Zach Daniel 231eeafd30 feat: expression calculations for sorting/filtering
improvement: small improvements/fixes across the board
2021-06-04 01:37:11 -04:00

35 lines
1.2 KiB

defmodule Ash.Calculation do
@moduledoc """
The behaviour for a calculation module
Use `select/2` to apply a select statement when the calculation is loaded.
This does not apply in the case that you are loading on existing resources using
`MyApi.load`. It also doesn't apply when the calculation is used in a filter or sort,
because it is not necessary to select fields to power filters done in the data layer.
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
@behaviour Ash.Calculation
def init(opts), do: {:ok, opts}
def describe(opts), do: "##{inspect(__MODULE__)}<#{inspect(opts)}>"
def load(query, _opts, _context), do: query
def select(_query, _opts, _context), do: []
defoverridable init: 1, describe: 1, select: 3, load: 3
@callback init(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Keyword.t()} | {:error, term}
@callback describe(Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
@callback calculate([Ash.Resource.record()], Keyword.t(), map) ::
{:ok, [term]} | [term] | {:error, term}
@callback expression(Keyword.t(), map) :: any
@callback load(Ash.Query.t(), Keyword.t(), map) :: Ash.Query.t()
@callback select(Ash.Query.t(), Keyword.t(), map) :: list(atom)
@optional_callbacks expression: 2, calculate: 3