user that cant see the field, its value is not displayed", %{ representative: representative, user: user } do assert %Ash.ForbiddenField{field: :role, type: :attribute} == User |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Api.read_one!(authorize?: true, actor: user) |> Map.get(:role) end test "when loading as a user that cant see the field, its value is not displayed", %{ representative: representative, user: user } do assert %Ash.ForbiddenField{field: :role, type: :attribute} == User |>[]) |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Api.read_one!(authorize?: true, actor: user) |> Api.load!(:role, authorize?: true) |> Map.get(:role) end test "when reading as a user that cant see the field with a `relates_to_actor_via` check, the value is not displayed", %{ user: user, ticket: ticket, other_ticket: other_ticket } do Application.put_env(:foo, :bar, true) assert nil == Ticket |> |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, %{}, authorize?: true, actor: user) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Api.read_one!() |> Map.get(:status) assert %Ash.ForbiddenField{} = Ticket |> |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, %{}, authorize?: true, actor: user) |> Ash.Query.filter(id == ^ |> Api.read_one!() |> Map.get(:status) end end describe "filters" do test "filters are replaced with the appropriate field policies", %{ representative: representative, user: user } do assert [] = User |>[]) |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, %{}, authorize?: true, actor: user) |> Ash.Query.filter_input(role: :representative) |>!(authorize?: true) assert [_] = User |>[]) |> Ash.Query.for_read(:read, %{}, authorize?: true, actor: representative) |> Ash.Query.filter_input(role: :representative) |>!(authorize?: true) end end end